Chapter 90 - Confronting the Devil, Thanagar's Machinations, and the Fracture of Trust - Part 2

Diana contemplated Lucifer's words, her mind heavy with the gravity of the situation. She knew Orach's wrath was justified, but she also understood the delicate balance of the multiverse was at stake. She glanced at Rachel, who was equally deep in thought. Convincing Orach would be no easy task, and as his family, a significant part of them didn't even want to. They cherished their other connections, but Orach's existence weighed more heavily in their hearts. Besides, they knew, even if the multiverse was threatened, Orach wouldn't allow this universe where they lived to be impacted.

Rachel and Diana exchanged a knowing look. Without words, they communicated their shared resolve. They nodded in silent agreement.

Diana turned to Lucifer and said, "You are right." Maze released an internal sigh of relief, but Lucifer, narrowing his eyes, sensed more was coming. His intuition was correct as Diana continued, "You are right that Orach is justified in his anger. Regardless of Perpetua's position or station, she deserves the punishment that awaits her when he returns. However, we understand your point and will bring this to Orach's attention. But do not, for a second, think we will forcefully influence his decision. I am his partner, his other half. I may advise him, but I will ultimately respect his decision."

Rachel, her voice steady, also chimed in, "As my mother stated, we understand the importance of balance, Mr. Morningstar, and will try to advise him. But you must understand that Perpetua's actions have caused unimaginable pain to our entire family. While it is indeed a comfort knowing he'll return to us, we still don't know where he is or how he is. To state it bluntly, I would choose my father's side no matter what."

Lucifer's eyes softened slightly. Though troubled, he understood the deep familial bond they shared. "I appreciate your honesty," he said, his voice calm despite the inner disappointment in his inability to fully convince the two. "I only hope that when the time comes, you can find a way to convince him. The rest of creation shouldn't suffer because of an individual. I believe Mr. Orach would understand that."

Diana nodded and said, "We will do our best, but know that we will not betray his trust nor undermine his decisions."

Lucifer took a deep breath and gave a small, respectful nod. "Very well. I shall leave you to your thoughts for today. Please remember, the fate of the multiverse may very well rest on you both."

With that, Lucifer and the reluctant Maze turned and left, leaving Diana and Rachel to ponder his words.

As the door closed quietly behind him, Barbara exhaled a deep sigh of relief and slumped into her seat, allowing herself to revert to her human form. The weight of the day's revelations pressed heavily on her shoulders, leaving her more exhausted than the battle she had fought against the Titans. Today, she had uncovered truths that shook her to her very core. The existence of God, Celestials, Angels, and demons was now irrefutable. Even more alarming was the revelation that her friend's partner was an entity so powerful that it instilled fear in these celestial beings.

Her friends had also made it clear that while they would counsel Orach against disrupting the balance of the multiverse, they wouldn't stand in his way if he chose to do so. Part of her understood their stance, but another part wanted to scream at them in frustration. Despite her fears, a small measure of comfort came from knowing that her friends were committed to protecting the world she called home. Determined, she resolved that both she and Bruce would forge strong ties with this family of cosmic significance. The revelations were terrifying, but they had no choice but to adapt.

Diana, seeing the distress etched on Barbara's face, approached her with concern. "Barbara, will you be okay?"

Barbara looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of fear, relief, and confusion. "I don't know, Diana. This is all so overwhelming. But I trust you and Orach. I believe you both will protect our home, our world, and by extension, our universe."

Diana placed a comforting hand on Barbara's shoulder and nodded reassuringly. "We will, Barbara. You have my word."

Barbara nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Alright. I'm exhausted. I'll take a nap and head back to my place in the morning." With that, she rose from her seat and made her way to Diana's room, collapsing gratefully onto the bed and quickly drifting into a deep sleep.

As Barbara slept, Diana and Rachel busied themselves with their respective tasks. Diana sifted through notifications from her team, keeping an eye on the latest developments, while Rachel planned their upcoming days with meticulous detail.

