Chapter 82 - Betrayal's Wrath, Choices of Fate, and the Void's Ambush - Part 3


Diana's Apartment

After Orach left, Barbara carefully brought Diana into her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She then went back to the living room to turn on the TV, hoping to find out what was happening in Central City.

As the news displayed images of the expanding rift in the sky and the ensuing chaos, Barbara realized just how dire the situation was. She began to understand why Orach had been so enraged and worried about his safety. She knew that if anything happened to him, Diana would be devastated.

Amidst the news footage, Barbara noticed a streak of red heading straight towards the rift. A few minutes later, the rift vanished, leaving nothing but a clear sky. Recognizing the red streak as Orach, she felt a mix of relief and worry. He had saved Central City, but no matter how much she scanned the screen, there was no trace of him afterwards. Then, the angry voice promising retribution upon its return reverberated throughout the world, and she immediately recognized it as Orach's. She now knew that something had gone terribly wrong. Just as the voice faded, she heard a scream from Diana's bedroom.

"ORACH!" Diana screamed as she abruptly woke up, her face pale with a tear streaming down her cheek.

Hearing the scream, Barbara rushed to her side. "Diana, what's the matter?" she asked with concern.

Still disoriented, Diana grasped Barbara's arm. "Barb, I can't feel him! Our connection is gone. It's as if something was ripped away from me. I thought I heard his voice just now. He seemed angry and upset. Where is he? What could have happened to disrupt our connection? Didn't he just go to Central City?"

Seeing her friend in such a vulnerable state, Barbara felt a pang of worry. She knew something terrible must have happened to Orach but had no idea how to break the news to Diana. However, seeing her friend like this, she decided to focus on the present. Steeling herself, she resolved to be strong for her friend.


Barbara raised her hand and delivered a sharp slap to Diana's cheek, shocking her into focus.

"Get a hold of yourself, Di. You are a warrior. You are Wonder Woman. This is a time of crisis, and you need a calm head to analyze the situation and make the right move," Barbara said firmly, her voice steady.

Diana began to collect her thoughts, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to calm her raging emotions. When she opened her eyes, her power, confidence, and determination had returned. However, her eyes also carried a glint of chilling killing intent. Barbara, seeing this, nodded approvingly and handed her a glass of water.

"Thanks, Barb. I needed that. I'm calm now. Could you tell me what's going on? The last thing I remember is Orach getting angry. We were about to head to Central City to help, and then... he kissed me and said I am his home and he'd return to me. Then..." Diana paused, realization dawning on her. "He put me to sleep, didn't he?" she asked, her voice a mix of sadness and anger.

Barbara nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "Yes, he sensed something extremely dangerous in Central City. He loves you, Di, and didn't want to risk losing you, so he put you to sleep and went to handle it himself. While I agree it was a bit selfish of him, Diana, I just saw the news, and it's really bad out there. The phenomenon in Central City's sky has caused a huge mess, and I don't think you could have handled it." Her expression grew troubled.

Diana gritted her teeth, her frustration evident. "I know he loves me and that if he knocked me out, it must have been a threat I couldn't handle alone. But we have friends, allies who would stand with us. Together, we could have thought of something! He should have trusted me!"

Barbara sighed and shook her head. "Diana, I disagree. Come see the news." She turned on the TV in the bedroom and switched to a news channel covering Central City. Diana watched the destruction and the giant rift in the sky, her worry deepening. She unknowingly tightened her grip on the glass cup until it cracked.

"Diana, that rift in the sky wasn't something the heroes of this world could have stopped in time. Orach did the right thing. If he had waited for the heroes to react and come up with a plan, many more lives would have been lost. He saved all those people. Your man is a hero, Di. A selfish fool smitten by you, but a hero nonetheless. Not saying you shouldn't be angry, in fact, kick his ass when he comes back but, feel proud of him too. He deserves it," Barbara said, her tone softening.

Diana felt pride well up in her heart. Her friend was right. She decided to heed Barbara's advice and still punish Orach, but love him even more.

"But where is he, Barb? That figure just disappeared after the rift vanished. Also, I can't feel his presence through our connection. What happened to him?" Diana asked, feeling the void in their connection. Barbara then told her about the voice heard all over the world, which she recognized as Orach's.


