Chapter 84 - Revelations, Confessions and Unfolding Conspiracies - Part 2

Themyscira - Arrival

Diana, Barbara, and Rachel landed gracefully on the sunlit shores of Themyscira. Diana reverted from her Super Saiyan Pseudo Rosé transformation to her base form upon landing. The island was as breathtaking as ever, with its lush greenery and ancient architecture. The vigilant Amazons quickly surrounded them, their expressions a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Welcome back, Diana," said Antiope, stepping forward with a warm smile. "And you've brought guests."

Diana nodded. "Yes, these are my friends, Barbara and Rachel. They'll be staying with us for a while."

Antiope raised an eyebrow. "Princess Diana, if your friends are meant to stay, they need to undergo the trials."

Diana turned to Barbara and Rachel. "Are you both still sure you want to undertake the trials? You don't need to do this." She had explained the trials that outsiders needed to pass to gain entry. Still, she also mentioned that they didn't need to participate due to their special identities. As expected, both Barbara and Rachel didn't back down.

Barbara and Rachel looked at each other, grinned, and replied in unison, "Bring it on."

Diana smiled proudly at them and turned to her aunt. "You heard them."

Antiope narrowed her eyes, seeing the enthusiasm of the two challengers. But the Amazon pride in her lit a fire, and after a moment, she grinned. "Interesting. Well, you both seem excited. Let's see if your enthusiasm lasts during the trials. Sisters, prepare the grounds for the trials." She then sent one of the Amazons ahead to announce the challenge to the Queen and the rest of the island.

With that, they were led to the colosseum. By the time they reached their destination, they saw many already using the colosseum, with others cheering for those engaged in spars.

"Wow. Those ladies look intense," remarked Barbara upon seeing the spars.

"They're... okay," added Rachel nonchalantly.

Hearing Barbara's words, Antiope and the other nearby Amazons felt proud, but Rachel's nonchalant comment irked many.

Antiope retorted, "Little girl, I wonder what kind of experience you have to make such a comment? These women are well-trained Amazon warriors with actual war experience."

Rachel glanced at her before turning to look at the spars again. "First, it's Rachel to you all. Second, I may lack war experience, but my spars with my master are countless times more intense than this. To me, these women may very well be children fighting with sticks."

If these women were irked before, they were now enraged. Many wanted to challenge this little girl and teach her a lesson. Antiope waved her hand to stop those who almost drew their weapons to issue a challenge.

Antiope then looked at Diana, carrying an annoyed expression, only to find Diana covering her mouth with her hand. Slightly shaking, she could tell her niece was holding back a chuckle. This didn't annoy her but rather intrigued her. A sudden thought crossed her mind, 'Is this little girl telling the truth?'. Once this thought entered her mind, her expression turned from annoyed to interested. She knew this girl was Diana's adopted daughter but hadn't thought much of it. Now, with Diana's reaction, she looked forward to Rachel's performance.

Antiope said, "Now I'm looking forward to your performance, little girl."

Rachel's expression under her hood turned blank. Ever since she landed on this island, her empathic abilities detected pride and arrogance from the Amazons. She understood a level of pride and arrogance that comes from such a rich culture, but what irked her was the hint of superiority these women exuded. Despite disliking this attitude, she kept quiet since this was Diana's home and these were her sisters. However, Antiope's repeated 'little girl' was annoying her. She decided to use this trial to show these prideful women her power and humble them by humbling this lady who is clearly high in their hierarchy and well-respected. She turned to Diana and asked, "Diana, is this aunt of yours also one of the guardians?"

Diana, hearing this, quickly calmed herself and looked at Rachel with a smile. "Yes. Why do you ask?"

Rachel nodded, satisfied, and then asked a follow-up. "Can I choose the guardian who I will face?"

Diana and Antiope raised their eyebrows, realizing where Rachel's words were heading. Those nearby had their eyes go wide, realizing this little girl was directly challenging Antiope.

Diana gave Rachel a wry smile before nodding. "Yes. Normally, there's no choice, but since it's you, you can choose if you want."

Rachel nodded, turned to look at Antiope, and pointed at her. "Since you are so interested in my performance, why not test my power yourself, you old hag?"

