Chapter 18 - Dawn of the League - Part 3

In the living room of the Wayne mansion

One by one, everyone slowly took their seats, adjusting and shifting until they found a comfortable position. The room was filled with an air of anticipation, a silence that was only broken by the occasional murmur or the soft sound of someone settling into their chair.

"Well, let's begin with a quick introduction," Batman suggested, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. His words seemed to ease the tension in the room slightly, the prospect of sharing their stories seemingly providing a sense of camaraderie among the group.

"I'm Bruce Wayne," he began, his tone steady and confident. "By day, I'm a successful businessman, the head of Wayne Enterprises. Our headquarters is based in Gotham, but we have subsidiaries spread throughout the nation. We operate within a multitude of industries, dabbling in everything from technology to real estate. Our Research and Development department, led by our current R&D director, is making strides in creating innovations that we hope will enrich lives."

As Bruce spoke, Orach simply nodded. He knew what to expect - basic information, nothing too revealing or personal. Other than Diana, the rest of the group had seen him at his worst, had been on the receiving end of his blows. He understood their caution, their wariness. He had planned to listen to what they had to say, but he knew that he would need to delve deeper, to truly understand them. And he would do that later, in solitude, with the help of the AI. He trusted that it would have already gathered the necessary data.

After Bruce concluded his introduction, a man in a striking blue and red cape, with an iconic "S" emblazoned on his chest, took the floor. The room fell silent once again as everyone turned their attention towards him.

"Hello. Many of you know me as Superman, but my real name is Clark Kent," he began, his voice filled with sincerity. "Even though I'm not human, I was brought up by a compassionate human couple. I originate from the lost world of Krypton, but I landed on Earth as an infant. I was fortunate to be adopted and nurtured by a pair of kind-hearted humans, who I am proud to call my parents. Their love, teachings, and guidance have molded me into the person I am today." said clark while his gaze unwaveringly locked onto Orach's.

As Orach's gaze locked with Superman's, their silent staring contest stretched on. The room was filled with an electric tension as the two powerhouses measured each other. The minute ticked by slowly, painfully slow, and the rest of the room could only watch as the once smiling and amiable expression on Orach's face was replaced with an unreadable blank look. This stark transformation sent waves of unease through the onlookers. They were struck with a sudden sense of déjà vu, as memories of a similar scene on the battlefield came rushing back. The blank look on Orach's face, they realized, was a signal of brewing trouble.


Suddenly, the tense atmosphere in the room was disrupted by a loud clap. All eyes were instantly drawn towards the source of the sound, all except for Orach's. He had spread his Ki throughout the room from the outset, making him acutely aware of even the slightest movements. His gaze remained unwaveringly fixed on the man in blue, who, in Orach's growing opinion, seemed to have a knack for courting death and was becoming increasingly annoying.

Without even looking, Orach knew Diana was the cause of the distraction. Her actions were as clear to him as if he had seen them firsthand. Despite the sudden change in the room's atmosphere, Orach's focus remained steadfast on the irritating figure in blue.

It was Diana who had created the diversion. Sitting elegantly on the sofa, her legs crossed and her face as impassive as Orach's, she spoke up. "Clark, if you have something on your mind, just say it," she implored, her gaze fixed on Superman, or rather, Clark.

Despite her words, Diana knew that many in the group, herself included, struggled to understand Orach's behavior. During their first encounter on the battlefield, her anger towards Orach had masked an inexplicable feeling that he wasn't their enemy. But she had dismissed it, hastily labeling him as the enemy after he injured Hal. Now, with an unexpected bond formed with Orach, and after witnessing his raw emotions, she realized their initial misunderstanding was just a communication failure.

Armed with this realization, she was sure the rest of the group would eventually accept Orach. But for now, it was essential to openly address their feelings instead of repressing them. Superman and Orach needed to talk, to understand each other's points of view, if they were ever going to work together as a team.

Diana's words seemed to hang in the air, a challenge to both Orach and Superman. The room was silent, everyone waiting in anticipation for Clark's response. After a moment, he finally broke the silence.

