Chapter 92 - Shattered Wings and Blood-Drenched Skies beneath the Looming Shadow - Part 2

As Raven and Wonder Woman departed, the remaining team sprang into action with renewed urgency. Batgirl's fingers danced across the keyboard, dispatching an encrypted message to Cyborg: "Hawk Couple compromised. Inform League covertly." Meanwhile, Batman's grave visage filled the screen as he connected with General Swanwick through a secure channel, relaying their unsettling discoveries.

Swanwick's expression hardened, his eyes blazing with determination to protect his world. "Even if those politicians try to save their own skins when the chips are down, we'll fight to our last breath," he vowed, his voice a steely whisper. The gravity of the situation hung heavy between them as they agreed: operating in the shadows was their only option against the looming Thanagarian threat.

Still unaware of the betrayal, world leaders had already acquiesced to the Thanagarians' proposal. As plans for a planetary shield projector and cultural exchange gained momentum, Earth's brightest minds found themselves unwittingly collaborating with their potential conquerors. Even the Justice League's mightiest - Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and Aquaman, had pledged their support.

Back in the depths of the Batcave, Batman after his call removed his cowl and sank into his chair, eyes closed, the weight of the world bearing down on his shoulders. As gentle hands began massaging his temples, he recognized Cheetah's touch and allowed himself a brief respite from the storm of his thoughts.

"Bruce, you need to rest," Cheetah murmured, her voice a soothing balm. "We have a plan. Soon, we'll uncover their true intentions."

Batman sighed, his voice heavy with concern. "It's not just that, Barb. Even if we expose their plan, how do we stand against an entire armada? Our options are grim - a desperate nuclear gambit or pinning our hopes on Wonder Woman and Raven." His brow furrowed deeper. "Diana's recent breakthrough has made her formidable, surpassing even Superman. And Raven... she's no pushover. But they're just two against an army. And Raven...she's still so young."

His gaze shifted to Batgirl, who had been listening intently to their conversation and, despite her attempts to remain unnoticed, had been caught by Bruce. "I appreciate the Teen Titans, but you're all still teenagers. You should be worrying about your futures, enjoying life, and not risking your lives. It's our responsibility as adults to shoulder this burden and find a solution."

Cheetah, once aligned with Batman's protective instincts, found herself reconsidering. The raw power she had witnessed in Raven and Wonder Woman, backed by forces beyond mortal comprehension, had shifted her perspective. Age, she realized, was becoming an increasingly arbitrary measure in the face of such extraordinary abilities.

"Bruce," she began, her tone gentle, "I understand your concern. Not long ago, I would have agreed without hesitation. But after witnessing Rachel and Diana's power firsthand, and knowing the power that backs them, I must disagree. Rachel may be young, but she's a powerhouse we can't afford to overlook—especially in the upcoming battle. More importantly, despite the occasional mischievousness, she's shown a level of responsibility that surpasses many adults."

Cheetah paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "The world is changing, Bruce. The threats we face are evolving, and so must our approach. These young heroes - Raven, the Teen Titans - they're not just the future. They're an integral part of our present. We need to trust them, guide them, but also recognize and nurture their incredible potential."

As Batman absorbed Cheetah's words in contemplative silence, Batgirl seized the moment to add her voice. "Bruce," she said, her tone firm with conviction, "Cheetah's right. Please don't push us to the sidelines in the coming fight. We've grown beyond being mere sidekicks - you've made sure of that with your training. Even in the face of an alien armada, I'd rather stand and fight alongside you and the League than wait helplessly for whatever the Thanagarians have planned. And I know, without a doubt, that every member of the Teen Titans feels the same way. We're asking you to trust us, to let us prove ourselves worthy of the faith you've placed in us all these years."

As Bruce absorbed their words, the Batcave fell into a hushed silence. Finally, after a moment of contemplation, he nodded, his voice tinged with reluctant acceptance. "You're right. I've underestimated their growth and power. This isn't just another threat—it's an interstellar war that could reshape our world. Despite my concerns, we can't sideline them. Their strength is crucial. This battle involves all who call this planet home."

Cheetah's eyes lit up with a sudden realization. "You're right, this isn't just our fight. This involves everyone!" she exclaimed. "I'll talk to Diana about calling upon the warriors of Themyscira. And... perhaps it's time to see if the gods of Olympus themselves might descend to lend a hand."

Batman and Batgirl were both stunned. Batgirl's eyes widened at the mention of Olympian gods, while Batman's narrowed with suspicion. "Amazons are one thing," he said cautiously, "but given their history and reputation, can we trust the Greek gods?"

Cheetah's lips curved into a wry smile. "There's a lot that's happened in recent months that I haven't had the chance to fill you in on," she explained. "Long story short, the Greek pantheon is under new management. After recent events on Themyscira, I have no doubt they'd answer Diana's call to arms."