Both Antiope and Diana were stunned. Antiope initially found this little girl amusing and impressive, but after being called an 'old hag,' she now had a nerve pop up on her forehead and a strong urge to teach this rude girl some manners. Diana also didn't like Rachel's rude remark but held her tongue for now, planning to give Rachel a talking to at length afterward.

Antiope replied, "Alright, little girl, you will get your wish."

"I'm looking forward to both your performances then." Just then, Queen Hippolyta arrived, accompanied by goddesses Artemis and Aphrodite. While other Amazons knelt, Antiope and Diana gave Queen Hippolyta a bow. Diana smiled and nodded at Artemis but her eyes turned cold when she saw Aphrodite. This was noticed by Rachel, Queen Hippolyta, and Artemis. Artemis and Hippolyta had expected this reaction, knowing Diana was protective of Orach. Aphrodite, a woman who enjoyed carnal pleasure and ensnared men with her charm, was loathed by Diana, especially since Hera had warned Diana about Aphrodite's interest in Orach, Diana's husband. Artemis and Hippolyta were impressed that Diana only had cold eyes for Aphrodite and did not leak killing intent.

Aphrodite, oblivious to Diana's cold eyes, appeared cheerful and came forward to hug Diana.

"You must be the young princess. Oh, look at how you have grown, and I've also heard you have recently gotten yourself a man. Good on you, little one. When are you going to introduce us?" Before Aphrodite could continue, a sword was swiftly put against her throat, alarming all present. Diana didn't care that Aphrodite was a goddess. She became pissed and unconsciously transformed into Pseudo Rosé, drawing her sword. With recent dual cultivation with Orach, she had become stronger. Her base power was already fast to draw against the weak Greek demigods. Amongst all present, Artemis was the most shocked, noticing the difference in Diana's aura compared to during the Kryptonian invasion.

Aphrodite let out a scream and took a step back, scared by the sudden sword. She didn't understand why this happened to her.

Diana said, "You will never come in contact with Orach. If I ever find out you got near him, especially in disguise with the intent to charm him, mark my words, YOU WILL DIE by my hands! THAT is a PROMISE."

A tense silence enveloped the colosseum as Diana's words echoed. The Amazons, usually unflinching in the face of danger, were visibly taken aback by the ferocity in Diana's voice. Aphrodite, visibly shaken, managed to regain some composure but looked at Diana with a mix of fear and confusion.

Queen Hippolyta stepped forward, commanding immediate attention. "Diana, that's enough, she is one of our island's patron goddesses," she said firmly, though her eyes softened with understanding. "Goddess Aphrodite, please forgive my daughter's rudeness. However, I implore you to respect my daughter's wishes regarding Orach."

Artemis, sensing the tension, interjected, "We are here to witness the trials, not to sow discord. Let us focus on what lies ahead." She gave Diana a reassuring nod, which Diana returned with a curt, yet respectful, nod of her own.

Aphrodite, still visibly unsettled, her eyes darting between Diana and the rest of the Amazons. "Very well," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "I was just interested in meeting the being that has brought so many changes. I never meant any harm, little one. I shall respect your wishes, Princess."

With the immediate threat defused, the Amazons began to prepare the grounds for the trials. The colosseum buzzed with renewed energy, the anticipation of the upcoming challenges replacing the earlier tension. Diana, still radiating a protective aura, turned to Rachel and Barbara, her eyes softening as she addressed them.

"Are you both ready?" she asked, her voice gentle but firm.

Barbara transformed into her Cheetah form and nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "We're ready, Diana."

Rachel, with a confident smirk, nodded in confirmation.

Both of them headed toward the colosseum while Diana took her seat beside her mother, aunt, and the two goddesses.

Seeing Barbara and Rachel enter the grounds, Queen Hippolyta asked, "Daughter, are you sure about this? What if they get hurt?"

Diana gave her mother a subtle smile and a reassuring glance. "That's my best friend and my daughter down there, mother. While it is true that Barbara may lack the training to fully utilize her power, her instincts give her the edge she needs here against the trials. I am confident she will pull through." She paused as her gaze landed on Rachel, and her smile turned into a grin. "As for my daughter, she was raised by Orach, a Saiyan warrior. Trust me, she is well-versed in fighting techniques of the higher realms, and her most potent asset is her magic. If she decided to go all out, she could potentially go toe-to-toe with me in my Pseudo Rosé form. That should tell you how powerful she is."

