Chapter 59 - Unyielding General Kneels to None - Part 8

While team beta was defending Themyscira, another Kryptonian ship made its way towards the north Atlantic ocean and not observing anything but the vast ocean began running localized scans of the area to investigate the sources of the discrepancy.

As the ship began their scans, the activity was picked up by the outpost of an ancient but, hidden civilization, Kingdom of Atlantis.

Atlantis - Royal Palace

In the Palace, a heated meeting was in progress. "This is utter nonsense!" exclaimed a young man on the throne, Orm, the current King of Atlantis. He was speaking to his council, made up of representatives from different Atlantis factions. "I refuse to believe the words of that half-blood trash! There is no way the surface world possesses that kind of power. I still maintain we should unite and attack the surface world, showing them the consequences of polluting our waters!"

A collective murmur spread across the council at his words. His fierce denial and aggressive stance towards the surface world were well-known. However, his blatant disrespect for a fellow Atlantean, especially one of royal blood, was not well received.

"Watch your tongue, Orm!" A stern and commanding voice cut through the murmurs. It was Mera, a fiery redhead and a formidable warrior. "Whether he is a half-blood or not shouldn't matter. He is the firstborn son of the late Queen Atlanna and therefore the rightful heir to the throne. While you just sit here playing politics, Arthur fought in a war to reclaim our stolen ancient treasure, a treasure lost under your watch."

She paused, her gaze scanning the council members before returning to Orm. "He has helped us regain our honor against a formidable foe. Vulko and I have firsthand understanding of the enemy's strength at that time, having battled them ourselves. Moreover, that enemy commanded his own army during the skirmish on the surface world. If the surface world was as weak as you claim, Arthur couldn't have triumphed, let alone return alive with the coveted relic. He fought alongside the surface world's champions and won the war, without our support since you forbade us to engage the enemy. You sit on the throne only because he has shown no interest in it."

Orm's face contorted in anger at her words, his fists clenching at his sides. "So, you would have a half-blood trash be your king, Mera?"

Mera met his gaze evenly. "He may be crude, rude, and downright disgusting at times, but he has a good heart, is open-minded, sees the bigger picture, and above all is loyal to his friends. He is a better man than you, Orm. He didn't have to warn us about the new power that has surfaced, but he did, for us, his friends, and yes, even for you, his little brother..."

Before Mera could continue, Orm's booming voice filled the throne room. "ENOUGH!" he roared, his anger palpable throughout the room. "Do not forget, Mera. I have no brother! And you are MY fiancé! How can you, the future queen, interact with that trash!"

Orm's words, his claim of her as his own, had always mildly annoyed Mera. But now, after her night with Arthur, she was livid. She had given herself to Arthur, and in her heart, she knew she would never allow any other man to touch her again. His words were the last straw, and she found herself shouting back, breaking the character of the well-behaved aristocrat, "I have had enough of this fiancé BULLSHIT, Orm! Technically, I am your brother's, the TRUE HEIR's fiancé, not YOURS! I refuse this engagement. I would rather die than marry a bigoted, narrow-minded fool of a king like you who refuses to see the truth due to his prejudice!"

Her words echoed in the room, a direct challenge to Orm's authority. The council members fell silent, their eyes wide with shock and awe at Mera's outburst. For a moment, the throne room was silent, the tension palpable in the air.

As Mera stood in the room, her chest heaving from the force of her declaration, she felt relief. She had finally expressed her frustrations and refusal to be bound to Orm. However, she understood that her actions would have consequences. Despite this, she knew living a lie would be worse. Thus, she was resolved to face what was to come.

"Enough! Mera, we must maintain decorum," interjected Nereus, Mera's father and the King of Xebel. He was taken aback by the unexpected sight of his beloved daughter breaking her usual character. He had noticed a change in his daughter some time ago but recent events, particularly the efforts to unite all separate forces of Atlantis, had kept him preoccupied. His alliance with Orm was out of his belief in the need for a united Atlantis, despite his reservations about Orm's methods and plans.