Bruce raised an eyebrow at the implication but nodded after a moment of contemplation. "Alright. If they can descend and lend a hand, that would be great as well. I'll also reach out to my other contacts. There are at least two mages I know—one is an old acquaintance, while the other... a rather prickly individual who might be persuaded to join the fight. Together with Raven, they would be good support."

Now it was Cheetah's turn to be surprised. "You know mages? Since when?"

Bruce simply shook his head before replying. "I was trained by one, actually. Mostly in the art of escaping impossible situations. I don't usually reach out to them or even mention them much. I'm not a big fan of magic."

Batman straightened in his chair, his eyes now sharp with renewed purpose. "We need to act quickly," he said, his voice regaining its strength. "Batgirl, I want you to reach out to the Teen Titans. Bring them up to speed, but stress the need for absolute secrecy. Cheetah, contact Diana. We need to gather all the help we can get."

As Batgirl and Cheetah moved to carry out their tasks, Batman turned back to his computer. His fingers flew across the keyboard, reaching out to contacts both old and new.

Diana's Apartment

Upon their return from Gotham, Rachel detailed her plans for soul technique training in Azarath to Diana. Diana listened intently, her maternal instincts kicking in as she grasped the intensity of the upcoming cultivation. With a gentle yet firm gesture, Diana raised her hand, silencing her daughter mid-sentence. "Wait here," she said, her voice a blend of warmth and resolve.

Diana then retreated to the kitchen and spent considerable time efficiently preparing a variety of nutrient-rich meals. She understood all too well the time-warping nature of intense cultivation, having witnessed both her husband and daughter lose themselves in training for days on end. Though part of her yearned to give Rachel more time to recover from the recent Themysciran incident, the looming threat left no room for delay.

Returning with an assortment of carefully packed containers, Diana's eyes shone with a mixture of love and concern. "These should last you a few days," she explained, her tone allowing no room for argument. "But you will return the moment you need more. No exceptions. Even if you're on the brink of a breakthrough – your health comes first." The unspoken worry behind her words wasn't lost on Rachel, who nodded solemnly.

Rachel moved to hug her mother. "I'll master it quickly," Rachel promised. "I'll be ready to help when the time comes." With a final, determined nod, Rachel stepped back. Her fingers traced in the air, opening a ripple in space leading to Azarath. Gathering the prepared meals, she cast one last glance at her mother before stepping through, the ripple sealing and vanishing behind her.

As the ripple vanished, Cheetah landed gracefully on the balcony, her feline form receding to reveal Barbara. Diana raised an eyebrow, surprised by her friend's return. "I thought you'd be spending the night with Bruce. It's been a while since you two had quality time together."

Barbara sighed, a mix of longing and determination in her eyes. "Believe me, Di, I'd love nothing more than to be with that man all night. But with everything going on, he's got a lot on his mind, and this takes priority." She paused, her gaze intensifying. "Bruce made me realize something. The Justice League is powerful, but against a threat of this magnitude, we need more. We need everyone who can lend a hand. This world is home to all of us, after all, and so…" Her voice took on a formal tone. "Princess Diana of Themyscira, I humbly request you deploy the forces of Themyscira against this impending threat. And... if possible, seek aid from the Olympian gods themselves."

Diana was taken aback by Barbara's formal address, but she understood the gravity of the request. As Wonder Woman, she was Themyscira's champion, but only as its princess could she command the Amazon army. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded. "You're right. While Rachel, Clark, and I can handle significant threats, against an entire armada even we would be stretched thin." She took a deep breath, her eyes flashing with determination. "To minimize casualties, I'll fly to Themyscira tonight and have my mother prepare for full deployment. It's time we remind the universe that the Amazons stand steadfast as Earth's protectors."

Barbara exhaled in relief, but Diana's expression remained troubled. "Regarding the Olympian gods, it's... complicated," she said, her voice low and weighted. "The pantheons exist in a precarious balance, each in a tacit agreement to limit their interference in the mortal realm. To summon the Greek gods in full force... it could shatter that already fragile balance."

Diana took a deep breath before continuing, "Other pantheons might see it as an invitation – or a challenge. We could inadvertently usher in a new age of gods walking the Earth, vying for power and influence. And trust me, Barbara, their battles could make the Thanagarian threat pale in comparison."

She paused, her gaze suddenly turning icy as it fixed on a shadowed corner of the room. She addressed the uninvited guest, "What are your thoughts on this... Ares?"

A deep, resonant voice soon filled the room, its power unmistakable. "Sister, do you truly believe such concerns matter in the face of what's coming?" From the shadows emerged Ares, the Greek god of war, his black and indigo battle armor gleaming ominously, piercing red eyes shining through his helmet.

Diana, having sensed Ares' presence moments before, had already tapped into her God Ki. She stood poised, ready to act if Ares showed any sign of hostility. Barbara, shocked by the sudden appearance, transformed back into Cheetah, her claws extended as she took a defensive stance beside Diana.