Everyone listening to this conversation was wide-eyed. They had all seen and felt the pressure and dread from the power displayed by Diana during the Kryptonian invasion. Hearing that Rachel could potentially match Diana in her Rosé form made them take this girl seriously. Even the two goddesses were observing Rachel with keen interest.

The trials commenced with a series of physical and mental challenges designed to test the mettle of the participants. Barbara and Rachel faced one Amazonian warrior after another, their skills and determination impressing even the most skeptical onlookers. Antiope, observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but feel a growing respect for the two outsiders. Barbara, in her Cheetah form, was a bundle of raw power. Though she won the challenges, it was apparent to the experienced fighters among the Amazons and to goddess Artemis that Barbara lacked training and finesse. While observing Rachel, who decided only to use her magic to augment her strength as needed, the spectators were stunned. Rachel was surprisingly skilled as she managed to dodge attacks with minimal effort and graceful steps, and when she found an opening, she would send her opponent flying with a punch. Despite having armor, all her opponents were knocked out, and their shields were bent close to their breaking point.

As the final trial approached, Rachel found herself standing opposite Antiope in the center of the colosseum. The atmosphere was electric, the crowd's cheers echoing off the ancient stone walls. Diana watched intently, her heart swelling with pride from Rachel's display of strength and concern for both her aunt's fate if Rachel went all out.

Antiope, her eyes narrowed with focus, addressed Rachel. "You've done well so far, little girl. But now, you face me. Are you ready?"

Rachel, under her hood, carried a blank expression. She raised her hand and made a "come at me" gesture as she replied, "Enough talk, old hag. Don't waste my time."

Antiope, seeing the girl in front of her continuously being disrespectful, became annoyed and decided to properly teach this girl a lesson. She drew a broadsword and, with a few swings, got into position but was stunned to see that Rachel didn't even pick up a weapon. Previously, when she didn't take a weapon against the prior challengers, she didn't mind, but even against someone as skilled as her, Rachel wasn't picking up a weapon. She couldn't believe this little girl's arrogance and how much she was being looked down upon.

Remembering that this little girl was her niece's adopted daughter, she forced herself to calm her nerves and asked, "Where is your weapon?"

Rachel stared back at Antiope and replied, "Don't need one."

Antiope was once more stunned at what this little girl was implying. She then turned serious and retorted, "Your arrogance will be your downfall, little girl." She then took her stance, gauging for an opening to attack.

Rachel, under her hood, narrowed her eyes and replied, "Unlike you, I can back up my arrogance with my power. This challenge will only end with your downfall because of your rudeness."

Antiope didn't bother wasting any more time and, despite being surprised by not finding any opening, lunged to attack.

Antiope's strike was powerful and surprisingly swift for the type of weapon she was using, but Rachel's movements were fluid as she simply brushed away before the sword could connect. Antiope, expecting this, quickly redirected the sword towards where she anticipated Rachel would dodge. But once more, Rachel skillfully twirled away from the edge of the sword. This continued for a while, and the audience could see how taxing it was for Antiope to continue swinging the broadsword.

Soon, after getting annoyed at her failure to land even a single blow, Antiope remarked between her panting, "Is dodging all you can do? Is that all your master taught you?"

Hearing these words, Diana's expression changed to one of worry, knowing Rachel wouldn't tolerate any slight against Orach. Noticing the words made Rachel stand still, Diana felt her worries might have been spot on. With a mighty battle cry, Antiope attacked, assuming her opponent's halting as an opening. But as her blade was crashing down at Rachel's head, all were surprised to see her broadsword caught by a hand and held tight in position. Even she couldn't budge it despite applying all her weight.

With all engrossed in the scene as it unfolded, after a moment of silence, a crack from her sword was heard, shocking Antiope from her stupor from her sword swing being caught by her opponent as if it was nothing. She then heard, "You are Diana's aunt, so I was going easy on you and only wanted to teach you a light lesson for being rude. But since you are asking for it, don't blame me for what happens next," said Rachel.

Finally, with a swift and decisive move, Rachel disarmed Antiope, her weapon clattering to the ground. Antiope was kicked and sent flying until she hit the walls of the colosseum. All fell silent, the air thick with tension and anticipation of what would happen next. Antiope, breathing heavily, looked at Rachel with a mixture of surprise and apprehension since, in that brief moment, she was certain she saw two pairs of demonic eyes under the hood.

