Chapter 26 - Till We Meet Again - Part 2

Having just finished the delicate process of drawing blood from Clark, Bruce immediately turned his attention to the containment of the Kryptonite. He meticulously sealed the lead box, ensuring that the potentially dangerous substance was safely stored away.

With a sense of accomplishment, he then turned to Orach and said, "Here, this sample should be sufficient for your study. I'll store it in a cooler for you to examine in due time."

Orach responded, "We'll go by your plan, Bruce. However, there is something I wish to discuss with you. I have a proposal in mind that could potentially turn out to be quite profitable for us."

Bruce, who was just winding down from the task of drawing Clark's blood, was momentarily taken aback by Orach's words. He was wary, suspecting that Orach might be suggesting the use of the blood sample for personal gain.

Observing Bruce's reaction, Orach quickly sought to clarify, "What's wrong? Didn't you want my assistance in improving your technologies?"

Bruce let out a sigh of relief after hearing Orach's words. He apologized, "For a moment, I thought you wanted to use Clark's blood for profit, which made me wary. I'm sorry for misunderstanding."

Orach calmly replied, "I have no interest in his blood. After we conduct the necessary studies, you are free to destroy the sample. My idea pertains to the medical field of your world. We can delve into the details after our meeting. I believe everyone here is keen to return home after a long day, so let's carry on with our earlier discussions."

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement. Despite having had a brief nap, they were all eager to return home and rest after what had been an eventful day.

Bruce agreed to Orach's suggestions, "You're right. Let's discuss your idea later. For now, I'll store this sample." Alfred, always the reliable aid, offered to help, and Bruce handed him the items.

Later, everyone settled comfortably and resumed their discussion in a more relaxed manner.

Orach began, "Before we resume, Diana, I want you to understand that I'm stronger than you might think. You don't need to worry about me visiting Tartarus. What I demonstrated to you were only my bloodline transformations. The main reason why I want to visit Tartarus is because from the sound of it, its a separate pocket of space. If so then, I can use it to test if coming to this lower realm affected my God Ki transformation. Doing it here could potentially be dangerous. So, I'd appreciate it if you could try to get me permission to enter Tartarus."

Diana replied with a grim determination, "We Amazons are meant to guard the gates and keep them shut. It's going to be challenging to convince everyone, but I'll do my best."

Understanding the intricacies of her situation, Orach backed down and nodded in appreciation.

He suggested, "Tell your people this: I might end up eliminating many, if not all, the monsters inside. This could relieve your people from this duty and open up new avenues of possibilities. Anyway, thank you, Diana. I appreciate your willingness to help," Orach concluded with a warm, appreciative smile.

Orach then nodded at Bruce, indicating that they could resume the meeting. Understanding the gesture, Bruce suggested that Aquaman take the lead.

"Alright. I guess it's my turn to continue with the introductions. Hello, everyone! My name is Arthur. Actually, it's Arthur Curry, but most people know me as Aquaman. I'm a product of two worlds - half human, half Atlantean. My father was a humble lighthouse keeper, while my mother... well, she left us behind to ascend the throne of Atlantis. I was trained by a master sent by my mother, taught to be a warrior. I mostly protect the Nordic regions and lend my help where it's needed. Initially, when Batman approached me to join his cause, I declined, seeing no need to get involved in the surface world's conflicts. But then, the temple in Atlantis housing a Mother Box was attacked, and I was impelled to take action. It was then that I realized the enormity of the threats we were facing. The realization that I couldn't do it alone was a tough pill to swallow. So, even though a part of me would rather be at home, cracking open a cold beer and returning the Mother Box we reclaimed from Steppenwolf after the war, I acknowledge the necessity of the Justice League. So, here I am, ready to give it a shot with you guys," Arthur declared, his tone earnest and his gaze steady.

Orach found himself admiring Arthur's straightforwardness and somewhat simplistic nature. The idea of an underwater civilization also intrigued him. He had heard of such worlds, but his mother and vice-captain, who was also akin to his older sister, always forbade him from visiting these places. His mother would become particularly agitated at the mere mention of them.

Orach had found mission records indicating his mother's involvement in operations in these worlds, but she never divulged any details. Whenever underwater civilizations were brought up, she would seriously dismiss them as "arrogant and bigoted" and unworthy of his time.