Ares continued, his voice a low growl, "Your mortal allies, even with the Amazons at their side, are hopelessly outmatched. I can feel it in my very essence—war is upon us. These Thanagarians..." He paused, his eyes flashing with a mix of anticipation and concern. "They reek of conflict. A conflict so palpable that they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

Diana murmured, "So, even you feel it…" She fell silent, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "Olympus has just lost its godking and has only recently begun to recover from its conflict with the Titans. With the other pantheons smelling blood, to ask them to descend now…" She paused, weighing her words carefully. "But at the same time, you're right, Ares. Given the current situation, we'll deal with the other pantheons once this is over, if it comes to that. For now, we must be strategic in our approach. The gods will descend only after our enemy shows its full hand, not before. Is that understood?"

Ares's red eyes glowed ominously through the slits of his helmet as he nodded in agreement. But suddenly, he felt an overwhelming pressure that made his knees buckle, shocking him. Diana's voice cut through the air, "And Ares… this is my home. You do not appear here uninvited or without contacting me in advance. Understood?" Looking up, he saw Diana in her Pseudo Rosé form. Once again, he was stunned by the power his half-sister could unleash. Even though he had reached the very cusp of breaking through to the godking rank, he still found it difficult to face her.

He nodded once more before fading away. Seeing the god of war retreat, Diana and Barbara relaxed, each dropping their defensive stances and transformations. After a brief nod to each other, Cheetah left for her apartment to pack her clothes and essentials before catching a train to Gotham. Meanwhile, Diana took to the sky, heading towards Themyscira. She suppressed her energy signature and employed a technique her daughter had taught her during their Azarath training. Manipulating her God Ki, Diana created a thin layer around herself that refracted light, making her nearly invisible and difficult for others to perceive—thus avoiding unwanted attention.

Meanwhile, the other Justice League members side

They received Cyborg's encrypted warning after returning from the proceedings. The message struck each hero like a physical blow, shattering the trust they had built. "Hawks deceived us. Thanagarians are not allies. Maintain normalcy but exercise caution. High probability of surveillance. Avoid detectable disruptions. Coordinating with Batman and Wonder Woman on next steps."

The reactions varied as widely as the heroes themselves. At home, Arthur was enjoying a drink and a peaceful ocean view after a tense day when the notification shattered his calm. His frustration manifested as he crushed a nearby rock. Assessing the situation and swallowing his pride, he steeled himself to seek help from Mera and others in Atlantis, knowing the looming armada would require more than just the Justice League. With renewed determination, he dove into the ocean.

In Central City, Barry Allen slumped in his chair at S.T.A.R. Labs, the weight of another betrayal settling in. After a few minutes of feeling lost, anger and frustration took over. With determined eyes, he reached out to Caitlin and Cisco, requesting their help. Despite his wishes to keep them safe, he knew he needed them to grow stronger and not fail anyone else ever again.

Upon receiving the news and conferring with Batman, Green Arrow and Black Canary channeled their anger into a focused patrol of Star City.

J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, chastised himself for failing to read the minds of the Hawk couple and other Thanagarians, despite knowing some force or item on the Thanagarians always blocked his powers. After a brief moment of self-doubt, he recalled the voice that had offered him a fresh start and pictured his niece's joyful face as she built a life on their adopted planet. With renewed determination, he vowed to defend their future, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

In Metropolis, Clark Kent's eyes flashed with barely contained shock and fury as he processed the news. Without a word to his colleagues or Lois at the Daily Planet, where everyone was working overtime to cover the proceedings and talks with the Thanagarian delegations, he vanished. Making his way to the Fortress of Solitude, he sought counsel from the AI embodiment of his father, desperate for a strategy to counter this new threat.

Cyborg, under the cover of night, made his way to Gotham and headed straight for the Batcave. There, he and Batman reviewed the data provided by Mother2. Their enhanced minds worked in tandem to formulate a plan of attack.

The Green Lanterns—Hal, John, and Laira—reacted with a mixture of shock and fury upon receiving the news. This sector clearly fell under the Lantern Corps' jurisdiction, and now Earth—a world they had sworn to protect—stood on the brink of invasion. The Thanagarians had blatantly disregarded the Corps' authority. Through their rings, the three heroes conferred, weighing the risks and planning their next move. Eventually, Hal's ring sent an encoded distress signal streaking across the cosmos towards Oa. Now, all they could do was wait and hope reinforcements would arrive in time, while following Batman's suggestion to maintain their facade of cooperation.

In the days that followed, the Justice League members maintained a facade of cooperation while secretly preparing for potential conflict. Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern John Stewart assisted in constructing the projector, all the while discreetly gathering intelligence on the device and the Thanagarians' true intentions.