However, after taking a deep breath, Antiope struggled to her feet, her pride and determination evident. "You may have disarmed me, but this fight is far from over," she declared.

Rachel removed her hood, revealing her narrowed and intense gaze as she said, "You really don't get the difference between us, do you? Fine. Have it your way."

The two warriors gauged each other. Antiope soon launched a series of rapid punches, each powerful enough to fell a lesser opponent. Rachel parried and countered with precision, her movements a blur. The colosseum roared with excitement as the combatants exchanged blows, each impact echoing like thunder.

Antiope's experience and skill were undeniable, but Rachel's training with Orach had honed her into a nearly unstoppable force on Earth. She moved with a fluidity and grace that left the Amazons in awe. With each exchange, Rachel's dominance became more apparent as she landed precise blows to Antiope's Ki channel points, interrupting the flow of energy in Antiope's body.

Antiope, now visibly weary and feeling her body become heavier, threw a desperate punch. Rachel sidestepped it effortlessly and delivered a crushing blow to Antiope's midsection, sending her sprawling to the ground. The crowd gasped, and a hush fell over the colosseum.

Rachel stood over her fallen opponent, her expression fierce. "Yield," she commanded.

Antiope, gasping for breath, looked up at Rachel with a mix of respect for the strong, unwillingness to admit defeat, and defiance against Rachel's commanding tone. However, feeling her body's state, after a moment of contemplation, she sighed and nodded. "I yield."

The colosseum erupted in cheers as Rachel extended a hand to help Antiope to her feet. Diana watched with pride, knowing that Rachel had not only proven her strength but also her honor.

As the applause echoed around them, Diana jumped down from her seat, landed gracefully on the ground, and approached Rachel and Antiope. "Well fought, both of you," she said, looking at Rachel with a proud smile. "Rachel, you've made your power known. From now on, you have a home with us on the island. Welcome to Themyscira."

Rachel simply nodded at Diana in acknowledgment and, in the next moment, covered her face with her hood. Though the battle ended in her victory, this level of opponent to her was a joke. She didn't feel satisfied, and her blood and eyes still burned with the intensity of the battle. Just then, another graceful figure landed on the ground and joined them. It was Artemis, in her armor and carrying her bow and quiver. She looked at Rachel with a scrutinizing gaze. Noticing Artemis's intent, Diana became alert and got between Rachel and Artemis, clearly showing her stance. "Artemis, explain your intention. Depending on your words, you might not like what comes next," she said, narrowing her gaze at Artemis.

Artemis, noticing this, said, "Diana, don't tell me you didn't feel it. That girl possesses demon blood. She is a hellspawn! We, as gods, have a duty to—"

Before Artemis could finish, the clouds churned and turned dark, electricity crackling around Diana. She began radiating a power that made all, except Rachel, Barbara, her mother, and aunt, kneel. Even the two goddesses were brought to their knees. Artemis gasped for breath as she struggled to look at Diana. She was shocked to see Diana in a new form; Diana's hair had turned blackberry, her muscles slightly bulged, and ethereal lightning snakes crackled around her.

Diana, with a serious expression, declared, "Speak your next words carefully, Artemis. Get this in your head: demon blood or not, Rachel is mine and Orach's daughter. You come at her, then be prepared to suffer her parents' wrath. I highly doubt the Greek pantheon wants to create an enemy of our family. Besides, to our family, demons are just another race. I have come across some that even lend a hand to humans and protect them. So, keep your outdated notions to yourself."

Artemis's pride as a goddess couldn't accept the reality she was driven into. She, a goddess of the Greek pantheon, was actually made to kneel to a resident of the mortal realm. However, her sanity still prevailed over her hurt pride. She knew the power Diana was radiating was clearly on a higher level than what Diana had displayed previously during the Kryptonian invasion, especially witnessing how this power was altering the weather itself. Hence, she begrudgingly nodded at Diana.

Seeing Artemis's begrudging nod, Diana narrowed her eyes but decided to trust Artemis out of the respect she had always had for the goddess since her younger days. She closed her eyes, relaxed her muscles, and slowly let go of her new transformation, returning back to her base form with her hair turning a luscious raven black. She then opened her eyes to see everyone slowly rising, still either shaking from remembering the power Diana had just displayed or catching their breaths.