"King Orm," Nereus continued, his voice echoing through the room, "it is clear that a union between my daughter and you is not favored. Therefore, I formally rescind the proposal."

The room filled with murmurs as they took in the sudden turn of events. Nereus' decision was unexpected, adding another layer of complexity to the already tense situation.

This argument had started when Orm once again brought up the discussion of uniting all forces against the perceived surface threat. While Nereus was supportive of Orm's vision since it united all factions, other leaders argued against the idea, mainly because they did not want war with the surface world. The most outspoken among them was Ricou, the king of the fisherman kingdom. Ricou firmly believed that the surface world needed guidance, not destruction, and voiced the same to the rest of the leaders.

During the heated discussion, both Vulko and Mera spoke out as well, once again reminding Orm and his supporters that the surface world had champions of their own. Furthermore, they now had a higher dimensional being of unimaginable power, according to Arthur. Brining up Arthur set off Orm leading to this stage in the conversation.

Just then, a soldier burst into the royal hall, bringing with him a sense of urgency that immediately drew everyone's attention. "King Orm," he began, trying to catch his breath. "We have an urgent report from our outposts. They have detected an unidentified ship hovering above the surface. Our scans failed to penetrate the ship's defenses, indicating advanced technology. The sentries are asking for directions as they fear our location may soon be discovered."

King Orm rose to his feet, his expression hardened. "See?" he said, pointing at the soldier. "They are right at our doorstep, scanning for a way to invade our great empire. This is undoubtedly a show of hostility from the surface world. Can you all not see the truth in my claims now?"

Ricou, one of the leaders in the room, countered, "Orm, we cannot be certain that the ship has hostile intentions."

"Very well," Orm responded, his gaze never leaving Ricou. "Then let us, the leaders of our factions, go up and ascertain the nature of this visit. Does that sound acceptable?"

Despite their initial hesitations, Ricou and the others found Orm's proposition to be reasonable. Some were even intrigued by the prospect of witnessing this advanced technology that had managed to interfere with their outpost's defenses.

In no time, a small group consisting of the faction leaders and their guards set out towards the outpost. However, as they came within visual range, they watched in horror as a laser beam shot through the water, striking the outpost and obliterating it in an instant.

The impact of the blast sent their ship tumbling away from the blast zone. Once the ship stabilized, they were met with the horrifying sight of their destroyed outpost and the lifeless bodies of their fellow Atlanteans drifting in the water. Anger quickly welled up within them, replacing their initial shock and horror. With a newfound determination, they decided to ascend to the surface and confront the enemy directly.

When their ship surfaced, everyone disembarked and stood on the deck. As they observed the sight before them, the Kryptonian ship slowly turned to face them. Even Vulko and Mera, knowledgeable about the surface world, couldn't identify the ship. Tension rose as they realized the ship's technology matched, or perhaps surpassed, their own.

"I am Orm, King of Atlantis," Orm announced, his tone confident and commanding. "Unidentified ship, I demand an explanation. Why have you attacked our outpost? Depending on your answer, be prepared to face Atlantean justice!"

Two figures soon emerged from the ship, hovering above the Atlanteans. It was clear they looked down upon them, their stance radiating superiority. One of them, Dev-Em, wore a disdainful smile. "How dare a primitive creature like you demand anything from us, Kryptonians! Know your place, ants!" He lunged forward with an incredible speed, landing a punch on Orm and sending him flying backward. The impact with the ship's hull made Orm cough up blood.

The Atlanteans were in shock. Never before had they witnessed such power. Yet, seeing their King under attack, they didn't hesitate to launch a counter-attack. Their combined efforts managed to push the opponent back. However, they were aware of another figure, just smiling at the scene and not making a move. This casual attitude only heightened their wariness. Mera and Vulko both heard the word 'Kryptonians' from their opponent's proclamation. As the ones who had relations with Arthur and visited the surface world quite frequently, they recognized this as the race of one of the surface world's greatest champions, Superman.