On Themyscira, Diana secured support from her Amazon sisters and reached out to the Greek Pantheon. Together, they crafted an intricate contingency plan, ready to be set in motion should the Thanagarians reveal their entire hand. Afterwards, with General Swanwick's help, she—as Wonder Woman—got a formal audience with the U.S. president. Together, they announced the island nation of Themyscira entering the global stage, with Wonder Woman as its champion, princess, and ambassador.

Meanwhile, Batman heard back from his contacts who delved in magic. Zatanna, his fellow student, friend, and ever-reliable ally, readily agreed to lend her formidable magical prowess. With her persuasive abilities, they even managed to bring the reluctant Constantine on board. The master of the dark arts, despite his initial hesitation, understood the gravity of the situation and pledged his support to the cause.

As they discussed strategies in Constantine's sanctum, the House of Mysteries, Zatanna's gaze was drawn to a particularly potent artifact, the fabled Helmet of Nabu. The power emanating from the relic was palpable, and Zatanna couldn't help but consider its potential in the looming conflict. Constantine, however, noticed her interest and his expression darkened. With a mix of concern and stern warning in his voice, he positioned himself between Zatanna and the helmet, strongly cautioning against its use. The risks, he argued, far outweighed any benefits, and the price of wielding such power was always high.

Batman, even considered unconventional alliances. He made a calculated visit to Arkham Asylum, hoping to appeal to any remnants of humanity in some of its residents. The Dark Knight knew that in the face of a global threat, even the most unlikely allies might prove valuable.

In Atlantis, Aquaman faced a different challenge. His initial request for aid was met with refusal, forcing him to take drastic measures. Invoking ancient traditions, Arthur challenged his half-brother Orm, the current king of Atlantis, to a duel. The stakes were high, if Arthur won, Atlantis would stand with the Justice League; if he lost, he would forfeit all rights to the throne.

As the duel commenced, tension filled the air. Vulko and Mera watched with gritted teeth, their hearts heavy at the sight of the true king—in their hearts—struggling to secure help from his own people, even after proving himself so many times. Even the other Atlantean rulers felt conflicted, remembering how Arthur and his surface allies had saved them during the Kryptonian invasion. Yet, bound by tradition, they could only observe as the brothers clashed.

The duel was intense, with both brothers showcasing their formidable skills. In the end, Arthur, drawing upon his experiences from his recent battles and improved skills, proved himself a formidable opponent for Orm and emerged victorious, his trident pointed at a defeated but defiant Orm. Seeing Orm's stubborn refusal to concede, the kings of Atlantis's various factions intervened. They officially declared Arthur the victor and ordered their medics to tend to Orm. As the announcement echoed through the halls, the kings swore to follow Aquaman's lead and pledged Atlantis's support to the cause.

As he looked upon the various faction leaders swearing to lend assistance in the upcoming conflict, Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief. But just then, as his muscles relaxed, the toll of the battle finally hit him, causing him to stumble. Swiftly and expertly, he was propped up and supported by Mera, who had noticed his fatigue and arrived just in time beside him. She supported him and helped him stand tall as they faced the crowd, presenting a united front. In that moment, Arthur felt a surge of gratitude and affection for Mera, realizing the depth of his feelings for her. Vulko, seeing this sight, had tears form in his eyes and wished that the late queen were here to see this.

After recuperating, Arthur convened with Vulko and the Atlantean leaders to strategize their role in the coming conflict. With Atlantis now committed to the cause, Aquaman reached out to Batman and Cyborg, confirming that he would coordinate the Atlantean forces. Thus, after a week, a crucial piece had fallen into place, bolstering the Justice League's preparations for the looming threat.


The once-pristine training ground now bore witness to Rachel's intense regimen. A scorched circle, nearly ten miles in diameter, scarred the landscape—remnants of dark magical fire still flickering across its surface. At the epicenter hovered two figures, cross-legged in meditation, facing each other in perfect symmetry: Rachel and her manifested soul. Both, locked in an eternal pursuit of growth and discovery.

Over the course of two months and ten days, Rachel's progress had been remarkable. The initial struggle to communicate with her soul-self had evolved into a deep, intuitive bond. After about a week of focused meditation, she improved her connection with her nascent world and could summon her soul at will in her inner realm. A month later, she watched in awe as her ethereal soul took shape outside her inner realm, manifesting as a majestic raven in Azarath.

The manifestation was a sight to behold: a majestic raven, its wingspan stretching across the Azarath's sky. Rings of dark flames encircled the creature, creating a mesmerizing halo that pulsed with raw, untamed power. As the raven spread its wings wide, its energy radiated throughout Azarath, sending ripples through the very fabric of the realm.

This display of power, however, did not go unchallenged. Azarath itself, sentient and protective, perceived the raven as an intruder. Dark clouds gathered ominously, crackling with powerful lightning as the realm prepared to defend itself against what it saw as a threat to its master's domain. The raven, unfazed by the realm's show of force, let out a defiant cry that echoed throughout the realm, angering Azarath even further.