Artemis, now standing, looked at Diana with a mixture of respect and resignation. "Diana, I will respect your wishes. But know this, the presence of demon blood in her, is not something that will be taken lightly by some."

Diana nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you, Artemis. Your vigilance is appreciated, but remember, Rachel is family."

Just then, Diana watched as Rachel stepped forward to confront Artemis. "Artemis, is my demon blood an issue for you?" Rachel scoffed and continued, "If so, let me correct you, it's not just demon blood, but High-demon blood that courses through my veins. And make no mistake, Diana didn't save me from you. She saved you from me. Had you attacked, you would have witnessed firsthand the true power of a cultivator, something your so-called gods could never match."

Artemis, her pride already wounded, felt a surge of rage at Rachel's words. This wet-behind-the-ears girl, no, this demon spawn, had crossed a line. But, she could only grit her teeth in anger, knowing Diana was a foe she couldn't face directly.

While Artemis fumed, the others were taken aback by Rachel's audacity. Aphrodite, a fellow Greek goddess, found Rachel's arrogance outrageous. Diana, too, was momentarily stunned. But after a moment of surprise, her expression shifted from complicated to resigned, and finally, to a wry smile as she looked at the back of her daughter.

Rachel, sensing Artemis's unwillingness to accept her words, saw an opportunity to humble the Amazons and send a clear message to the Greek gods and goddesses. With a smirk beneath her hood, she pointed at Artemis and said, "From your expression, it seems you are unconvinced. Alright then, let me show you the difference between you, a 'god' who thrives on faith energy, and me, a cultivator. I, Rachel of the House of Gula, challenge you, Artemis, goddess of the hunt, to a duel. Do you dare accept?"

Artemis, never having been looked down upon like this, felt her fury boil over. Seeing this duel as an opportunity to teach Rachel a lesson and knowing Diana would respect the duel and not interfere, she quickly agreed and readied her bow.

Diana, somehow anticipating her daughter's bold move, simply shook her head and then ordered all Amazons to clear the grounds. As she turned to leave, she paused and looked back at Rachel, saying, "Make him proud and show her your strength."

Rachel, taken aback by Diana's words, slowly removed her hood, revealing her clear and calm eyes. She nodded at the smiling Diana and watched her fly towards the viewing stands. Afterwards, both Artemis and Rachel nodded at each other and created distance between them.

The atmosphere in the colosseum grew tense as the spectators watched with bated breath.

Diana asked her mother, Queen Hippolyta, to officiate the duel. The queen nodded and raised her hand. After noticing the ready expressions of both combatants, she dropped her hand, signaling the start of the duel.

As soon as her hand fell, Artemis, with the grace and precision of a seasoned huntress, drew her bow and locked her eyes onto Rachel. "You will regret this insolence," she hissed, unleashing a barrage of arrows crackling with divine energy. Rachel's eyes narrowed, tracking the projectiles hurtling towards her. This time, she chose not to hold back. She tapped into her inner realm, unleashing her magic, and with her at the center, a shadowy aura began to emanate from her, spreading rapidly across the colosseum. The sheer pressure of her dark magic caused many in the audience to faint, their consciousness overwhelmed by its intensity.

Darkness swirled around Rachel, enveloping her in a shroud of shadow. Just as the arrows were about to strike, she emerged with two magnificent black wings unfurling from her back, effortlessly deflecting the arrows. The audience gasped in unison, their shock palpable. The Amazons, the gods both on site and those observing from the shadows, and even the outsider Barbara stared in stunned silence.

Rachel's wings spread wide, casting an imposing silhouette against the colosseum's backdrop. Her eyes, now burning with a mix of battle and killing intent, scanned the arena, soon locking on her target.

Artemis, a seasoned warrior and goddess, found herself momentarily taken aback, feeling the weight of Rachel's cold gaze. She had expected a challenge, but not this. For the first time, the goddess of the hunt felt like she was the prey. Rachel's previous words echoed in her mind, make no mistake, Diana didn't save me from you. She saved you from me. Had you attacked, you would have witnessed firsthand the true power of a cultivator, something your so-called gods could never match." These words caused her to doubt her own power.