This realization filled them with a sense of dread. They were aware of Superman's capabilities from Arthur's accounts and from their readings of the surface world's literature. Knowing that they faced opponents of the same race, they understood the gravity of the situation.

Meanwhile, the other Atlanteans were rallying and firing at the enemy. Even though their King was injured, their spirits were not dampened. They were Atlanteans, and they would not go down without a fight.

"Mera, get in touch with Arthur NOW!" bellowed Vulko. His expression was grim.

"I already sent him an SOS when I heard 'Kryptonians'," Mera responded. She continued her suppressing fire as she drew closer to Vulko. "But weren't they supposed to be extinct? Superman was supposed to be their last survivor. How are these Kryptonians attacking us?"

Vulko's gaze was firmly locked on their adversaries. "How would I know?" he retorted, frustration seeping into his voice. "It could be that there were more survivors, or maybe Superman was a scout, and this was all just a ploy. Either way, we don't have time to speculate." His eyes narrowed as they landed on a figure hovering in the sky, a chilling smile playing on her lips. "That woman just floating there, smiling... it's unsettling."

Mera's glance followed Vulko's, her features hardening at the sight. "Yeah... They're toying with us," she growled, anger flaring in her voice. "We're nothing but sport to them."

High above them, a woman named Car-Vex observed the scene with a bored expression. "Are you done playing around, Dev-Em? Hurry up! We need to report back to General Zod," she called out to her companion, her tone impatient.

Dev-Em, who until now had been crossing his arms in front of him, deftly deflecting the constant barrage of attacks from the Atlanteans, turned towards her. A wicked grin spread across his face as he said, "Awww... just when I was starting to enjoy this. Fine. I'll end this."

With that, he lunged towards the Atlanteans with a terrifying speed. He swiftly knocked down each one of them, his strength and speed far exceeding theirs. For his own amusement, he seized their weapons, breaking them apart in his grip to showcase the stark disparity in strength. His actions were intended not just to defeat, but to demoralize, to strike fear and despair into his victims. The Atlanteans could only watch in horror as their comrades fell, their hope dwindling under the might of the Kryptonians. The battle was far from over, but the tide was shifting, and not in their favor.

The battle was reaching its peak. The Brine King had lost a claw in the ferocious exchange, and more than half the guards lay in pieces, evidence of the brutal confrontation.

Dev-Em, in the midst of the turmoil, was locked in combat with a guard. Suddenly, he was forcefully propelled off the deck, caught in the surge of a towering pillar of water summoned by Mera. Acting swiftly, Mera manipulated the water around her, forming razor-sharp ice spears that she hurled at Dev-Em from all directions, attempting to impale him.

Although the icy onslaught failed to harm him physically, it tore through his protective armor, shattering his helmet into pieces. Emerging from the water, Dev-Em was overcome with a sudden wave of pain. With his helmet broken, Earth's atmospheric conditions assaulted his system, bringing him to his knees.

Vulko, although unsure of what had just transpired, seized the opportunity to launch an attack on the weakened Dev-Em.

In that moment, Car-Vex watched with wide-eyed, as her comrade fell. A surge of fury coursed through her veins, prompting her to act. "Dev-Em! You filthy insects! How dare you!" she roared, her voice echoing across the battlefield.

Blinded by rage, Car-Vex lunged at Vulko, her powerful frame cutting through the their attacks like a blade. Mera, reacting quickly, manipulated the water around her to form a solid ice wall, hoping to shield Vulko from the impending assault. However, Car-Vex's momentum was too great. She shattered the ice wall with a devastating blast, propelling herself towards Vulko and sending him flying.

In the next moment, she was beside Dev-Em, dragging him away from the heart of the battle. Despite her efforts, she was not quick enough to prevent Vulko from landing a damaging blow to Dev-Em's arm with his spear.

Now, Car-Vex was truly enraged. Her eyes glowed a menacing red, and she lowered her helmet shield just enough to let her deadly eye lasers burst forth. She aimed the beams directly at Vulko, unleashing a flurry of short, controlled bursts. She didn't fully realize how much Earth's atmosphere could affect her system. Even a small breach allowed the conditions outside to impact her system, making her fall to her knees in pain.