Rachel, caught between these two titanic forces, felt a surge of panic. With a shout, she commanded both entities to cease their posturing. "Stop!" she cried, her voice carrying the weight of her authority as this realm's princess. "Azarath, the raven is me—it's not an intruder!"

For a tense moment, the realm's lightning continued to crackle menacingly. But slowly, reluctantly, the dark clouds began to recede. The raven, looking smugly at its retreating opponent, let out a triumphant caw. But its celebration was short-lived as it caught sight of Rachel's icy glare. Chastened, the soul-beast's head drooped, reminiscent of a scolded child.

In the days that followed, Rachel worked tirelessly to harmonize her two aspects. Soon, she could seamlessly transform her soul-self into a perfect mirror image, and during spars with her soul self, unlock new depths of power with each successful summon.

Their training sessions became increasingly intense, each clash of energy reshaping the training ground and expanding Rachel's understanding of her true abilities.

Through these sessions, Rachel discovered the true extent of her soul's and by extension her true capabilities. She could perceive an easier and more efficient flow of magic as she witnessed her soul form channel it with unprecedented ease. When it manipulated the primordial laws, the feats it showed left her stunned in many ways, as they were moves that she had only imagined before.

One significant aspect of her training was the creation of a powerful area-of-effect attack. The potency of this attack both excited and sobered Rachel. Surveying the aftermath of its use, she resolved to wield such power responsibly and only when absolutely necessary.

Despite her progress, Rachel's greatest challenge remained: fully merging consciousness with her soul-self. Controlling the primordial laws in this state proved incredibly difficult. Her initial attempts at spatial manipulation often ended in comical disaster—she'd find herself flung far from her intended destination, crashing unceremoniously into trees or face-planting into the unforgiving ground.

But Rachel's determination never wavered as Azarath helped her to heal every time. Through persistent effort, she gradually gained rudimentary control over her connection to the primordial laws in soul form. This newfound mastery unlocked a range of impressive abilities. She could now create small pockets of space, replicating her father's technique of hiding in plain sight and even storing items within these miniature realms. In her soul form, she could easily phase through solid objects and briefly manipulate the flow of time around objects—though the latter left her significantly drained. Through this stronger connection with the primordial laws in her soul form, Rachel also deepened her understanding of them. This enhanced comprehension further improved her skills, allowing her to apply some of these abilities even through her physical body and helping her take another step towards her next realm breakthrough.

On the tenth day, Rachel's terminal notified her that it was time to leave for the outside world—the day of the cultural and technological exchange had arrived. She ended her meditation, and her manifested soul followed suit. Rachel could sense her synchronization with her soul had improved significantly; she could now maintain her soul-self outside her inner realm for nearly seven minutes. Given her new abilities in soul form, she felt confident in accomplishing her task.

Still, Rachel looked forward to further cultivation and was eager to discover more abilities in the future. She understood that cultivation was an endless journey. For now, she recalled her soul back into her inner realm and went to eat and freshen up before returning to her mother's side.

Once ready, Rachel donned her armor and pulled her hood over her head. Tapping into the space laws, she created a ripple in space. Before stepping through, she cast a final glance at Azarath's landscape. With a wave and a shout of "I'll be back!" she stepped into the portal, leaving Azarath to mend the scarred training grounds and continue its vigil over the home of the House of Gula in this lower realm.

The Cultural Exchange Begins

On this clear morning, Earth's diplomatic delegation gathered at the designated meeting point. Representatives from various nations stood ready, including Wonder Woman in her role as Princess Diana of Themyscira. Diana's attire, though formal, subtly incorporated her iconic elements—her tiara and lasso discreetly present around her waist, alongside the symbols of the House of Gula, her necklace and bangle terminals. As they awaited the Thanagarians' arrival, Diana seized the opportunity to assess their surroundings. Her keen eyes swept over the alien forces, the half-finished projector station, and the massive dreadnought ship looming ominously in the sky above.

After a short wait, a sleek Thanagarian transport vessel descended. From it emerged Paran Dul, accompanied by two subordinates and Hawkgirl, the latter now adorned in new, Thanagarian armor. Diana's gaze lingered on her former ally, her expression neutral despite the complex emotions beneath the surface. Keeping appearances, she gave a curt nod of acknowledgment to Hawkgirl when their eyes met.

Hawkgirl, for her part, was visibly surprised by Wonder Woman's presence. A flicker of unease crossed her features as she considered the implications of having such a formidable member of the Justice League aboard one of their dreadnought ships. Despite her confidence in their plans remaining secret, Hawkgirl felt a twinge of defensiveness.

As Paran Dul greeted the other delegates, Hawkgirl gave a knowing nod to Paran and then made her way to Diana. "It's been a while, Diana," she said, her tone carefully measured. "With everything that's been happening, I haven't had much chance to keep in touch with the League. I admit I didn't expect to see you here today."