D.O.D - Washington D.C.-Next day

After numerous encounters with alien races, after the Kryptonian invasion, the Department of Defense (D.O.D) garnered increased attention and substantial funding aimed at developing defenses against extraterrestrial threats. Publicly, the government expressed unwavering support and confidence in the Justice League's ability to protect Earth. However, behind closed doors, the upper echelons felt a gnawing unease. Depending on individuals they couldn't control left them feeling vulnerable and powerless, especially after the harrowing Central City incident.

The incident in Central City had shaken the very core of government officials. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, their investigations hinted at the involvement of the city's scarlet speedster, The Flash. The uncertainty surrounding his role, coupled with his public hero status, made it nearly impossible to prosecute or address their suspicions openly. This lingering doubt only fueled their determination to find a solution they could control.

With the influx of support and funding, the D.O.D seized the opportunity to expand its operations. As months went by, they invested heavily in their Research and Development (R&D) department, focusing on reverse-engineering alien technologies salvaged from battlefields and crash sites. The establishment of the Justice League allowed the D.O.D to prioritize the creation of an advanced detection system, designed to monitor the solar system for incoming threats.

After months of relentless effort, the R&D engineers and scientists finally unveiled their masterpiece, a groundbreaking detection system capable of theoretically scanning the far reaches of the solar system. This technology promised to provide early warnings of any approaching extraterrestrial ships. The atmosphere within the Department of Defense (D.O.D) was excited, as they presented their invention to the visiting generals and prepared to switch on the system for the first time.

As the system went live, a sense of anticipation gripped the entire development team. While they weren't expecting hostile ships, they were eager to gather data from celestial bodies. Eyes were glued to monitors displaying real-time data as the system expanded its scope sector by sector toward the outer edges of the solar system. The excited scientists sifted through the data and assisting the system in mapping out each sector.

Everything was proceeding smoothly, the air filled with a sense of accomplishment. But suddenly, the calm was shattered as alarms went off, giving rise to a tense silence. The analysts frantically analyzed the incoming data, their faces paling as they confirmed the readings. The new monitoring system had detected a small fleet of five unknown ships entering their solar system. The realization sent a chill down the spines of everyone present.

"Initiate full alert protocols and get General Swanwick and General Lane on the line immediately," commanded General Hammond, his voice piercing through the commotion as he assumed control. He then turned to one of the lead scientists, his face marked with urgency. "We need intel on those ships. Identify them and send the standard greeting to establish contact."

The central control room center stirred, with scientists and military personnel working in unison. The tension was palpable as they awaited a response. Minutes felt like hours as they monitored the screens. Suddenly, one of the technicians shouted, "We've got a response!"

The message was brief but chilling: "Prepare to be cleansed."

Reading the word 'cleansed' on the main monitor, a wave of terror swept through the room. The air grew heavy as the reality of the situation sank in. The unknown ships were likely not here on a friendly mission; they were here to attack. General Hammond's face grew solemn, a stark contrast to the fear that was prevalent among the scientists and engineers in the room. He had lived through the Kryptonian invasion, so this wasn't his first rodeo. With steely resolve, he commanded, "SILENCE! With the enemy at our doorstep displaying clear hostile intent, why let fear get the better of you? Think about your loved ones and how only you stand between them and the enemy. Will you cower in fear or FIGHT?"

His words cut through the fog of fear like a knife. Those paralyzed by terror were jolted awake, their minds now focused and clear. Anger soon boiled within them as they thought about how these alien bastards had come to slaughter their loved ones and snuff out their light from this world. They all shouted in unison, "FIGHT!" "Let's teach these bastards a lesson!" "Hell! Even if I die, I'll die fighting for my family!"

Hearing their resolute cries, Hammond grinned and released his next orders, "GOOD! Now, prepare our defenses. We need to protect Earth at all costs."

The soldiers and everyone present gave the general a salute and immediately got to work.

A soldier hurried over and informed Hammond that the two generals were patched through in a conference room, awaiting his update.

Hammond nodded and proceeded to the conference room. He locked the door and soon addressed the two generals, informing them of the situation and giving them the trajectory data from the detection system.