"I understand what you're saying, Diana," he began, his voice carrying a hint of reluctance. "But Orach, your actions on the battlefield were hard to ignore. You attacked us without provocation and injured one of our own. Can you explain why?"

Orach exhaled a deep sigh, his patience waning at the necessity of reiteration, but cognizant of the crucial role trust-building played in their dynamics. Addressing Superman's pointed concerns, he said in a measured tone, "I comprehend your viewpoint, Clark." His words hung in the air for a moment before he continued, "But it's vital to understand that unlike you, I am not a hero. I am a warrior."

He paused briefly, allowing his words to sink in, before adding, "Along with my comrades, I have been a guardian - not just of our realm, but of countless lower-level worlds. When a lower being dared to strike someone from the higher realms, someone who has been a stalwart protector of these lower realms like the one we currently inhabit, I had no choice but to retaliate."

His gaze hardened as he broached the topic of Hal, "Regarding my actions towards Hal, I harbor no regrets. He issued a challenge, and I responded as was necessary, as any warrior would."

The room descended into a profound silence as everyone present attempted to digest Orach's words. The enormity of the reality that they were dealing with a being from a higher realm, an entity who regarded them as insignificant as ants, was an overwhelming pill to swallow. The tension in the room was nearly tangible, the air heavy with a palpable sense of unease.

Clark's strong voice echoed in the air, a mix of defiance and disbelief. "That's merely your statement. How can we place our trust in someone like you, who shows no remorse for causing harm unprovoked? Your actions and attitudes, in my view, resemble those of a tyrant…" His words were cut off abruptly, his throat suddenly gripped in a vice-like hold. The initial shock quickly gave way to panic as he realized his predicament, his attempts at breaking free proving ineffective. His eyes began to roll back, his strength waning. All of this transpired in mere moments, a terrifying scene that only the speed of Flash could fully register. Despite witnessing this chilling tableau, Flash felt a wave of helplessness wash over him. Orach was simply too formidable for him to intervene.

As the situation began to sink in, Diana sprang into action, rushing towards Orach. The anger etched on his face and the tumultuous emotions she could feel through their link painted a clear picture – Clark had somehow provoked his wrath. She knew she had to intervene, hoping to leverage their shared feelings to distract him. She reached out, her hand landing on the arm that was mercilessly gripping Clark's throat.

"Orach, please, I implore you to stop." Her voice echoed with a desperate urgency, "You can't kill him. He's one of us, a guardian of this world. His presence is necessary. I can feel your anger, I understand that his words have offended you, but please, show mercy." Her plea was heartfelt, her eyes meeting his, reflecting her earnest request.

Orach's rage had been ignited when he heard Clark's accusations, branding him a liar and a tyrant. As a proud Saiyan warrior and a descendant of the pure Saiyan God bloodline, these words were intolerable. The moment he rose, his mind was set on ending Clark's life. Yet, even through the red haze of his anger, the fragments of Diana's pleas began to seep in. What started as disjointed words slowly came together, forming a plea that reached his heart. Diana's soothing voice and heartfelt words had the ability to calm his raging storm, allowing him to regain his composure. Releasing Clark, he chose to shift his focus back to his objectives.

He wanted to learn about the inhabitants of this world, its customs and norms. He needed to give his AI sufficient time to infiltrate their systems and gather intelligence on all fronts, to fully grasp the complexities of this new world. Apart from Diana, he wasn't particularly concerned with forming friendships. Sure, if those relationships naturally evolved, he would welcome them, but it was far from a priority.

Seeing that Orach had heeded her plea, even in his enraged state, made Diana's resolve to reflect on their connection and her feelings even stronger. She needed to understand their relationship, to give it a chance, without any lingering doubts or regrets.

"Thank you, Orach. I am truly grateful." Diana's words were soft, meant only for Orach's ears.

Orach gave her a small nod, acknowledging her gratitude. To Diana's surprise, he gently interlaced his fingers with hers, a silent gesture of their shared understanding. Together, they settled down on the sofa, Orach leaning his head back and closing his eyes, in an attempt to further soothe his still simmering rage. In the quiet companionship of each other, they sat, their intertwined hands a symbol of their growing connection.