Diana quickly understood that something bad had happened to Orach and that he was now far away, probably stuck somewhere. But she knew that since he promised to return to her, he would stop at nothing to get back.

Just then, her terminal's blue gems turned red and projected an image of Mother Empress. However, the eyes of Mother Empress were dull. She began announcing, "Dear members of the house of Gula, Diana, and Rachel, if you are seeing this, then the backup protocols have been initiated. This is a backup copy of myself, S.A.G.E A.I designation, Mother Empress. These have been given the designation 'Mother2.' These were created in case the young master and I lost contact with the attack pod. For the most part, the backup will continue to support your needs until the young master and I find our way back to you. The backup's primary focus will be your safety, and these copies of mine will, on extreme occasions, show no compassion for anyone else from the lower realms. Please be safe, live well, support one another, and wait for the young master and me to find our way back to you!" At the end of the message, the eyes of Mother2 brightened, and she introduced herself, "Hello, future mistress of the house of Gula, Diana Prince. I am the backup A.I prepared to support your needs until the young master and the main A.I return. Please feel free to ask for my support. I'm available at your command."

Diana and Barbara were shocked to see Mother2 and hear the announcement. Diana's worry only deepened. Hearing Rachel's name, Diana immediately asked Mother2 to connect her with Rachel. The call was picked up instantly, and a panicked Rachel appeared on the screen.

"DIANA! What's going on? Where's Orach? I just got notified about some backup protocols being activated. What's happening? Also, that voice in the sky, I know it was Orach. It sounded like he was attacked. What happened to him? Where is my FATHER?" Rachel's voice was filled with panic.

Diana knew she had to be strong for both of them. Taking a deep breath, she calmly replied, "Rachel, dear, please close your eyes, take a deep breath, and calm down first." Trusting Diana, Rachel nodded and followed her instructions. After calming her frantic thoughts and emotions, she opened her eyes, ready to listen.

Diana gave Rachel a small smile and nodded. She then informed her about how Orach sensed a disturbance and went to resolve the situation in Central City. She reassured her that even though Orach was now stuck somewhere, he had promised to return to them.

Rachel went through a myriad of emotions upon hearing this, but in the end, two emotions were prevalent, sadness and wrath. She was sad that something had happened to her father and wrathful towards the cause of the incident, The Flash.

"I AM GOING TO KILL THE FLASH!" Rachel said in anger, gritting her teeth.

"No, Rachel!" Diana interjected firmly. "Let me handle The Flash. You know your father wouldn't hesitate to kill if it were necessary. Since The Flash is still alive, Orach must have seen something worth sparing. Please, let me deal with this. Focus on your efforts in Jump City. Continue to make him proud." Diana's voice softened, a reassuring smile gracing her lips.

Rachel, though hesitant, sighed and relaxed. "FINE! But please, at least punch him for me!"

Diana nodded. "Don't worry, I was planning to anyway. He has it coming for the trouble he's caused."

Rachel nodded, but then, with a thoughtful look in her eyes, said, "Also, Diana, with the missions I have been on with the team, our coordination isn't a problem anymore. So, I was wondering if your offer of staying together was still…"

But before she could continue, Diana, already guessing her train of thought, replied with a happy smile, "YES! You don't even need to pack your stuff. We can buy new essentials, clothes, and other things here once you come. So don't worry and come live here with me!"

Rachel smiled and nodded, stating she would drop by this Friday before ending the call.

"Rachel seems like a wonderful girl, Di," remarked Barbara, who had been quietly listening. "From what I can see and hear, she's mature, caring, thoughtful, and above all else, loyal. Congrats on getting a daughter like her. Her agreeing to live with you is a big step towards bonding."

Diana nodded with a hint of excitement. She wasn't oblivious to Rachel's thoughtfulness and care for her well-being during Orach's absence. Determined to make the best of the situation, Diana was eager to bond with her new daughter. However, recalling what had happened to Orach, her anger towards The Flash surged, and her expression shifted to one of icy seriousness.