"It's not even been a year since the Kryptonian invasion, and now this? Seriously, what are we to the races of the universe, easy picking?" grumbled Swanwick, massaging his temples in frustration.

"Seriously, Kryptonians I can somewhat understand since Superman belongs to their race, so them coming to get him made sense. But there was that invader before them, and now this. Just why Earth? What makes it so special?" said General Lane, resting his hand on his chair's arm support as he grasped his chin in thought.

General Hammond, looking at the two veteran generals of many battles, awaited their commands as he listened.

"Never mind, Hammond. Continue to monitor the situation and give us a live feed. Lane and I will sortie as well and be there soon. We'll connect with the Justice League and have them intervene as well," said General Swanwick.

General Hammond nodded, receiving his orders with a sense of renewed purpose. With that, the meeting ended, and he proceeded with resolute eyes back into the main monitoring station.

Justice League HQ - Hall of Justice

As General Swanwick contacted the Justice League base, the heroes on shift, Aquaman and Cyborg, immediately got into action. They considered alien invasion protocols established after Kryptonian invasion by them and sent out a code red notification to the members of both the League and the Teen Titans.

Central City

After the incident, due to self-blame despite resistance from his friends, especially Iris and Caitlin, Barry decided to push everyone out and disband Team Flash, operating alone. While others went their separate ways, these days Barry concentrated on his CSI work, being a hero, and lending a hand in the reconstruction of the damaged parts of the city. Today, as he was busy working on a case, he received a code red notification. Alarmed, he got up, immediately changed into his Flash suit, and zipped away towards the Hall of Justice, asking for a situation update as he ran.

Coast City

Similar notifications were being received by all, and soon everyone moved out and headed towards the Hall of Justice.

In Hal Jordan's apartment, Hal and Laira were nestled together in each other's arms after a round of passion. It had been a hectic couple of months for the hero. Firstly, he learned about Orach's current unknown location, which screwed his hope to peacefully resolve the situation with the ship of death and forced him to increase his patrols with John and Laira. Secondly, yesterday night, he got slapped across the face when he broke up with Carol after finally getting on her schedule. Though it hurt to see his best friend and childhood sweetheart hurt, he knew it would be for the better since he was serious about Laira and was completely put off by the fact he had to make an appointment just to meet and speak to his friend and supposed girlfriend. Just when he thought he could finally enjoy his time with Laira, his phone blared with a code red notification, making him exclaim profanities since he truly was hoping for a quiet day in with Laira. His shouting even woke up his current girlfriend, who carried a slightly annoyed expression as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow, silently demanding an answer as to what made him disturb her sleep.

Hal smiled wryly as he apologized and showed the notification to Laira. "I can't seem to catch a break!"

Laira, seeing Hal like this, pitied him a bit, for even she agreed that her man just couldn't seem to catch a break.

They simply shook their heads and got ready to move out.


Meanwhile, in Metropolis, Clark was enjoying a quiet evening with Lois in their apartment's living room when his phone buzzed with a code red notification. His expression turned grave as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. Lois, noticing the shift, immediately sensed the urgency. "Emergency, right? What's the situation, spill it, Smallville," she demanded, her eyes locked onto his.

With a wry smile, Clark began to explain the potential threat. "Lois, I know you won't stay put because that's not your style, but please stay safe and keep an ear out for updates."

Lois's eyes softened, filled with both concern and determination. "I will, Clark. Just make sure you come back to me."

Clark nodded, swiftly changing into his Superman uniform. He gave Lois one last reassuring look before leaping out of their high-rise apartment window, jumping and swiftly flying towards the Hall of Justice with a determined expression.

Gotham City

In Gotham, Batman was already in his Batcave, meticulously monitoring various activities following a recent surge in crime. The code red notification flashed across his screen, demanding immediate attention. He swiftly accessed the DOD servers, analyzing the incoming data. "Alfred, prepare the Batwing. We have another alien invasion on our hands," he commanded, his voice steady yet intense.

"Right away, Master Wayne," Alfred responded, calm and composed despite the looming threat.

Batman sent out a message to the rest of the Bat-family. "We have a situation. Code red notification should have reached you all as well. Move out and coordinate with the League," he instructed.