Diana responded coolly, with a fake smile playing at her lips. "The Gordanian threat has certainly shifted everyone's priorities, Shayera. As for my presence, remember that beyond my role as Wonder Woman, I am Themyscira's princess. Today, I'm here as my nation's ambassador, eager to learn more about your world and to participate in this cultural and technological exchange in the spirit of cooperation between our worlds."

Hawkgirl nodded, momentarily taken aback by Diana's diplomatic approach. "Of course," she replied, regaining her composure. "Paran and I will be your guides today. I look forward to sharing our rich culture and heritage with you all."

As the delegates boarded the transport vessel, Diana detected a faint spatial distortion. Without drawing attention, she feigned adjusting her attire, buying time to ensure no one else had noticed. Once aboard, she took her seat, outwardly relaxed but inwardly alert.

As the transport vessel took flight, it offered the Earth ambassadors a breathtaking view. They gazed in wonder at the joint Human-Thanagarian constructions, the imposing projector under construction, and finally, the awe-inspiring yet menacing visage of the dreadnought as they approached. Audible gulps escaped from some of the more faint-hearted delegates, while others wore expressions of excitement and pride at being chosen to represent their homelands in this momentous occasion.

Upon landing inside the hangar of the dreadnought ship, the ambassadors received a welcome and were struck by the awe-inspiring interior of the vessel. While others expressed their amazement openly, Diana maintained her composure, subtly tucking strands of hair behind her right ear—a pre-arranged signal to her unseen companion, her daughter Rachel.

After returning from Azarath, Rachel had hugged her mother and informed her that she had succeeded in gaining rudimentary control over the laws in her soul form, enough to assist her mother in the mission. Unbeknownst to the Thanagarians, Rachel was present in a concealed pocket dimension, following her mother from the start. When she stepped onto the transport vessel, she felt her access to ambient magic fluctuate, causing some instability in her pocket of space. However, with her new understanding of spatial laws, she quickly corrected it before anyone noticed. She knew from her father's notes about Nth metal's anti-magic properties, but experiencing it firsthand truly made her understand how annoying this metal could be.

Now, noticing her mother's signal, Rachel sprang into action. She stealthily approached a nearby control panel, connected to it using her terminal, and requested Mother2 to begin downloading crucial data while the tour continued.

Minutes later, Mother2 reported its findings. While it had successfully downloaded all the data, it had also taken the liberty to scan their systems and install a bug on the ship. This bug would allow Rachel or Diana to essentially take over the vessel if needed. Unfortunately, the Thanagarian fleet wasn't interconnected, preventing the bug from spreading to other vessels, including those in space. This unexpected development brought a slight, bittersweet smile to Rachel's face, her mind already formulating new plans for the upcoming battle. She then chose to explore the ship, making full use of her time on board. As she explored, she noticed the increasing difficulty in accessing ambient magic—a testament to the Nth metal's potent anti-magical properties. Fortunately, as both a mage and a cultivator, Rachel could rely on her inner realm for power.

She navigated the guarded corridors cautiously, aware that while Mother2 could bypass security systems, any unauthorized door openings would immediately raise alarms. Her patience was rewarded when she spotted a high-ranking officer, his path cleared by saluting subordinates, heading towards a secure chamber. Seizing the opportunity, Rachel summoned her soul form and passed through the chamber's walls to investigate further, leaving the guards none the wiser.

Inside the secure chamber

As Rachel's soul form slipped in, she witnessed two individuals in conversation. One was the officer she had followed, while the other—sitting in what looked like the captain's chair on another dreadnought vessel—appeared on a screen.

"Greetings, Commander Hro Talak," said the high-ranking officer to the one on the screen.

The one on the screen, whom Rachel now knew as Hro Talak, nodded with an air of authority and asked, "It's good to see you're doing well, Kragger. Now, give me a status update on the projects."

As Rachel noted the officer's name, Kragger began his report, "Commander, I'm pleased to inform you that the hyperspace bypass construction is progressing ahead of schedule. These Earth 'heroes' are proving to be unexpectedly useful labor."

Hearing this, Rachel narrowed her eyes. She finally knew what they were building. 'Shield, my ass! Hyperspace bypass, huh? From the sound of it, it looks like they're planning to manipulate space laws to create a gateway... but to where?' Her mind raced with questions as she processed what she was hearing.

Hro Talak's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Excellent. The sooner we complete the bypass, the better our chances of saving Thanagar. Now, what of our... guests?"

Kragger's expression tightened. "The exchange proceeds as planned, with one... complication."

This statement not only drew Hro Talak's attention but also distracted Rachel from her thoughts.

"Complication?" Hro Talak's voice sharpened as he narrowed his eyes, his piercing gaze fixed on his subordinate. "Elaborate."