"Barb, I need to pay a visit to The Flash. I need some answers on what exactly happened and make sure to teach him a lesson," said Diana as she got up from her bed and started getting ready in her armor.

Seeing Diana in action, Barbara said, "Count me in. I'll be your support. I promised Orach to stay by your side and back you up."

Diana nodded, and carrying Barbara, she tapped into her Pseudo Rosé form and took flight towards Central City.

Central City

As evening descended upon Central City, Team Flash was still reeling from their recent harrowing ordeal. The lab buzzed with urgency; Barry Allen and Dr. Stein lay injured and bedridden. Caitlin, despite her own grief over losing her husband, poured all her energy into helping her teammates. Her eyes were red-rimmed, but her hands were steady as she tended to the wounded. Cisco, sharing her pain, did his best to assist and console her. Eddie comforted Iris, who clung to him, weeping over Barry's condition. Joe was outside, coordinating relief efforts with the CCPD.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, sending a ripple of fear through the lab. The security cameras revealed Wonder Woman landing with a thunderous impact, creating a crater beneath her. Beside her stood a woman with animalistic features resembling a cheetah. The duo stormed into the cortex with unyielding determination.

"Flash," Diana's voice was as cold and steady as steel, "We need to talk."

Her gaze swept over the cortex, finally settling on Barry lying unconscious on the smart med bed, his vitals fluctuating ominously on the screens. Her eyes narrowed, and she turned her focus to Cisco. "Cisco Ramon, what happened here? I need an explanation."

Cisco swallowed hard but stepped forward bravely. "Wonder Woman, there... there was a dimensional rift. We tried to contain it, but it spiraled out of control. Flash and Firestorm did their best, but we couldn't stabilize it. Flash was severely injured, and we lost Ronnie. Mr. Orach appeared and managed to close the rift, but then he vanished. We think he was flung into space."

Diana clenched her fists, struggling to contain her anger. "Cisco, I understand and I'm sorry for your loss, but I need to know why this happened. Why was there a rift in the first place?"

The team exchanged worried glances. Eddie, feeling indebted to Orach, stepped forward. "Wonder Woman, it all started with Barry's attempt to save his mother. He didn't mean for any of this to happen, but it set off a chain reaction we couldn't control." He then explained the entire series of events but left out the part of the task Orach assigned him.

Diana's expression softened slightly as she listened, but her anger flared once more upon hearing that Flash not only traveled through time but later came back through the breach they created, leading to this mess. "So, if I understood you correctly, not only did Barry create a breach to time travel, but he also came back and led to a paradox event. You lot undertook this monumental task without considering the consequences or seeking help. Messing with time has serious repercussions, as you've just witnessed."

Before anyone could respond, the overhead lights flickered, and a dark, brooding figure emerged from the shadows. Batman's gravelly voice cut through the tension. "She's right. Time manipulation is dangerous. You are some of the greatest scientific minds and have a solid grasp of physics and the basics of temporal mechanics; you should have known better."

Superman followed closely, his presence commanding and reassuring. "It's bad out there. We're here to help, but we need to understand what went wrong."

The disturbance drew the attention of other Justice League members. Batman quickly boarded his Batwing, while Superman soared into the sky, both converging on Central City to meet the Flash and uncover the cause behind the incident. As they entered the cortex, they overheard the heated conversation between Wonder Woman and Team Flash.

Diana turned to face them, her frustration evident in her tone. "What went wrong is that they acted without considering the broader implications. Barry wanted to save his mother, but his actions ended up creating a rift that resulted in lost lives. The rift was dangerous enough that it drew Orach to intervene and now there is no trace of him."

Barbara, the woman with cheetah-like features, said, her voice dripping with disdain. "And where were you all when this was happening? Took you long enough to show up."

Batman, hearing her words, stared at this stranger. At first, he thought maybe she was another Amazon seeing how she followed Wonder Woman. However, after a moment, he narrowed his eyes, finding this woman strangely familiar. Realizing the current situation, he decided to ignore this and look into her later. He stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "We're here now. There is no need for an argument. We need to understand the phenomenon if we wish to help Orach." He moved towards the board and scanned the equations to run them back in his cave.