As the heroes converged on the Hall of Justice, the weight of the impending battle pressed heavily on their shoulders. They knew they faced a formidable enemy, but their resolve remained unshakable.

Diana's Apartment

Just as Barbara was about to head back to her apartment, a code red alert flashed on both Diana and Rachel's terminals.They quickly scanned the updates being relayed by the League HQ, which was receiving real-time information from the Department of Defense.

Diana and Rachel exchanged looks and nodded. Without a word, they understood the gravity of the situation. Barbara, sensing the urgency, immediately joined them.

Hall of Justice

When the heroes finally gathered, General Swanwick briefed them on the situation, providing all the data they had collected on the alien ships and their potential threat. "This is the situation so far. This time, I am afraid it isn't an invasion; rather, the enemy has extermination in mind. Thoughts?" he stated firmly, his voice steady.

Superman asked, "Have we identified the race?"

General Swanwick shook his head. "I was hoping our Green Lantern allies could tell us."

Hal, John, and Laira exchanged uneasy glances before Hal spoke up for them. "They, like the Thanagarians, aren't people we have come across much. They must be from another relatively remote sector."

Hawkman slammed his fist on the Justice League table, his face contorted with rage. "Gordanians. That's a filthy Gordanian scouting party. Damn it. If they are here, then their mother ship can't be far behind."

His words immediately caught the attention of the rest. Superman, with a solemn expression, asked, "Hawkman, you seem to know them. Please, elaborate and explain the situation to us."

Hawkman, seeing all eyes on him, took a deep breath and began to explain, his voice filled with a mix of fury. "These Gordanians are supremacists. They believe they are the one true race, pure and loved by their god, and that other races are mistakes—soulless and unworthy of life. By their so-called divine right, they seek out planets, annihilate all life, and harvest the resources of those worlds. Our world, seeing the plight of many others devastated by them, has been fighting back at the behest of other worlds and some survivors. But while our technology is slightly superior giving us the edge, they have huge numbers, hence our people are at a deadlock with them. Damn it. They've even come this far? Do they truly have that kind of leeway even after all the skirmishes?"

Hawkman's eyes burned with a passionate intensity, his fists clenched tightly as he spoke. The heroes were silent, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

Hawkgirl, usually fierce and outspoken, was uncharacteristically quiet, but, her eyes under her mask, carried a deep-seated dread. 

The Teen Titans, who were listening to the meeting through their comms, were taken aback by the revelation of such a race. Most of the teenagers burned with righteous indignation, while Robin and Batgirl remained silent, intent on listening further. Meanwhile, Raven, who had accompanied Diana and Barbara to the Hall of Justice, stayed quietly by Cheetah's side, keenly absorbing the ongoing discussions.

The silence was broken by Batman, his voice low and contemplative. "So, you've personally encountered these beings before?"

Hawkman nodded vigorously. "Yes, and their brutality knows no bounds. They will stop at nothing to achieve their twisted goals."

Batman's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities and suspicions seeing the out-of-character expressions on the Hawk couple. "Since you have encountered them and they appear to be in a deadlock with the Thanagarians, why would they extend their reach to our system?"

Hawkman met Batman's gaze with gritted teeth, his voice unwavering. "I do not know, Batman, but the presence of their scouting party here is undeniable proof that they are here. They operate by sending a scouting party first, but the scouts are often accompanied by their dreadnought-class ship. We don't have time to argue now. People, my wife and I have fought these beasts before. While we have faith in your strength, if the Gordanians truly have set their sights on this world, then we must contact my homeworld and ask for assistance. I beseech you, generals, to please have your world leaders make contact and come to an agreement, a treaty of sorts with my people, allowing this world to gain allies that can ensure its safety."

Batman leaned back, scrutinizing Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Despite the conviction in Hawkman's voice, something felt off. "I respect you both as valued and trusted members of our team," Batman began cautiously, "but you're asking us to place our trust in your entire race. We've seen firsthand during the Kryptonian war that we can't always trust an entire species based on the actions of a few. What assurances do we have that Thanagar will aid us without hidden agendas?"

