Chapter 14 - The Connection - Part 1

As Orach managed to regain his composure, he immediately switched into what he humorously referred to as 'officer mode'. With a concerted effort, he dredged up memories from his incredibly dull diplomatic training, and donned a diplomatic smile that he hoped was convincing. He reached out to shake her hand, feeling a wave of relief that this gesture of goodwill was a universally recognized one, even in this lower world.

He also took note of the fact that this radiant lady before him held the title of princess in one of the nations of this world. He felt a sense of comfort in speaking with someone who possessed authority, and he even entertained the idea of requesting to reside in her nation. Little did he know that he would later be thanking all the Gods that he didn't have to begin his journey in this strange new world on an island brimming with women who held a peculiar aversion to men. They couldn't harm him, but that only served to make them view him as a challenge. Suffice to say his trip to Diana's homeland was an experience that was both exhilarating and mildly terrifying.

"Thank you for welcoming me, Princess of Themyscira," Orach began, his voice steady and filled with newfound confidence. "As previously stated, I am a Science Officer of the Strategic Division of Planet Sadala, the home of the mighty Saiyan race. I must admit that my arrival here was unplanned and unexpected, and our initial interaction was less than ideal. However, I am committed to rectifying that and learning about the culture of your homeland and your ways, all in the hopes of building a relationship rooted in mutual trust and respect." As he reached out to shake her hand, a strange sensation washed over him.

Just as their hands met in a firm handshake, they both felt a sudden jolt, a pulse that seemed to resonate from within each other. They froze, their eyes wide with shock and astonishment. Neither of them understood what was causing this resonance, but instinctively they knew it wasn't harmful. After a moment of mutual confusion, they both nodded, confirming that they had indeed felt something strange. Closing their eyes, they delved deeper within themselves, trying to pinpoint the source of the resonance. It was as if their very souls were reaching out to each other, each seeking to understand the other on a level far deeper than mere words could convey.

This sudden, profound connection took them both by surprise, forging an unspoken bond that was as unexpected as it was intense. Orach, found himself grappling with a comforting sense of home, a peculiar familiarity that seemed out of place in this alien world he found himself in. As he grappled with this strange new sensation, he noticed the source of this connection, his God Ki! His God Ki was flaring up like a beacon, calling out to something, or rather someone. He surmised that it was reaching out to Diana, and his assumption was confirmed in the ensuing moment when his God Ki surged towards her like a moth drawn to a flame.

On the other hand, Diana found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. She sensed a stirring within her, her divinity both afraid and yearning for something unknown. Like Orach, she too guessed that something within him was triggering this unprecedented response from her divinity. As this realization dawned on her, she felt a slight discomfort as a wave of pure, red energy seeped into her. This energy was familiar, and she recognized it as the same energy that Orach wielded. But, what she witnessed next left her utterly stunned. The new energy, despite causing initial discomfort, radiated a comforting warmth and seemed to pounce on her divinity like a predator that had found its prey.

This sudden onslaught left her feeling helpless and a little afraid. Her divinity, a pale gold entity, was being devoured by this voracious red energy. She watched, a sense of dismay washing over her, as her golden divinity slowly disappeared, giving way to a pure, white entity. But the transformation didn't stop there. The red energy, having eradicated the golden hue, began to merge with her newly formed white divinity, eventually resulting in a vibrant pink divinity.

She also noticed that throughout this entire process, she felt an unprecedented surge of power. The increase in power started when the gold hue began to fade and intensified as the red energy mixed with her new white divinity. She had never felt this potent before. The transformation not only resulted in a powerful, new divinity, but it also seemed to strengthen her physically. Her bones felt sturdier, her muscles felt tighter, and she could feel her blood circulation improving. It was as if her body was adapting to harness this newfound power more efficiently and for longer durations without fear of backlash.