Superman nodded in agreement. "I agree. We don't have time to argue. With Barry down for the count, we need to help out the CCPD in relief efforts. Diana and Miss…" He paused, unsure of what to call Barbara.

Barbara, narrowing her eyes, responded with an icy tone, "Cheetah. I go by Cheetah, Big Blue and Handsome. And no, I am not leaving Wonder Woman's side. I want to help her find a way to get Orach back."

Superman, taken aback by her rude tone, stayed silent. Batman noted the familiarity with which she called out Orach's name and narrowed his eyes once more at this stranger, or Cheetah. Diana then clapped her hands, bringing everyone's attention towards herself. "Enough! Superman, you are right, the city needs someone while the Flash is down. You and I will go help out while Ba…Cheetah and Batman will work to review the work of Team Flash to understand the rift."

"D…grr…Wonder Woman. Let me go with you. Superman and Batman can work here," said Barbara or Cheetah.

"Cheetah, the people need us out there. Plus, I need to be somewhere else right now, or else I'll end up killing the Flash," said Diana, giving Flash a glare.

Cheetah sighed and nodded at Diana. Later, Diana and Superman went out to help the city, while Barbara reluctantly joined the Bat of Gotham to discuss the events and study the work of Team Flash.

As Cisco began walking them through their work, Cheetah, with her enhanced senses, found that the Bat of Gotham somehow had a familiar scent. Even though she couldn't place the scent to a face, it intrigued her.

Batman, after understanding the events, raised a question, "Why did Orach interfere here?"

Barbara raised an eyebrow hearing this question and felt irked. She said, "Why wouldn't he? These idiots created a catastrophic event leading to so much property damage and above all, the loss of innocent lives. Despite Orach's views on humanity, he is a hero who saves lives."

Batman narrowed his eyes and looked at Cheetah, noting how she defended Orach. But he simply nodded and continued, "I understand your point, but Orach's actions are usually calculated, and he has contingencies planned. There must be something more that we are missing."

Barbara, hearing this, narrowed her eyes and said, "You know Orach pretty well even though he's not part of the Justice League."

Batman gave her a stare and after a moment replied, "Orach is a part-timer for the league…" Just then, Batman's communicator beeped. He glanced at it, his eyes narrowing as he read the message. He turned to the group, his voice grim. "Green Lantern is back on Earth and is calling for a League meeting. He says it's urgent."

Cheetah's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "What could be more important than finding a way to bring back Orach?"

Batman looked at them all, his expression unyielding. "Orach is unlike us; his power is the real deal. Since he declared he would return, I believe him. Plus, even with all this data, we don't have a trail to follow. We have to prioritize Green Lantern for now. Also, Green Lanterns can help us with finding Orach as well."

Cheetah reluctantly agreed and followed Batman to join up with Wonder Woman and Superman to go meet the rest of the League.

Justice League - Hall of Justice

The hall was abuzz as the Justice League members gathered around the table or joined via video conference. Diana, also known as Wonder Woman, began by introducing Barbara as Cheetah, to the league. Hal Jordan then introduced his two fellow Green Lanterns, Laira and John Stewart, with whom he had just landed on Earth. The Green Lanterns were particularly eager to learn more about Wonder Woman, recognizing her unique influence over Orach.

The discussion then shifted to the Central City incident, leaving the leaguers in shock. They were astounded to learn that Team Flash had undertaken such a significant mission without their knowledge. Although they sympathized with Flash's desire to save his mother, they were deeply concerned about the potential consequences of tampering with the timeline. The rift caused by their mistake of messing with time nearly destroyed Central City and posed a significant threat to their world.

Hawkman was particularly vocal, insisting that Flash be punished for his actions. However, the league, noting Flash's injured state and recognizing that his life was spared by Orach despite his meddling with time laws, decided to monitor Team Flash instead of imposing further punishment. Furthermore, they acknowledged the loss of one of Team Flash's members during the ordeal.

Team Flash, who joined the meeting via video conference, defended their actions passionately. They argued that Barry deserved a chance at happiness and a shot at saving his mother, emphasizing the unity and support within their team.