All found Batman's words though harsh to be reasonable as the Kryptonian invasion was a harrowing one. Superman couldn't help but, droop his head after hearing Batman's words.

Hawkman's eyes flared momentarily but, with determined to win them over he controlled himself and continued,"I understand your skepticism, Batman. But this is not about politics or power. This is about survival. If we don't act now, the Gordanians will wipe out everything we hold dear. Thanagar has the resources and experience and above that we have our honor as defenders of peace. I swear on my honor and the honor of my people, we have no intention other than to help save this world against this threat."

Batman's gaze remained steely, his suspicions growing with every out-of-character word from Hawkman and each restrained gesture.

Cyborg chimed in, "Come on, Batman. Hawkman and Hawkgirl have fought beside us. I say we should trust them."

Aquaman added, "Yeah, Bats. You're the big-picture guy. Don't narrow your vision now."

While the rest of the leaguers didn't say anything, they nodded silently in agreement.

Seeing that an argument wouldn't benefit the current situation, Batman nodded slowly. "Very well, Hawkman. I agree with the proposal to reach out to Thanagar."

Hawkman exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Batman. I promise you won't regret this decision."

The heroes exchanged determined glances, finalized their plan to defend against the impending enemy. With their team assignments in hand, they dispersed, ready to confront the adversary at different locations per the DOD's telemetry data. Batman, piloting his Batwing, activated a secure line to contact Robin, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and even Raven.

"Thanks for joining in. I need your honest thoughts about the meeting," Batman began, his voice steady but laced with underlying tension.

Robin, currently patrolling Jump City with Batgirl, responded first, "Batman, what's there to think about? We learned about the threat heading to Earth, and now we prepare."

Batman felt a pang of disappointment. Especially considering how he had always treated Dick like a son, even though expressing it wasn't his strong suit.

Batgirl interjected, "Stupid. Batman, ignore this idiot. Back to your question, I suppose you found the Hawk couple out of character, didn't you?"

Batman sighed. "Yes, Batgirl. You're right. Both were out of character. Hawkman seemed particularly restrained."

Wonder Woman, flying with Cheetah in tow alongside Raven, added, "Come on, Batman. You heard them. The enemy this time is a despicable race that Hawkman's world has been fighting against. It's not surprising to see him act out of character and be a little passionate, is it?"

Cheetah, who had been eavesdropping, chimed in, "Wonder Woman, I believe Batman's suspicions are valid. Think about it. We haven't even faced this enemy once, and despite knowing we have powerhouses like you and Rach…Raven, they firmly proposed inviting their kin. Even if they don't know about your recent breakthroughs, your previous forms were effective against the likes of Kryptonians. It does raise a flag in my mind as well. Our own history has examples of supposed allies who turned into conquerors."

Batman nodded, his skepticism deepening. "Exactly. They know our strength, and yet they insist on involving their kin. It feels like a setup."

Wonder Woman's eyes narrowed, pondering Batman's words. "So, you think they might have ulterior motives?"

"It's possible," Batman replied. "We need to be prepared for any eventuality. Trust but verify."

Robin, more serious now, added, "So, what's the plan?"

Batman's eyes glinted with determination. "Wonder Woman and Raven, I know Mother2 is limited, but can she hack into the systems of the incoming alien ships if we manage to get some time on one of them?"

Wonder Woman thought for a moment, then called out to Mother2, "Mother2, can you patch yourself to this line and answer Batman's query?"

A familiar voice resonated over the secure line, "Understood, mistress. This unit will now answer the query presented by the individual Bruce Wayne, code name Batman." The AI's casual mention of his name made Batman's eye twitch, while giggles erupted from Batgirl, Cheetah, and Wonder Woman. Despite this, Batman waited patiently for Mother2 to continue. "Apologies for the delay. After collecting the necessary data and running initial scans of the vessels, I am certain of hacking into their ships."

This answer, though what he had hoped for, stumped him. "Wait a moment, Mother2, did you just say you scanned the vessels? How?"

Everyone on the call, except Rachel, wondered the same thing. They eagerly awaited Mother2's reply. But, even after a few minutes, no answer came.