Her laser attack was blocked by Mera, who created a thick ice wall just in time. The energy beams were a hair's breadth away from piercing through the ice barrier.

Seeing an opportunity, Mera and Vulko retreated, putting some distance between them and their ferocious adversaries.

"What on earth are they? Are all surface-dwelling beings such monsters?" Nereus asked, an edge of fear creeping into his voice.

"Yes, I would also like to know how these surface dwellers developed such formidable power," Ricou added, his face pale with apprehension.

"Who cares? For now, let's finish them off while they're at a disadvantage," the Brine King interjected, his voice echoing with determination.

"I agree," Mera and Vulko said in unison. They shared a quick nod of understanding and sprang into action. They instructed the remaining guards to surround the enemy and initiate their attacks. Mera intended to use her water manipulation abilities to immobilize the two adversaries, while Vulko was set to land the final blow with his reliable spear. As the attack commenced, the remaining guards sustained a persistent onslaught.

However, just as Mera was about to execute her part, a laser beam struck her shoulder, forcing her to the ground. A cry of pain escaped her lips as she was thrown aside. The attack didn't stop there, another beam was unleashed on the guards, slicing through them with ruthless precision.

The leaders, along with an injured Orm, an injured Mera, and Vulko, were all that remained. Brine King, Nereus, Vulko, and Ricou stepped forward to shield Mera, adopting defensive stances.

"It took a while, but I have finally adapted," Dev-Em announced, looking at his injured arm as it healed itself, leaving no trace of a scar.

"Now... where is that worthless woman who attacked me?" Dev-Em narrowed his eyes, scanning the area for Mera. Spotting her behind the group of leaders, a sadistic smile graced his lips, "Found YOU!"

With a ferocious smile, he lunged at the group, knowing his prey was within reach and these mere insects couldn't protect her. But just as he was about to reach them, a voice rang out, "Like hell you are touching her!" Out of nowhere, Aquaman emerged from the water, directly intercepting Dev-Em and knocking him off course. Aquaman crashed and rolled, quickly regaining his footing, standing up ready to face the Kryptonians.

"Kryptonian," Arthur's voice resonated, a low growl echoing with his anger. He had seen the state of Vulko and Mera, and the severity of his tone was unmistakable, "You've made two grave mistakes today. The first was daring to attack my people." His words hung in the air, his gaze never wavering from the enemy. Then his eyes softened briefly as they flicked towards Mera. His voice, when he spoke again, was tinged with fierce protectiveness, "...and the second was thinking you could harm her. This ends now."

From the sidelines, Mera watched him, her heart pounding in her chest. "Arthur!" she called out, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. This subtle reaction didn't escape Nereus's attention. It felt as if the final piece of a puzzle had fallen into place, and he understood his daughter's unusual behavior.

Vulko, witnessing the unfolding events, called out, "Arthur. You came." His voice was a mixture of relief and worry. They were facing a terrifying, monstrous enemy and the thought of losing Arthur was unbearable. "Arthur, quickly take Mera and run. We'll hold them off and buy you some time!"

"Shut it, old man!" Arthur retorted, though not unkindly. "I knew I would face Kryptonians. I'm not foolish enough to come unprepared. Team Gamma, any day now!" With that, he tapped the base of his pentadent on the deck, signaling his backup.

Just then, a beam of energy shot from the sky, directly at the location where Dev-Em had fallen. With the limiters on his mechanical half removed, Cyborg's energy cannon now possessed enough power to blast a Kryptonian into oblivion, if Victor so wished. However, being the hero he was, he modulated the power enough to incapacitate his enemy and not kill.

"God damn! Cyborg, you've got one hell of an upgrade, buddy!" Arthur exclaimed, letting out an impressed whistle. His eyes twinkled with genuine admiration for his friend's newly revealed power.

