Chapter 9 - The Arrival - Part 4

Inside the confines of the Attack pod, the atmosphere was filled with an electrifying tension that mirrored the chaos outside.

"ALERT: The ship is about to land," the ship's system announced, its tone as calm and steady as ever, a stark contrast to the turbulent situation.

"Yeah! No kidding!" the on-board AI retorted sarcastically, its voice laced with an exasperation that was almost tangible.

"ALERT: Passenger is advised to brace for impact!" The system continued, its voice echoing ominously in the small space of the pod.

Suddenly, the pod thudded onto the ground, the impact creating a massive crater with the pod at its epicenter. The landing was anything but smooth, the shake jolting through the structure of the pod and reverberating through its occupants.

"ALERT: The ship has landed. We hope you had a pleasant ride, Master," the system announced, its voice filled with a strange sense of satisfaction.

The on-board AI sighed, a sound of relief that echoed in the small space of the pod, "Finally!" it exclaimed, its tone revealing its relief.

The AI's voice turned serious, "Initiating the wake-up sequence. Master, please wake up! Please wake up quickly. We have landed in a war zone!" it implored, the urgency in its voice unmistakable.

The persistent shouting of the AI stirred the young man from his slumber. He groaned, rubbing at his eyes as he tried to regain his senses. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion as he took in his surroundings. "Where am I? Huh...I'm in an attack pod? Why? Wasn't I injured and recovering in the Med pod back home? Huh...wait a minute, isn't this the attack pod I redesigned with the new space law drive? Where is Mom? What the hell is going on here?" The questions poured out of him, his voice filled with confusion and a hint of panic.

Just then, a familiar voice rang through the pod, calming his racing heart. "Calm down, Master!" the voice advised. It was a voice he recognized all too well - the voice of his mother.

"Mom?" Orach whispered, his voice trembling with hope and confusion.

"Unfortunately, no, young Master. Please calm yourself. I am an AI terminal programmed after your mother, for you, young Master. I will explain everything later. Right now, you need to remember your officer training. We are no longer in Sadala but on another world. From the readings I took when we entered its atmosphere, it appears to be a lower-level world. Unfortunately, due to some complications, we have landed dead center of a conflict. There is a war going on outside. You need to calm yourself and be the Saiyan warrior that your parents are proud of!" The AI explained, its voice soothing yet firm, offering assurance and guidance in the face of the impending crisis.

Emboldened by the AI's words, Orach steeled himself for what lay ahead. He reached out, grabbing a scouter that popped out from a compartment in the ship. He fixed it around his left ear, setting it to auto mode to ensure he would be informed of the power levels of the individuals automatically.

"AI, I'm ready. Open the hatch!" Orach commanded, his voice steady and filled with determination.

"Understood! Good luck, young master!" the AI responded, its voice filled with an unspoken hope for his safety.

With a faint hiss, the hatch began to open, allowing Orach to extend an arm outside and grasp the side of the ship to pull himself out. As he slowly crawled out of the ship, he was immediately hit by the scorching heat that surrounded the ship due to the impact of the landing. He decided to ascend into the skies to get a better view of the terrain and assess the situation. But, as he rose, he felt a strange tingling sensation around his tail. It was a feeling he had experienced before, a feeling he associated with the nights of a full moon back on Sadala.

As he ascended, he realized that it was night in this strange world. He turned his gaze towards the bright crescent moon in the night sky and felt the slight Blutz waves emanating from it. The S cells near his tail started to become energized, and he felt a refreshing burst of energy seep into him. His scouter had already been feeding him the power levels of everyone present. Although there were some potent individuals around, they were potent only when compared to the average person from this lower-level world. In comparison to Orach, they posed no threat. However, just to be safe, he decided to unleash a faint aura of God Ki across the battlefield, a warning to any smart being not to mess with him.

Wonder Woman POV

As I watched the alien slowly making his ascent from the depths of his ship to the vast expanse of the night sky, I found myself on high alert, my senses hyperaware of his every move. We were still uncertain whether he was a friend or another foe to be reckoned with. Our forces were stretched thin, just about managing to hold back the tide, but my instincts were screaming a warning. If this stranger turned against us, the devastation would be unimaginable. A cold shiver of dread ran down my spine, a sensation I hadn't experienced since my confrontation with my formidable mother and my battle with Ares.

I stole a glance around me, taking in the faces of my comrades and the warriors on the battlefield, and I noticed a common thread - discomfort. Even our enemies wore uneasy expressions, their eyes fixated on the alien. Never before had I felt such a palpable sense of intimidation on the battlefield, and it unsettled me.

As the alien ascended higher, stepping into the moonlight, his features became more distinct. His armor was worn-out, his clothes torn and stained with blood, evidence of a recent battle. The blood suggested that he could be injured, implying that he was a warrior who had recently been in a fierce battle.

As he lifted into the air, the shadows seemed to peel away from his face, revealing his features to the crowd below. His eyes were closed, his head tilted towards the crescent moon in what seemed like a silent homage to the celestial body.

Once he had risen to a significant height, he spread his arms wide, as if embracing the ethereal glow of the moonlight. The sight was strangely moving, a tableau of a warrior basking in the tranquility of the moon's light after a fierce battle.

The scene was puzzling, none of us could decipher the alien's intentions or what he sought. However, my team and I noticed a peculiar phenomenon that made us reconsider our preconceptions. The previously ferocious parademons seemed to have come to an abrupt halt, as if some unseen force was restraining them. The cause of their strange behavior was unclear, but the correlation between the alien's appearance and the sudden pressure that had enveloped the battlefield was too conspicuous to ignore.

My team and I began to suspect that the brief respite we had been granted, our opportunity to strike back against the invaders and attempt to turn the tide of the war, was a result of this alien's actions. Despite the alien's strange behavior, we decided to seize the moment. Ignoring the spectacle of the alien bathing in moonlight, we prepared to take full advantage of this unexpected window of opportunity, ready to fight back with renewed vigor.