"...Wonder Woman?" voiced Batman, as he didn't get an answer from Mother2.

Wonder Woman found it odd as well, but before she could question Mother2, she heard her daughter Raven's voice. "Mother2 won't divulge any information about Dad, his inventions, or his work to outsiders. Batman, I suggest we move on. The important thing is, we can hack the alien ship."

The rest were stumped hearing this but understood her point. Wonder Woman had an apologetic smile on her face.

Batman, already aware of some of Orach's covert actions, didn't mind the secrecy. He too operated in similar shadows. Moving on, he continued, "Understood. Thank you for clarifying that, Raven. Now, with that, I believe we have a plan. While the League collaborates with the Hawks and engages the enemies, the Titans will support the rest and protect the cities. Robin, I want you to lead the Titans and create an opening for Batgirl and Raven. During the fray, Batgirl and Raven, I want you both to infiltrate any ship we bring down and, with Mother2's help, hack their database to collect any information you can gather. Wonder Woman, as you're deployed in another location, try to do the same with any ship you bring down. Simultaneously, use your Lasso of Truth to find and interrogate a Gordanian. Later, you ladies can rejoin your respective teams. At the end, I want all present here, yes, even you, Cheetah, to meet me at the Batcave. We'll go through the data together. Everyone should be on high alert for any signs of betrayal. We cannot afford to be complacent."

Batgirl nodded firmly, "Understood, Batman. We'll keep a close watch."

Wonder Woman responded, "Understood."

Raven's voice was calm and steady as she replied, "Got it." After a moment, she sighed and continued, "Man, I wish Dad was here. He would have had a field day with the Gordanians if what Hawkman said is remotely true."

Wonder Woman sighed, her voice tinged with longing as she remarked with a wry smile, "Yeah. If the Gordanians are anything like Hawkman described, your father would have gone on a rampage the moment they landed on Earth."

Cheetah chuckled, recalling Empress Gula's awe-inspiring display of power at Themyscira. She could easily envision Orach's reaction to the aliens challenging his principles. "Yeah, I can totally see that. It would have been quite a spectacle. We could probably sell tickets and make a fortune off such an event. With him, there'd be no casualties on our side. We could just sit back and enjoy the show."

Raven, caught up in the fun, added, "I want butter popcorn… no… wait, maybe caramel flavor!"

Wonder Woman laughed at her daughter's antics and replied, "Sure. We'll get both flavors."

Batgirl, joining the light-hearted banter, said, "Even though I find him intimidating, I'd have to say I'd go to that show too. If we do this, I'll handle the talk with vendors. I know some people in Gotham."

Cheetah and Wonder Woman exchanged amused glances before Cheetah said, "Sure. Sounds like a plan."

The men of the Bat family, overhearing the conversation, stayed silent but couldn't help but think, 'Are these women insane?'

Batman cleared his throat, breaking the playful atmosphere. "Anyway. Good. With this plan in place, let's prepare for what's coming. And remember, stay vigilant. The enemy may not just be out there; they could be standing right beside us."

As the call ended, despite the light hearted banter, a sense of unease settled in Batman's gut. His instincts rarely led him astray, and he had a feeling this time would be no different.

Department of Defense Base - Approximately an hour before the expected arrival time of the alien ships

In the command center, after arriving with General Lane, General Swanwick, took over command from the acting head General Hammond and all focused intently on the monitors tracking the alien ships' movements. Military deployment orders had already been issued, mobilizing all land, navy, and air force units to assume defensive positions and coordinate closely with the Justice League. Trajectory data of the alien ships was shared with allied nations, ensuring a global, coordinated response to the imminent threat.

As the alien ships neared Earth, their descent trajectory was displayed on the screens, moving with terrifying swiftness. Suddenly, the ships initiated their descent, targeting various global locations. The Green Lanterns, working in tandem with the Justice League, sprang into action. Hal Jordan joined Superman and Batman in the US, Laira teamed up with Wonder Woman and Green Arrow in India, Aquaman, Hawkman, and Martian Manhunter took their stand in Europe, while Cyborg and Black Canary prepared in Japan. In Russia, Hawkgirl and Flash partnered with John Stewart. Each Lantern stepped forward, announcing their identities and demanding that the alien ships cease their hostile actions in the name of the Guardians of the Universe.

