Chapter 21 - Dawn of the League - Part 6

Bruce Wayne, known publicly as the billionaire playboy but secretly the man behind the mask of Batman, was in a deep state of contemplation. He was a man famed for his strategic thinking, always known to devise contingency plans for every possible situation. Yet, as he tried to fathom the power of the alien entity named Orach, he became acutely aware that no contingency plan would suffice. The only individual who appeared to have any sway over Orach was Diana, the enigmatic Amazonian princess known as Wonder Woman.

Inside Bruce, a firm resolve was crystallizing. He pledged to himself that he would stand by Orach and Diana in this critical situation, doing everything in his power to ensure their safety, especially Diana's. An indomitable wrath simmered within him for anyone who would dare to threaten Diana or Orach. In his eyes, those who would tread such a path were simply courting death.

Parallel to Bruce's internal deliberations, Diana was grappling with her own concerns. She had always been aware of Orach's formidable power, but the gaping chasm between their strengths seemed insurmountable. Despite her considerable abilities, she had never perceived herself as being more powerful than Clark Kent, her comrade known as Superman. At best, she had always considered herself his equal. But if the disparity between Orach and Clark was this vast, where did that leave her in the grand scheme of things?

Diana was confronted with her own vulnerability, and for the first time in her life, she felt truly weak and insignificant. In her heart, she understood Orach's perspective; in comparison to his overwhelming power, they were indeed no more than ants on the cosmic scale. This sobering realization led her to a profound, self-doubting question that stirred a melancholic tide within her, "Even if we decide to proceed and explore a relationship, am I truly worthy of him?" The moment this question entered her mind, a wave of depression washed over her, casting a shadow over her usually radiant spirit.


Suddenly, a loud clap echoed throughout the garden, shattering the introspective silence and snapping everyone out of their thoughts. They turned their attention towards the source of the sound, only to find Orach standing there, a calm and steady presence amidst the turmoil of their thoughts.

"I know each of you has realized the stark disparity between our strengths. However, I would like to assure you that despite my power, I am still the same Orach you have been conversing with," Orach began, his gaze sweeping over each individual before finally resting on Diana. He offered her a reassuring smile, a gentle warmth in his eyes as he said, "Diana, now comes the part I want to show you!"

His statement immediately sparked a wave of curiosity among the gathered heroes. They watched with bated breath, their gazes firmly planted on Orach, waiting for whatever he was about to unveil.

"Remember, we possess the ability to transform into something far greater, allowing us to tap into our true power," Orach reminded them. His words sent a shiver down their spines. The thought that his power could be even more enormous than what they had already witnessed was an unsettling prospect.

"Then… that means 2.43 Million isn't your… true power level?" Victor Stone, also known as Cyborg, asked, his voice quivering with apprehension.

"What you've seen is merely my base power level. It's essentially my default state of being, my minimum power level," Orach explained calmly, his voice a stark contrast to the tension that permeated the air.

"Now, Diana, I have something interesting to tell you. In a certain way, I am like you," Orach continued, his gaze fixed on Diana, a warm smile adorning his features.

"Like me?" Diana echoed, her brows furrowed in confusion, curiosity piqued by his intriguing statement.

With a nod, Orach began to unravel the tale of his lineage, "My mother is a direct descendant of the mighty Super Saiyan God, a being of unparalleled power and strength. However, my father, he is mortal, a warrior of the Saiyan race but not of divine blood. In essence, I am the product of an extraordinary love, a love that bridged the gap between a divine goddess and a mortal warrior." His gaze met Diana's, holding it steady. The revelation caused her eyes to widen, her surprise evident as she processed the information about Orach's unique heritage. "But here's where it gets interesting," Orach continued, his voice steady and composed. "Both branches of our race, the mortal and the divine, have unique transformations. The difference lies in the source of our power. The mortal branch taps into the primal strength of our bloodline, while the God branch cultivates God Ki, a divine energy, to achieve their transformations." He paused here, allowing them time to process the information, to digest the convoluted intricacies of his lineage and the source of his power. "And the benefit of these transformations?" Orach ventured, a rhetorical question hanging in the air. "Well, with each transformation, we become more formidable, more powerful. To put it simply, each transformation serves as a multiplier to our base power level." The declaration, spoken so matter-of-factly, left them feeling even more awestruck and incredulous. "Now, Dianna," Orach continued, his voice taking on an instructive tone. "Please observe closely. I'll demonstrate the transformation brought on by tapping into our bloodlines. I want you to continuously monitor me and read out the power level you observe on the scouter each time I transform. Are you ready?" As he spoke, he moved into a stance akin to the horse stance, his body relaxed yet alert. Diana simply nodded in reply. While Orach could instantly summon the transformation during a fight, he chose to take it step by step for this demonstration. He wanted to run some tests, to examine if his abilities had been affected by his last battle on the eastern front where he had sustained injuries. Furthermore, he wanted to gauge the potential of his transformations within the context of this universe.