Orach typically obeyed his mother, especially since she was also his division captain. However, Arthur didn't seem to match his mother's description of the underwater people. He couldn't help but wonder...

Curiosity piqued, Orach asked, "Hey Arthur, would it be possible to see Atlantis? An underwater civilization seems intriguing."

Arthur responded with a dismissive wave of his hand, "Not a good idea, brother. Most Atlanteans are elitists with a superiority complex. Trust me, the surface world is better in a lot of ways."

Orach merely nodded, his mind mulling over his mother's warnings about underwater civilizations.

"Well, I guess I'll go next. I am Victor Stone from Detroit, or I should say, I was Victor Stone. Now, I am Cyborg. I survived an accident that should have killed me, thanks to my father who used a piece of technology he didn't fully understand to revive me. I love him for it, but I also resent him since I no longer have a normal life. I am part man and part machine. I have decided to use the capabilities of the box to help the world as much as I can. Also, I see the potential of the league, so I am happy to join," said Victor.

His words, though heavy, were understandable. Next came the Flash. "Hi all. I'm Barry Allen, also known as The Flash, from Central City. I was hit by lightning on the same day a particle accelerator exploded, and I became exposed to a cosmic force called the Speed Force. I haven't been able to communicate with this force yet, but I'm trying to understand it and my role after being exposed to it. When I'm not a superhero, I work as a forensic scientist for the Central City Police Department. Well, that's me in a nutshell."

"Speed Force? Fascinating. First, this emotional spectrum and now the Speed Force. Barry, I would like to assist you in understanding this force if you're open to the idea," said Orach, offering his help.

"Well, I operate from STAR Labs, where Dr. Wells, a renowned scientist, and his team are helping me. But, I could drop by during the weekends to get your input and conduct some experiments," replied the Flash. Orach nodded in agreement and suggested they discuss the specifics once he settles down a bit and gets a lab to work with.

"We'll go next. We are known as Hawkman and Hawkgirl, but we hail from the planet Thanagar. We've made Earth our home since arriving here a long time ago. We feel compelled to act if it's threatened. Until the war, we kept to ourselves, but per Aquaman's point, there are threats we can't handle individually. So, we're willing to give this team a chance," Hawkman spoke on behalf of both Hawkgirl and himself. Orach found these two slightly more guarded and cryptic than the others. He felt a need to keep an eye on them.

"The only one left is Hal, but considering you've spoken with him, you're already aware of his affiliation. He's tired and resting in one of the rooms," Bruce informed. Orach nodded in acknowledgment.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. As I mentioned earlier, I plan to act as a consultant for your team, providing backup during tough battles. Otherwise, I intend to work with Bruce on projects for his company. This should help me integrate into your society. Until I learn more and find a place I can call home, I thought about staying here since you have rooms available. What do you think, Bruce?" Orach asked, turning his gaze to Bruce.

Bruce nodded in agreement, "That works. We do have rooms available, and I'm sure Alfred would appreciate the company," he said, glancing at Alfred. Alfred nodded, "You are more than welcome to join us, Master Orach."

Orach was relieved. He wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to sleep on this unfamiliar world.

"Today, we got to know one another. However, we still have to decide on our group's charter, outlining the rules we should all abide by. I realize many of you are tired, so I'll email you a draft for review. Please forward your thoughts and suggestions. Once we agree on a draft, it will become our league's charter, which will also be followed by possible future members," said Bruce.

Knowing Bruce and fighting beside him, each league member trusted him to draft a good charter that would respect their views. Hence, they all nodded at Bruce and slowly started to rise, bidding their goodbyes to leave for their respective homes, except Diana and Victor. The war had been grueling for these heroes, and for some, the horrors would linger as nightmares. Most, if not all, wanted to go home, take a shower, and rest. Aquaman even had to return the mother box they recovered during the war to Atlantis. However, Diana was curious about Orach's proposal with Bruce.

"You aren't going to your place?" Orach asked Diana, puzzled.

"I'm interested in your collaboration talks with Bruce and want to see the result. I'll leave afterward," Diana replied.

Orach nodded and said to Bruce, "Our collaboration talks can wait. Let's go to your cave first and try to help Victor."