Hopes that their reputations would precede them were dashed as the Gordanians responded swiftly and violently. Plasma cannons fired from the ships, forcing the Lanterns to create giant shield constructs to defend against the onslaught. Seeing the hostile response, the Justice League members and national armies issued attack orders.

In the US control room, General Swanwick's voice boomed over the comms, "All units, engage the enemy!" The air force joined the fray, providing cover fire and serving as diversions, allowing the heroes to prepare larger attacks.

The defensive battle had begun. The sky darkened with smoke, debris rained down, and the air was filled with the sounds of destruction. Plasma cannons decimated many air force jets, while the combined efforts of the heroes seem to be the only attack that significantly impacted the ships' shields as Hal Jordan created openings for Superman to land powerful punches on the ship.

During an assault, Superman was electrocuted while attempting a rear attack and crashed to the ground. Batman, coordinating from the Batwing, provided tactical support, allowing Superman time to recover. He also directed reinforcements and coordinated strategic strikes with air force units.

As the ship headed towards the nearby cities, with evacuations still underway, Hal Jordan's voice rang through the comms, "Hold the line! We cannot let them break through!" He conjured massive wall constructs to shield entire battalions, aiming to halt the ship's advance.

Explosions shook the skies, reverberating through the nearby cities where the Teen Titans, led by Robin, managed the evacuations. They ensured everything ran smoothly, fighting off any threats to the civilians. Miss Martian used her telekinesis to coordinate with other Titans, like Starfire, whose energy blasts lit up the sky, taking down debris. Raven employed her dark magic to create barriers and then unleashed a barrage of dark magic blasts with her wings unfurled majestically, neutralizing plasma cannon attacks and protecting the fleeing masses.

Superman, after being shot down, shook his head as he recovered from the shock. His expression grew solemn as he rejoined the fray. Learning from his previous mistake, he used his heat vision to land a decisive blow on the enemy shields, finally bringing the ships down.

As the ship crashed, Robin instructed Starfire to unleash a wide-area attack, making it look like they were targeting the debris. Trusting her leader, Starfire aimed at the falling wreckage and unleashed a barrage of energy blasts. Meanwhile, under the cover of the bright attack, Raven and Batgirl utilized space laws to appear near the ship. They quickly found an entry point and initiated their mission. Within minutes, they had downloaded the necessary data. Using her mastery of space laws, Raven then teleported herself and Batgirl back to their teammates.

In Japan, Cyborg had strategically positioned himself at a high-altitude vantage point. His right arm transformed into a long-range cannon, ready to strike. As soon as he received reports of attacks from other locations, he wasted no time. He gave no quarter to the descending vessel intent on causing havoc. With precision, he aimed and fired a preemptive blast. The shot pierced through the clouds, tearing a gaping hole in the ship, effectively neutralizing the threat. Black Canary, using her upgraded sonic cry, obliterated the falling debris, coordinating seamlessly with the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF), who also shot down any remaining fragments. Together, Cyborg and Black Canary became the first Justice League team to successfully repel the enemy assault.

Meanwhile, in India, Wonder Woman had entered her Pseudo Rosé form, her aura crackling with divine energy. With fierce determination, she engaged the enemy, her sword slicing through the air with deadly precision, landing blow after blow on the ship. Despite the ship's defenses trying to pry her away and electrocute her, Diana's God Ki protected her, rendering their attempts useless. Laira and Green Arrow provided formidable defense, thwarting plasma cannon attacks and falling debris effectively shielding the brave soldiers supporting Wonder Woman. The navy and air force launched guided missiles, their timing impeccable, striking whenever Wonder Woman retreated to assess the ship's defenses covering her tracks and providing effective diversion though they hoped to land a effective blow themselves. Gradually, the ship's shield weakened under the relentless assaults. Realizing the ship's full capabilities, Wonder Woman drove it away from the bustling city of Varanasi. Gathering her Ki, she unleashed a devastating sword strike, cleaving the ship in two. The smoldering halves crashed into a nearby field, flames and smoke billowing into the sky.