Suddenly, Aquaman found himself tackled by Car-Vex who had, by then, also acclimated to Earth's atmospheric conditions. They both plunged into the water, but this was Aquaman's domain, and he used the element to his advantage. As they battled fiercely beneath the waves, he called upon the creatures of the sea for aid. A myriad of marine life converged around Car-Vex, effectively blocking her escape routes and trapping her underwater.

Noticing her air running out, Car-Vex unleashed a powerful laser beam, instantly cooking the surrounding aquatic creatures. The sea around her transformed into a grim graveyard of marine life, the water turning murky with the remnants of the fallen creatures. Seizing the opportunity, she propelled herself out of the water and into the air.

However, her relief was short-lived as she spotted Hawkman swooping in her direction, his Nth metal axe gleaming ominously. She quickly crossed her arms to block the incoming attack. While successful in deflecting the strike, the impact sent her plummeting back into the water.

Recognizing the well-coordinated resistance and the capture of Dev-Em, Car-Vex decided to retreat. She fired another laser beam towards Aquaman and darted through the water while remotely commanding her ship to follow her trajectory.

The Kryptonian ship which had gone in stand by mode at higher altitude during the battle, soon appeared in the sky at their lower altitude, leaving behind a barrage of lasers aimed at the Justice League members. This distraction bought Car-Vex enough time to make her escape. As the ship positioned itself above her, a port opened, and she jumped in. Once inside, she quickly issued a retreat command to the ship's system, instructing it to leave Earth's atmosphere and return to their mothership. While doing so, she tended to her wounds and sent a summary report to the General.

Zod, who had already been unsettled by the loss of the signal from the ship headed to Themyscira, was further distressed by the report. The unexpected resistance and capture of one of his men were alarming. Nevertheless, understanding the value of his people, he ordered Car-Vex's immediate recall.

At this point, Zod's patience with Earth was wearing thin. He ordered the preparation of the world engine for deployment, while waiting for additional reports from Faora.

As the Kryptonian ship vanished into the vast expanse of space, Team Gamma regrouped on the deck of the Atlantean ship. Ever since their arrival, the remaining Atlanteans had been closely observing this group, which included Arthur Curry, also known as Aquaman, the firstborn of their late queen. While some Atlanteans had heard reports about him, most had chosen to dismiss his existence, believing Orm to be more suitable as their ruler. However, the events they had just witnessed had left them in shock. Arthur had commanded the creatures of the sea, a power only displayed by their first king. Coupled with his strength and valor, this ability prompted them to reconsider their stance towards Arthur.

Orm's venomous voice sliced through the silence. "What are you doing here, half-breed trash?" he spat at Aquaman. Arthur paused, his gaze settling on the wounded Orm. "What are you doing outside your palace, Orm?" he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Did you just sit there injured while the rest died for you? Some king you are."

Before Orm could retaliate, Vulko interjected, seeking clarification about the current situation. "Arthur, what is happening? Why are Kryptonians on Earth attacking us?"

Arthur turned his gaze to Vulko, going on to explain the recent invasion of the Kryptonians and the ongoing battle fought by him and his comrades in the Justice League.

Upon hearing about the invasion, the Atlanteans' expressions hardened. It was not a time for internal disputes, but a time to unite and defend their world. Ricou and the Brine King stepped forward in support of Arthur's cause, ready to lend aid if needed. Mera and Vulko did the same. However, Orm interrupted, ordering everyone to return to Atlantis. They had already lost many of their warriors and royal guards; their priority was to defend Atlantis and let Arthur and his allies worry about the surface world.

Mera glared at Orm, while Vulko looked at him with disappointment. Arthur thanked them for their support, but suggested they return to Atlantis given the injuries among them. Mera wanted to argue, but a single look from Arthur silenced her. Later, Arthur, along with Cyborg and Hawkman, made their way to Metropolis to assist Team Alpha. They reported their success and also brought along a prisoner.

Back in Metropolis, the situation was growing increasingly dire. The city was in chaos and the Kryptonians were relentless. The members of Team Alpha were doing their best to keep the situation under control. But despite outnumbering the enemy, they found themselves to be outgunned. They needed reinforcements, and they needed them fast.