But her pride, born from centuries of being one of the most powerful beings, wouldn't let her accept defeat. She shook her head, regaining her composure, and nocked another arrow, her eyes narrowing in determination. Just as she prepared to shoot again, a chilling voice from behind her stopped her cold. "You really shouldn't be distracted in the middle of a battle." Every word was like a whisper from death itself, making her hair stand on end and her instincts scream at her to move. She instinctively jumped away, creating distance between herself and Rachel, who was now hovering in the air with a calm, almost predatory look. Sweat trickled down Artemis' forehead as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Artemis switched tactics, summoning ethereal wolves imbued with divine power and sending them charging towards Rachel. The crowd gasped as the wolves closed in, their ferocity unmatched. But Rachel remained unfazed. With a graceful flap of her right wing, she unleashed a wave of dark magic that disintegrated the wolves upon contact. Her eyes locked onto Artemis with a piercing gaze.

"I must thank you, Artemis. It's been a while since I truly let loose," Rachel began, her voice carrying an eerie calm. "You see, till now only my master... no... my father can handle my full power. While I like the outside world and the experiences it offers, I miss the days when it was just me and him in our home."

Rachel paused, raising her hand and feeling her power, reminiscing about simpler times in Azarath with Orach. Her genuine smile, full of longing, contrasted sharply with the fierce energy radiating from her. "In those days, I never had to restrain my power. I didn't have to worry about how fragile humans truly are or damaging property. But here, I have to constantly hold back. I spend most of my time in meditation to ensure a balance, a harmony between my emotions and power. But it becomes tedious, especially when facing arrogant beings who mistake pride for strength."

Her eyes scanned the gathered Amazons, whose expressions ranged from awe to indignation. "Take these Amazons, for instance. They have a rich culture, heritage, and a powerful champion, but they've let it go to their heads. Ever since I landed here, I've sensed their contempt for me and Barbara. I can't speak for Barbara, but…" Rachel's expression turned blank, her eyes carrying a chilling intensity as she continued, "I have had enough. Out of respect for Diana, I kept quiet for long enough. Now, you've given me a chance, and I intend to make full use of it."

Rachel's aura flared, the air around her crackling with raw energy. "I will show them the cost of arrogance without power in front of us cultivators. And you, Artemis, will understand the difference between mere beings who feed on faith energy to perform parlor tricks and us cultivators who walk the path of true godhood, understanding the primordial laws that govern all. So, prepare yourself, false god,"

Rachel's wings unfurled, releasing a torrent of dark magic that coalesced into a barrage of shadowy arrows. With a mere flick of her wrist, the arrows hurtled toward Artemis. Instinctively, Artemis dodged and countered with her own arrows, but Rachel's relentless assault proved overwhelming. The sheer volume and accuracy of Rachel's attack left Artemis wounded and struggling to keep up. As the reality of her predicament set in, a mixture of fear and frustration gnawed at Artemis, her pride eroding with each passing moment.

Just as Artemis thought she could focus solely on dodging the arrows, Rachel closed the distance in an instant. Artemis barely had time to react before Rachel's fist collided with her chest, sending her sprawling across the arena. The impact generated a shockwave that silenced the murmurs of disbelief among the onlookers.

Queen Hippolyta's expression was serious as she observed the display of power from her adopted granddaughter. Aphrodite turned pale, unable to comprehend Rachel's strength. She even started doubted her identity as a goddess.

Diana, however, wore a sad and complicated expression. She had hoped that Rachel would consider Themyscira a home as well. But hearing how her daughter had felt contempt from her people since she landed deeply disappointed her. A tinge of anger and sadness gnawed at her heart—anger at her sisters for showing this side to Rachel on her first visit, and sadness for not realizing Rachel's struggle sooner. She felt she had failed as a mother. Rachel's early maturity born from a troubled past and sensibility from being raised by Orach, had made Diana believe she was successful in her recent efforts to get Rachel to open up due to the pleasant interactions between them. However, it was now clear that Rachel still felt restrained.

Determined to make things right, Diana resolved to make full use of her time together with Rachel. She planned to train with Rachel inside Azarath, where they could both improve and release their power without concern for the outside world. Diana was committed to being there for Rachel, especially in Orach's absence, and to ensuring that Rachel felt truly at home and supported. She continued to observe the duel intently, silently cheering for Rachel.