The discussion then moved on to Orach, his heroic act of saving Central City, his subsequent disappearance, and the ominous promise of retribution upon his return that echoed throughout creation. It was clear that Orach had been attacked by a formidable power and was now far away. The league members were worried about the implications, knowing that Orach would return.

Some raised questions about whether there was a way to find and help Orach get back home. But Batman explained that there was no energy trail to follow and too many unexpected variables involved. Hence, all they could do was have faith in Orach and wait for his return.

When the Green Lanterns learned it was Orach's voice they had heard when entering the solar system, they were alarmed. The realization of the magnitude of the entity they might have provoked dawned upon them, and Orach's disappearance only deepened their concern, as they couldn't explain themselves or initiate a peaceful dialogue.

"…This might be a problem," Hal said, breaking the silence.

Batman narrowed his eyes, noting the worried expressions of the Green Lanterns. "What has you so worried, Hal?" he asked.

Hal sighed and glanced at John, who nodded. John raised his hand and, tapping into his ring, projected images and logs from their missions against the Saiyan warship.

The devastation was clear. The Lanterns had been badly defeated on multiple occasions. The sheer size and power of the warship were beyond their imagination.

Batman recognized the ship and couldn't believe its power. "Hal, that's Orach's support ship, isn't it? What were you thinking, engaging the ship when it was clear it only cared about those buoys?"

Diana nodded in agreement. "Hal, Orach has been waiting for that ship for a while. What do you think he'll do when he finds out about this? Last time he took your arm."

Hal could only smile wryly. "That's precisely why we called this meeting. Diana, we need your help in calming Orach once he returns."

Diana narrowed her eyes. "What makes you think I will help you?"

"Diana, you know we Green Lanterns are guardians of the universe. We are a peacekeeping force. You and I have fought together to defend Earth. All of this is a misunderstanding. Despite the engagements, we don't want any conflicts with Orach," Hal explained.

After a moment of contemplation, Diana sighed. "I'll talk with Orach once he is back. But you Lanterns can't engage that ship anymore." She looked at the images of the ship and added, "Do we have any idea how long it will take to reach Earth?"

Hal, relieved to have Diana's support, replied, "It's heading to Earth but is still a few sectors out. We'll keep you posted on its possible ETA as we get more information about its last known location."

Diana nodded, though not fully satisfied.

Batman raised a question, "Can we track the movement of the ship?"

Hal replied, "No. We can't trace the ship's exact movements. Its technology is unlike anything we've seen before. We can only extrapolate its approximate location from its last known location."

Batman narrowed his eyes but only nodded.

Superman, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. "…Are you all serious? That colossal ship is clearly dangerous. We can't allow it to get near Earth. Even if it's Orach's ship, it's still a threat."

Green Arrow chimed in, "I agree. That ship scares me. If it decimated the Green Lantern Corps, what chance do we have against it?"

Cyborg, analyzing the footage, added, "From a technological and firepower standpoint, we are outmatched. We need a strategy that doesn't involve direct confrontation."

Hawkman supported this view. "We can't just let this threat arrive near Earth. We have to stand our ground."

A loud laugh interrupted the discussion. Aquaman had burst into laughter. "What makes you think we have any say in this? Forget the ship's firepower, just think about Orach. Which one of us can stop him if he gets serious?"

Finally, Wonder Woman raised her hand and slammed the table, commanding silence. "Enough," she said firmly. "We will not attack the ship. Orach's ship poses no threat unless provoked. We must approach this with diplomacy."

She looked around the room, meeting each hero's eyes. "Orach has earned our respect and trust. Especially after the recent incident. He is a hero like any of us, even if he doesn't like to be called one. I will speak to him upon his return and ensure that no harm comes to Earth. If by any chance, the ship arrives before Orach does, I have my Mother Empress terminals, as the means to prove my identity as part of Orach's house and communicate with the ship's AI. With my identity, the AI should listen to my words. We will not escalate this situation unnecessarily."

The room fell silent, the tension easing as Wonder Woman's words resonated. The heroes, after contemplating, nodded in agreement, trusting her judgment.

"Then it's settled," Batman said. "We wait for Orach and handle this diplomatically."