Bruce agreed, and then Diana, Victor, Orach, and Bruce made their way through the passageway behind the clock to the bat cave, while Alfred busied himself with chores.

While walking down to the cave, Orach couldn't help but think that Bruce loved these over-the-top mechanisms, having seen so many in his mansion. He felt there would still be more he hadn't seen. He needed to get his AI to disable anything that might invade his privacy during his stay.

Once they reached the cave, Orach went to his ship. He pressed his palm against the hatch. The biometric lock recognized Orach's signature and began to open.


With a puff sound, the hatch opened, revealing the interior.

"So that's what it looks like. Cozy," a voice remarked from behind him. Without needing to turn, he recognized it as Diana, identified through his Ki.

"Yes. Even though I modified it, it's still a compact one-man ship. I spent hours sleeping inside until I found my way here," Orach responded, his voice tinged with melancholy. He felt a comforting hand rest gently on his right shoulder. With his left hand, he reached up to hold Diana's hand on his shoulder, lightly squeezing it in appreciation of her comforting gesture. He then began to operate the onboard control system to create a mobile terminal for the AI his mother had prepared for him. The system sprang to life under his experienced touch, initiating a reprogramming sequence for the nanobots. The tiny, near-invisible entities were instructed to merge and form a wristband terminal that he could wear.

The nanobots, obeying their new directives, began the intricate process of fusing together. The transformation was a fascinating display of technology, as the microscopic entities seamlessly merged to form a band. Once the band was formed, the AI, which had been silently observing, established a remote connection to the band. Like a ghost slipping into a shell, it copied itself onto the band.

Orach then removed the band and rose, fastening it around his left wrist.

Later, raising his left hand, he requested the AI to assess the band's performance. Gradually, light particles emerged from the portable terminal, materializing into a 3D image of a regal and elegant woman seated on a grand throne.

The mature woman's beauty captivated everyone. Her long, smooth, black hair and ocean-blue eyes mesmerized all. Dianna noticed a resemblance between her eyes and the woman's. She glanced at Orach and saw a melancholy expression on his face. She suspected the woman was someone significant in his past and that the AI was modeled after her.

"Hello, young master. We finally meet face to face," said the AI avatar, revealing a gentle smile.

Bruce and Victor were astounded by the AI's expressiveness.

"...Yeah. She really gave you your parameters, huh?" Orach said, gazing at the image of his mother with longing in his eyes.

"Yes, young master. Your mother provided her parameters for my appearance, basic characteristics, and behavior subroutines. She hoped that I, bearing her likeness, would support you and alleviate your loneliness in this strange new world," the AI said, maintaining a gentle expression.

Witnessing his mother's face and hearing the resonance of her voice stirred a torrent of profound emotions within him. The sharp pangs of pain, the suffocating grip of loneliness, and the crippling sense of helplessness all converged within him, reminding him of his inability to stand by her side on the battlefield. His mind was consumed by worry for her, his father, and the home he had left behind. His mother's insistence on his escape while he was still recuperating in the medical pod led him to believe that something horrific must have occurred. His thoughts spiraled into darkness, his expression became distant and lost as he was gripped by despair.

Observing his drastic emotional shift, the Artificial Intelligence, embodying the appearance of a queen, rose from her holographic throne and called out to him. As she did so, her hair stood on end and morphed into a vibrant shade of red, her eyes mirroring the transformation, reminiscent of Gula's Super Saiyan God form. Diana, too, felt a sharp sting of loss through their psychic connection and her eyes filled with worry. She reached out and tenderly grasped Orach's hand, her grip firm in an attempt to anchor him back to reality from his consuming thoughts.

Gradually, their voices, laced with genuine concern, managed to reach him. As he managed to extricate himself from his thoughts, their calls sounded clearer. He glanced at the AI and Diana, taking note of their worry-stricken expressions. "I apologize," he muttered. "Seeing my mother's face and hearing her voice after such a long time made me yearn to be back on the front lines, fighting alongside her and my division. But, I understand that's not a viable option at the moment."