As the battle subsided, Wonder Woman sheathed her sword, ready to drop her transformation. But suddenly, her God Ki pulsed, drawing her attention to something nearby. Puzzled, she looked around but, couldn't identify the source. A sense of urgency washed over her in the next moment remembering the current situation, and she decided to investigate another time. Descending to the crash site, she searched for a safe entry point. Finding a breach, she entered the wreckage, navigating through the twisted metal to reach the deck. There, she was met with a grim sight—dead bodies strewn across the floor.

Cautiously, she approached, wary of deception. Taking the pulse of several bodies, she discovered they had died hours ago. Her eyes narrowed, and a serious expression replaced her initial confusion. Something was undeniably wrong. She immediately summoned Mother2 to access and download any available data for analysis.

As she waited, her mind raced with questions. 'What is happening here? Why were they already dead? Could Batman be right? Is there really a plot afoot?' The more she pondered, the more her unease grew. Once the data transfer completed, she swiftly departed, first blending into the lush forest surroundings on foot, then taking to the air to rejoin her team from a safe distance.

In the heart of Russia, the Flash darted through the battlefield with lightning speed, creating powerful vortexes that threw enemy ship into disarray. Meanwhile, John Stewart, with unwavering focus, conjured massive constructs that coordinated seamlessly with Hawkgirl. Together, they delivered devastating blows that relentlessly chipped away at the integrity of the ships' shields.

The valiant soldiers on the ground, refusing to be mere spectators, charged into the battle with unwavering grit and courage. Thanks to the combined efforts of all forces, Hawkgirl, with a powerful battle cry, delivered a decisive blow that sent the ship crashing down. The ground quaked with the impact, and triumphant cheers echoed across the battlefield.

Sensing the urgency, the Flash continued his relentless sprint across the war-torn landscape. His eyes scanned for civilians as he dashed to rescue them, whisking them to safety in the blink of an eye. Injured soldiers also found salvation in his swift intervention, earning him their respect.

In Europe, Aquaman summoned a massive aquatic creature, initially causing panic among the evacuating populace, with some even comparing it to the legendary Kraken. However, their fear quickly turned to amazement and confidence when the creature, under Aquaman's command, began hurling projectiles at the incoming alien ship.

While the alien ship was distracted by the onslaught of projectiles and busy firing its plasma cannons, Martian Manhunter flew up towards the ship and used his invisibility to escape detection, aiming to phase through its hull to ultimately disrupt the ship's systems and cause internal chaos. However, the alien ship's advanced defenses included an unexpected energy field that countered his phasing abilities, electrocuting him and causing him to crash into the ocean.

The ship's sophisticated defenses soon adapted to the projectiles, making Aquaman's attacks less effective. However, the diversion provided by both Aquaman and Martian Manhunter allowed Hawkman to land strategic strikes with his Nth metal weapon, chipping away at the ship's shield integrity. As the battle continued, the alien ship distanced itself from Hawkman and concentrated its fire on the large creature, injuring it and forcing Aquaman to call back his friend to heal.

Just as Martian Manhunter recovered and rose from the ocean, he was met with a plasma blast that sent him sprawling. The alien ship, now solely focused on the only real threat, Hawkman.

Failing to anticipate Hawkman's rapid maneuvers, the ship's systems responded by unleashing a barrage of powerful energy blasts, relentlessly bombarding the heroes. Cornered and with options running out, the heroes braced themselves. Suddenly, a massive beam tore through the sky, blasting a hole in the alien ship attacking them. Aquaman and Martian Manhunter looked on in disbelief as a new alien ship descended and soon hovered above the wreckage of their former foe. This unexpected intervention saved them, but the appearance of the new vessel raised more questions than answers. Just then, they heard Hawkman's hearty laugh, giving them a hint about the identity of their rescuers.

"Rejoice, Earth! The great Thanagarian Empire is here to help!" shouted Hawkman, grinning widely.