Struggling to her feet, Artemis's divine aura flickered as she glared at her opponent. "You... dare challenge a god to this extent?" she spat, her voice a mixture of rage and confusion.

Rachel's eyes were cold and unyielding as she looked down upon the goddess. "A god?" she scoffed. "You're nothing more than a child wielding borrowed power. You lack any true understanding of divinity. Your strength comes from faith, fear, and worship. We cultivators rely on ourselves, our comprehension of the cosmos, and our mastery over primordial laws, all guided by the teachings of the Primordial Gods who created everything."

With Artemis cornered and exhausted, Rachel decided it was time to end this farce. She raised her right hand over her left shoulder, gripping the sword she had conjured from her dark magic—a weapon forged from her own left wing. With a fluid motion, she drew the sword and brandished it with practiced ease. "This ends now," she declared. "You have one arrow left. Use it with all your strength. Show me your final struggle."

Artemis gritted her teeth, acknowledging her imminent defeat but unwilling to admit it. Her pride demanded a final effort. She drew her last arrow, infusing it with divine essence, and aimed at Rachel.

Rachel gave a faint smile, gripping her sword, ready to end the duel.

"You asked for this, little girl. DIE!" Artemis shouted, releasing the arrow with all her frustration and anger.

Rachel narrowed her eyes, assessing the power level of the attack. The attack though formidable for most beings on Earth, it was still something she could handle easily. She raised her sword, and as the arrow came within range, she brought it down, slicing the arrow and destroying it. She then used her right wing to absorb the divinity from the arrow, converting it into her magic as Orach had taught her. She raised her left hand, forming a Ki blast using the absorbed energy.

Artemis, panting heavily and visibly exhausted, looked at Rachel in utter disbelief. "How... how can this be?" she murmured, her voice filled with frustration. "You truly are a monster, you demon child!"

"Funny, haven't you realized? I haven't used my demon bloodline throughout our duel," Rachel retorted, her words reverberating through the arena, leaving everyone in stunned silence. Artemis, panting and barely managing to stay on her feet, felt a cold shiver run down her spine as the realization hit her, Rachel had not emitted any demonic energy during their fight. The truth struck her like lightning; her opponent had been holding back all along.

Rachel, her eyes still locked onto Artemis, continued, "I generally don't use my bloodline unless absolutely necessary. My cultivation is my true power. Besides, I didn't want to give you an excuse to claim I won using underhanded or demonic means. I used my cultivation to defeat you, to show you and your fellow gods and goddesses what a cultivator is capable of, and to make it clear that in front of us, you are not gods but merely beings who feed on faith energy. Anyway, thank you for the entertainment, false god. As a token of my appreciation, I return your energy. Take it," she declared with a smile.

To the onlookers, Rachel's smile was terrifying, but to Diana, watching from the sidelines, it bore an uncanny resemblance to Orach. A wry smile played on her lips as she recognized the echoes of her husband's demeanor in Rachel's actions and words.

Just as Rachel's Ki blast was about to crash into the already weakened Artemis, a blinding flash of light erupted. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, had intervened, her shield absorbing the brunt of the attack. The impact was thunderous, sending shockwaves through the colosseum and causing the ground to tremble. When the dust finally settled, Athena was pushed backward, the divine metal of her shield warped inwards from the sheer force of the blast. She had saved Artemis, but the damage to her shield left her visibly shaken. Athena's mind raced—how could this half-human child possess such overwhelming power? She began to question her own divinity, awestruck by the strength of a cultivator.

Rachel's eyes, now ablaze with killing intent, locked onto Athena. The goddess felt a surge of fear, a rare emotion for her. Gathering her resolve, Athena stepped forward, her voice steady but urgent. "Please forgive my interruption in this duel, princess of the house of Gula. My sister has clearly lost, and it's only her stubbornness keeping her standing. I implore you to end this duel here, peacefully. After all, we are your mother's allies."

Rachel, who was preparing to unleash a deadly attack on this woman who interfered in her duel, paused her actions on hearing Athena's words. Her eyes bore into Athena's, searching for any hint of deceit. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded, her expression softening marginally. "So be it. This ends." With a graceful landing, she reined in her magic, her wings folding away as if they had never been there.