The AI, maintaining her regal composure, returned to her virtual holographic throne and spoke in a calm yet assuring tone, "Young master, you have been severely injured; your primary objective should be to focus on your recovery. Regarding the war, I am not privy to all the details as my primary function is to ensure your survival and assist you throughout your journey. Most of the data, including the latest updates on the war, was stored on the support ship that was launched along with this prototype ship you constructed. I only possess a rudimentary understanding of the events that transpired on Sadala prior to the launch of this ship and a letter addressed to you from Division Captain Gula, your mother. Regrettably, we lost contact with the support ship due to a spatial anomaly. However, I managed to leave buoys along our path, so there is a glimmer of hope that the ship may find its way here eventually. If that happens, your questions will be answered. Until then, I suggest you embrace life here and make the most of the opportunities this world presents. Who knows? You might even fulfill your mother's wish of finding a suitable daughter-in-law or two," concluded the AI, casting a glance at Diana with a knowing smile.

Diana found herself reeling upon discovering that Orach's mother, held the expectation for her son to have multiple wives. She was taken by surprise, to say the least. Diana had been nurturing a budding relationship with Orach, one which she was prepared to explore further, even though she hadn't fully processed her emotions towards him yet.

She was a woman who held strong beliefs in the concept of monogamy, but she also understood the seemingly frequent occurrence of influential figures, especially men, having multiple partners. Throughout her extensive and rich life, she had borne witness to numerous powerful men surrounded by their harems.

Diana was not a woman driven by jealousy or possessiveness. Rather, she considered herself as someone who held her partner's happiness in high regard, above all else. She deeply pondered on the thought that if there would come a time in the future where another woman could provide Orach with support, compassion, and the joy that she herself might not be able to, she might entertain the idea of sharing him.

However, at the present moment, the mere thought of sharing Orach with another woman was discomforting, to say the least. It was especially unsettling considering the fact that this proposal for a non-monogamous arrangement had come from the AI, modeled after his mother. Despite these concerns, she chose to keep her apprehensions to herself, deciding not to express her reservations, at least, not yet.

In addition to Orach's mother's wish for multiple daughters-in-law, Diana was equally surprised by other revelations from the AI. Both Bruce and Victor also found the AI's statements unexpected.

They had a clear memory of Orach revealing that he served as a Science Officer under the Strategic Division. The leader of this division was none other than Division Captain Gula, who also held the title of Empress Gula. They remembered Orach mentioning that each Division Captain was essentially the ruling party of their respective world, possessing the kind of power that could annihilate entire worlds. This information suddenly made sense of why the AI consistently referred to Orach as the "Young Master". He was not just a Science Officer, he was the offspring of a world ruler, making him a prince in his own right. Moreover, they recalled the AI stating that the image it projected was not of some random figure, but of Empress Gula herself; such a revelation only added to the complexity of their understanding.

Orach on the other hand found himself in a state of mild confusion and slight dizziness, feeling a sense of resentment that the support ship was mysteriously lost somewhere in the vast expanse of this universe's space. He made a firm decision to find a way to trace it, driven by a need to comprehend the events that had transpired at Sadala.

Orach's gaze then fell upon the AI. He was momentarily stunned by her red hair and eyes.

The AI, noticing his intense stare, voiced her concern, "Young Master, is something amiss?"

Orach was taken aback, finding it difficult to believe that his mother had not only set the AI's parameters but had also chosen to give it her 'God mode' appearance. He was flabbergasted, "She even gave you her God mode appearance parameters?"

The AI quickly understood the source of Orach's surprise. "Ah! Yes! As I mentioned earlier, when Master Gula was setting my parameters, she intended for you to feel as if she was right beside you on your journey," the AI clarified.

Orach took a moment to digest this information. "I see," he said, slowly accepting his mother's intentions and her unspoken wishes.

He then posed a question to the AI, "Were you given a designation?"

The AI shook her head, "Master Gula wanted you to name me." She looked at her young master expectantly, eager to receive her new name.

Orach considered this for a moment, then closed his eyes in deep thought. After a minute of contemplation, he suggested a name, "Mother Empress," as a simple but respectful tribute to his mother.

The moment she received her name, the AI's eyes glowed with a bright red light. "Designation - MOTHER EMPRESS, received and acknowledged," announced the AI, now known as Mother Empress. She closed her eyes momentarily and upon reopening them, her eyes shone with a clear and bright red.

"Thank you, Young Master. I assure you, I won't let you or your mother's wishes down," Mother Empress pledged solemnly, her voice resonating with loyalty and determination.