This unexpected transformation filled her with a sense of awe and happiness. However, a part of her felt violated. It was as if Orach had imprinted himself on her, coloring her in his hue. She felt torn between her newfound power and the intrusive feeling of being linked to him. She knew Orach didn't do it intentionally; they were both taken aback when this connection began. Yet, she couldn't fully reconcile with what had transpired. She understood that whether she liked it or not, their destinies were now intertwined. But she also knew that she needed time alone to process these changes and this new bond that had formed.

They let go of their handshake, but the touch left a connection. They looked at each other, understanding something new. Even though they were very different, they felt a bond. They didn't know what would happen next, but they could feel something good was coming.

Orach broke the silence, his voice softer, gentler than before. "I was not expecting that," he began, his words slow as if he was carefully choosing each one. "From the looks of it, this also caught you off guard," he continued, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Well, Princess, it appears we now share a bond." He paused, his gaze thoughtful. "It's a strange feeling. Unfamiliar, yet... I find it strangely comfortable." His words hung in the air, his voice at the end holding a hint of wistfulness, as if he was recalling a distant memory of home.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, his features softening as he collected his thoughts. When he opened his eyes, they met Dianna's, and he found that she was also looking at him. Their gazes locked, a silent understanding passing between them.

"I know we have just met, Princess, but with what just happened, I feel a strong desire to get to know you better," Orach confessed, his tone sincere. "So, I would like to ask, will you, Princess of Themyscira, be my friend?" His question was simple, yet it held a deep significance. It was a request for companionship in a world that was foreign to him, a plea for a bond that went beyond shared powers.

He held out his hand again, a gesture of friendship. But his offering was met with silence, his action unreciprocated. After what felt like an eternity, his hopeful expression faltered. He felt a pang of disappointment, his heart sinking with the realization that the first person he wanted to be friends with in this strange new world might have rejected him.

But just as he was about to withdraw his hand, a soft giggle broke through the tension. The giggle grew, morphing into a melodious laughter that seemed to wash away the awkward silence. He looked at Dianna, his brows furrowed in confusion. He was at a loss, unsure of how to respond to her unexpected reaction.

"Dianna," she finally said, her laughter subsiding as she met his gaze. Her eyes were bright, her expression one of amusement.

"Huh?" Orach's confusion deepened, his brows furrowing.

"Call me Dianna. All my friends do, and I'll call you Orach," she replied, a soft smile gracing her lips. Her words, simple yet heartfelt, caused something to stir in Orach's chest. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, a sensation that was entirely different from the adrenaline rush of war. It was softer and warmer. He realized then that he wanted to see her smile more, to hear her laughter. And in that moment, he understood that his new friend, Dianna, held a special place in his heart.

In the midst of their shared understanding, a groaning noise jarred the tranquility between Dianna and Orach. Throughout the turmoil, Orach had kept his foot firmly planted on Superman, his face pressed into the dirt. No matter how much he strained, Superman couldn't free himself from Orach's iron grip. It was only when he sensed Orach's attention diverted to Dianna that he tried to seize the opportunity to break free, his efforts eliciting a series of pained groans.

The interruption shattered the moment between Dianna and Orach, causing them to turn their annoyed gazes towards Superman. Orach, a man who was not particularly fond of killing unless absolutely necessary, felt an unfamiliar surge of anger. The audacity of this man in blue irked him, the urge to obliterate him from existence growing stronger.

Dianna felt annoyed but quickly calmed down. She had felt a strong attraction to Orach before, an attraction that appeared out of nowhere. She didn't fully understand why she felt this way, but she couldn't deny it. She knew these feelings appeared suddenly, like a storm in summer. She understood that she needed time alone to understand these feelings and get to know Orach better outside of battles. Once she did that, she could decide whether to dive deeper into her feelings or keep a friendly distance.

Right now, she needed to sort out the current situation. As a peace ambassador, she felt it was her responsibility to free her friend from the strong grip of her new friend. She knew she had to balance her friendship and potential rivalry carefully, and she planned to do it as gracefully and diplomatically as possible. The situation was complicated, full of mixed feelings and loyalties, and she knew her actions now would shape her future relationship with Orach.