Kragger, with a measured and calm tone, replied, "The woman called Wonder Woman is among the delegation who have come aboard for the exchange."

Hearing this, Hro Talak's eyes widened and he stood from his chair. Through gritted teeth, he said, "Care to repeat what you just said, Kragger?"

"The one they call Wonder Woman," Kragger explained once more, still in a calm tone, "she's among the Earth delegation aboard our ship."

Noticing the calm demeanor of his subordinate when delivering news that could be problematic, Hro Talak narrowed his eyes once more to scrutinize him. After a moment of thought, he replied, "Your tone suggests that you have something in mind for someone who could potentially be a problem to our plans. Speak! Don't waste my time," commanded Hro Talak.

Rachel, at this point, listened keenly since it pertained to her mother.

Kragger leaned forward, a glint of opportunity in his eyes. "She bears another identity—she's the princess of an island nation on this world. With developed nations vouching for her, it was difficult to refuse her joining the delegation today. However, while it's true she possesses power that could potentially derail our plans, Commander, if we consider that right now she's all by herself on our ship, with no weapons but her lasso and no allies to aid her, I believe this presents us with a unique opportunity."

Talak's brow furrowed. "You're suggesting we neutralize and capture her? Here and now? But how? We lack a specialized weapon to subdue her, unlike for the others."

Rachel's soul form tensed, but she forced herself to remain calm despite the boiling killing intent threatening to leak from her core. She absorbed every word as Kragger nodded, his voice lowering.

"Precisely. Our weaponry can handle most of Earth's defenders, but Wonder Woman and that half-man, half-machine—Cyborg—remain wildcards. If we could capture her now, study her, and possibly harness the source of her power..." Kragger's eyes gleamed. "Combined with our Nth metal technology, we could become unstoppable. Commander, forget the Gordanians, the Guardians—even that tyrant mad god Darkseid himself would tremble before Thanagar. As for how, my lord, if we go by Katar's report on the Justice League's weaknesses, she has brought the very thing we can use to capture her—her lasso!"

Talak sat back in his chair and stroked his chin, contemplation etched across his features. After a long moment, he nodded. "Your ambition serves Thanagar well, Kragger. Very well. Capture her, but exercise caution. Drug her if possible—I won't needlessly sacrifice our warriors to these... vermin."

"Glory to Thanagar!" Kragger saluted, his eyes blazing with zealous fervor.

Rachel called back her soul self, a surge of rage and killing intent threatening to overwhelm her. The temptation to unleash her new attack and obliterate the ship from within pulsed through her being. With monumental effort, she reined in her fury, knowing that a premature strike could jeopardize everything. Swiftly, she sent her mother a concise report warning her as she raced to find her before these bird-brains enacted their plan.

Meanwhile, in the Cultural Exchange Hall

Diana stood among the Earth delegates, her posture relaxed yet alert, ready to make a move if Rachel got in trouble. As Paran Dul elaborated on Thanagarian history, the Amazon Princess discreetly observed her surroundings, noting potential exits and security measures. Her fingers brushed against her necklace, a subtle source of comfort. Just then, she sensed someone approach.

"Quite the presentation, isn't it?" A familiar voice caught Diana's attention. Shayera Hol, formerly known as Hawkgirl, approached her quietly, but Diana's Ki sense had already made her aware of the approach.

Diana turned, offering a polite smile. "Indeed," she replied, her tone cordial but measured. "Your people's history is fascinating. The resilience and determination of Thanagar are truly remarkable."

A hint of pride flickered across Shayera's features, quickly followed by a fleeting shadow of uncertainty.

Just then, Diana felt a subtle vibration from her bangle terminal. While feigning interest in the lecture, she discreetly checked Rachel's message, disguising it as note-taking. As she read, her eyes narrowed as understanding dawned on her. The message revealed the Thanagarians' true objectives and their wariness of her. Learning of their plan to capture her, a flicker of killing intent flashed in her eyes. But then, a daring plan formed in her mind—one that could give them an advantage in the upcoming battle, though she knew Rachel would be vehemently against it. Weighing the benefits against the risks, Diana made her decision. With determination, she drafted a quick response to Rachel, outlining her plan. As Rachel, rushing towards her mother's location, received the message, her eyes went wide with shock and dismay at Diana's proposed strategy. She hated it with every fiber of her being, but the plea "...please trust me, daughter..." made her reluctantly agree.

Moments later, as Rachel entered the hall, still concealed in her pocket dimension, chaos erupted. Thanagarian soldiers flooded in, releasing a gas that swiftly incapacitated the non-Thanagarian delegates. Only Diana and the hidden Rachel remained unaffected.

Rachel watched through gritted teeth as the scene unfolded. "What is the meaning of this?" Diana demanded, her voice sharp with anger as she assumed a defensive stance. "We came here as allies in good faith!"

Hawkgirl, caught off-guard, raised her mace defensively to shield the delegates and Diana. "Stand down!" she shouted at the soldiers. "These are our guests! Who authorized this?"