Athena, visibly relieved, let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She turned to Artemis, who was still reeling from the fight, and helped her to her feet. "Sister, let us return. There is much we need to reconsider."

Artemis, though battered and bruised, nodded in agreement. Her eyes lingered on Rachel, filled with newfound respect and a lingering wariness. The gods and goddesses who watched the match felt a mix of anger, frustration, and complexity. Despite their divine status, a troubling doubt crept into their hearts, 'Are we truly gods, or just another form of creature?'

Diana, her mother Queen Hippolyta, Cheetah, and Antiope descended to the ground, moving toward the trio. Rachel, after landing and reining in her magic, pulled her hood over her face and addressed Athena with a serious tone, "Piece of advice: never interfere in the duels of our house members. Interfering in my duel is one thing, but if you had interfered in my father's duel, your entire Pantheon would burn, and you would face a fate worse than death. To Saiyans, duels or spars are sacred. Only a fool interferes in a Saiyan's duel. A death-seeking fool."

Athena was taken aback, the gravity of Rachel's words sinking in. Remembering the immense power she sensed from Orach a while back, she nodded solemnly, appreciating the warning despite its harsh delivery.

Queen Hippolyta couldn't help but interject, "Child! I understand you are powerful, but you should show some respect to Goddess Athena. She is one of our patron gods. As Diana's daughter, you should—"

"Stop, mother." Diana's voice cut through the air, her hand raised to halt her mother's words. She locked eyes with Queen Hippolyta, her gaze unwavering. "Mother, Rachel's identity as Orach's daughter and as a cultivator gives her the right to judge the so-called gods of this world. You don't understand what a cultivator is. And please, never use me to control her actions again."

Queen Hippolyta was stunned. Diana had always been a bit rebellious, but she had never spoken to her like this. She was left speechless, grappling with the shift in their dynamic.

Rachel, witnessing Diana's support, felt a warm appreciation. Though she had spent years with Orach, truly seeing him as her father, she had been more guarded with Diana. Now, seeing Diana stand up for her, she decided to try to open up more to her in the coming days.

Diana walked over to Rachel, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You did well, Rachel."

Rachel looked up at Diana, her eyes softening. "Sorry Dia… no, mother, for treating your sisters like this. But some lessons need to be taught the hard way."

Diana felt a surge of happiness at being called 'mother' for the first time, a smile unknowingly spreading across her face. She nodded, understanding the weight of Rachel's words. "I understand. I'm sorry too, for my sisters' ignorance. But daughter, remember, you don't need to hold back when you're with me." She gently caressed Rachel's face, her voice tender. "Your father doesn't take anything from anyone. Even if they are my sisters, you have my support to not hold back your thoughts and opinions. But I do hope you continue to show restraint on your power when you teach them a lesson."

Rachel leaned into Diana's touch, closing her eyes and absorbing her words. "I understand, thank you."

Diana smiled warmly. "But don't worry, I will be your training partner from now on. With me, you don't have to hold back. I need to train in my new form anyway, so this works for both of us. We can either train here or..." She leaned in close to Rachel's left ear and whispered, "or in Azarath. With time moving faster there, we'll be able to get more training in than in the outside world." She winked as she stepped back, crossing her arms with a grin. "Sound good?"

Rachel's eyes lit up with excitement. Ever since Orach's disappearance, she had been eager to seize any opportunity for serious training and growth. Her goal was to protect the home Orach had built for her and to safeguard and support Diana until his return. With a broad smile and an enthusiastic nod, her determination was clear.

Diana smiled and said, "Come, daughter, let's return to the palace. There's much to discuss and learn."

Queen Hippolyta regaining back her composure then stepped forward, her voice commanding attention. "Let it be known that Rachel and Barbara are now honorary Amazons. They have proven their strength and resolve. Welcome them as sisters."

Athena, carrying Artemis and supported by Aphrodite, joined them. "We'll also take our leave for now. I believe Queen Hera would like to meet you as well. She will descend tomorrow. Please excuse us for now."

With that, the three goddesses vanished in a bright light. The island of Themyscira buzzed with the events that had unfolded. The Amazons had witnessed a power they had never seen before, and both they and the gods had been humbled. Rachel's presence had left an indelible mark on all, a reminder that there were forces in the universe beyond their comprehension, and they needed to adapt and grow in the face of such overwhelming power.