With that, the meeting adjourned, each hero returning to their duties, the weight of the impending arrival of Orach's ship heavy on their minds.

As the members began to leave, Batman approached Wonder Woman, requesting to speak with her privately. Barbara raised an eyebrow but stayed back when she saw Diana agree. With her heightened senses, Barbara listened to their conversation, growing more confused as the topic centered around her.

Batman questioned Diana about Barbara's expedition and why Orach had instructed the Wayne Tech crew to return to Gotham. Diana realized Batman was worried about her friend but knew this wasn't the time to discuss it in detail nor was it her secret to share. She gave a vague response, indicating that Barbara was okay. Batman, sensing Diana was withholding information, narrowed his eyes but decided to trust her.

Diana then asked for Batman's help in researching Veronica Cale. After a moment of contemplation, Batman agreed, promising to help. He excused himself, boarded his Batwing, and left.

Barbara, still confused, approached Diana. "Why does Batman care about me, a simple archaeologist?"

Diana smiled wryly. "Batman keeps an eye out for Bruce Wayne, and since you're dating Bruce, he's keeping an eye out for you."

Barbara found the explanation spotty but still nodded. She then agreed to reach out to Bruce. She remembered Orach's words and wanted to see if there was still a future for them as a couple. Diana carried Barbara back to her apartment. Unable to find a way to bring Orach back, they decided to focus on dealing with Veronica Cale and uncovering her motives for targeting Barbara.

Hell - Sector controlled by Trigon

"Soon, I shall fully recover," murmured Trigon, his eyes glowing with malevolent intent as he assessed his progress. His immense form loomed over the dark, fiery landscape of his domain.

"Nothing will stop me from claiming Earth and devouring its essence. Once I consume it, I shall grow even stronger and exact my revenge on that foreign god," he growled through gritted teeth, the memory of his defeat at Orach's hands fresh in his mind.

As he gazed at the dark sky of Hell, his voice resonated with a blend of determination and pride, "Wait for me, my daughter. I am coming."

Inside the Void Realm

The moment Orach entered the Void Realm, he felt the shackles on his power level lift. A surge of energy coursed through him, signaling an imminent breakthrough. Normally, he would have welcomed this progress, but being trapped in the Void Realm complicated matters. Achieving the next stage, Fully Powered Super Saiyan God Blue, would act like a beacon, attracting the ruthless void beasts that prowled the realm.

He had suspected the void beasts would sense his presence the moment he entered, making an attack inevitable. As such, he had been on the move ever since, seeking a secluded place to make his breakthrough. However, the overwhelming power surge soon became uncontrollable, and he found himself entering the next stage, releasing a torrent of excess Ki all around him.

Almost immediately, he was besieged by beasts of various shapes and sizes. They had no eyes, only gaping maws filled with razor-sharp teeth, and they lunged at him with relentless hunger. Though their sheer numbers were daunting, Orach managed to fend them off. Yet, he knew he couldn't afford to stay in one place for long, lest he attract the attention of the Void Realm's most fearsome rulers.


The space around trembled as a series of screeching roars echoed in the distance. The lesser beasts bowed their heads in fear and fled. Orach's eyes widened as he saw three long heads rise in the distance. His grandfather's tales flooded his mind, tales of a creature so powerful that even the true gods feared it. Only high-level True Gods or Primordial Gods could defeat it—Void King Ghidorah.

"Well...I'm screwed..." murmured Orach with a complicated expression.

God's Realm

In the ethereal expanse of the God's Realm, the deities watched over Orach with growing alarm. He had yet to reach the Ultra Instinct Stage, making his presence in the Void Realm precarious. Seeking guidance, they approached the supreme deity, God of all Gods, Lord Shiv.

With a serene smile, Lord Shiv said, "You all seem to have forgotten what makes Saiyans so formidable. While it's true he is still weak and will suffer inside the Void Realm, it is also true that Saiyans' true potential shines when they are in grave danger." Closing his eyes, he returned to his meditation.

The gods, understanding the implicit wisdom in his words, realized that despite the danger, this experience could be a pivotal opportunity for Orach. They respectfully excused themselves and returned to their respective abodes, their worry tempered with hope.