Kragger's cold voice cut through the commotion as he pushed to the front of the soldiers. "Shayera Hol, don't be foolish. This comes from the highest authority. Stand aside."

Shayera's eyes widened in disbelief. "No... it can't be..."

Kragger then turned his attention to Diana. "Should have known that the gas would be ineffective against you. Very well, rejoice, vermin. You've proven to be quite formidable. But your luck ends here, Wonder Woman." A vicious smile played on his lips as he issued his next command: "Seize her!"

Diana's eyes flashed with determination. To sell her plan, she needed to make them truly fear her capabilities. Without hesitation, she unleashed her Pseudo Rosé form, her body enveloped in her God Ki with ethereal pink lightning crackling around her. The air crackled with power as she released a massive Ki wave, ethereal pink lightning arcing outwards and sending the encircling Thanagarians flying backwards, injuring many.

With a mocking smile, Diana locked eyes with the shocked Kragger. "If I'm the 'vermin' you so eloquently describe, what does that make you Thanagarians who can't even withstand a simple attack from me?" Her taunt was cut short as she sensed an incoming attack from her right. With inhuman speed, she raised her hand, catching the edge of Paran Dul's blade between her index and middle finger.

Paran's eyes widened in disbelief. Diana's smile turned predatory as she effortlessly snapped the Nth metal blade. "I recall your incessant prattling about Nth metal weaponry and how your race takes such pride in it," she said, her voice laced with contempt. "But seeing how it snaps like a twig in my hands... it seems rather pathetic to be so proud of this, don't you think?" With a flick of her wrist, Diana released a focused Ki blast that shattered Paran's arm, sending her crashing into the wall, bloodied and barely clinging to life.

Kragger's expression darkened, the realization dawning that they had severely underestimated their opponent. Swallowing his fear, he waved his hand and signaled to the reserves, calling for reinforcements. As more Thanagarians poured into the room, Diana's eyes narrowed. She reached out to her lasso, ready to make a move.

In a blur, Diana vanished, reappearing before a startled soldier. Her fist connected with devastating force, punching clean through his armor and ending his life instantly. Without missing a beat, she whirled her lasso around, using the fallen Thanagarian as a makeshift weapon against his comrades.

The sight of their fallen brother being used as a grotesque flail sent shockwaves of horror and rage through the Thanagarian ranks. Blinded by fury, they charged at Diana, their tactical training forgotten in the face of her brutality.

Diana's lips curled into a grim smile. Their recklessness was exactly what she had been counting on. With a final, powerful swing, she hurled the lifeless body towards the incoming group. As they instinctively moved to catch their fallen comrade, Diana raised her hand, channeling her Ki into a devastating blast.

The resulting explosion, upon contact, was cataclysmic. In a blinding flash of light, the Thanagarians were obliterated, leaving nothing but a gaping hole in the ship's interior.

Hovering above the scene, Diana maintained her stern demeanor, her voice carrying clearly in the stunned silence. "This is still but a fraction of my power," she stated, her eyes scanning the room. "I've shown restraint, but push me further, and I won't hesitate to unleash my full strength. Is this truly the path you wish to take?"

The remaining Thanagarians stared up at her, a potent mixture of fear and hatred etched on their faces. Kragger, his legs giving way beneath him, stumbled backward, the full weight of his miscalculation crushing down upon him.

Diana's gaze swept over the room, finally settling on Kragger. Her voice, when she spoke, was laden with accusation and barely contained fury. "You lied to us," she stated, each word sharp as a blade. "There is no Gordanian fleet, is there? It's you who seek to conquer us! You even had the audacity to use our world's people to construct... whatever that thing is." Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "It's not a shield projector, is it? Tell me, what is it really?"

As the words left her lips, Diana's heightened senses detected an incoming attack. Recognizing the familiar energy signature, she made a split-second decision. In a carefully orchestrated moment of vulnerability, she allowed Hawkgirl to strike her from behind with her Nth metal mace.

The impact, while anticipated, was genuinely painful. Diana cried out in agony as she was sent crashing to the ground, her body carving a furrow in the metal floor. As she struggled to her feet, blood trickling from her lips, she fixed Hawkgirl with a look of betrayal and disbelief.

"Even you, Shayera?" Diana's voice was a mixture of pain and bitter laughter. "What a day this has turned out to be. It seems none of you Thanagarians are worthy of trust."

Shayera remained silent, her grip tightening on her mace as she moved in for another attack. Diana, raised her hands, deploying a barrier of God Ki to block the incoming blow. As Shayera's mace connected with the shimmering shield, Diana locked eyes with her former ally.

"We fought side by side, Shayera," Diana said, her voice strained with effort and emotion. "We defended this world together. I saw the joy in your eyes when we rescued innocents, especially children. Are you truly willing to betray this world that became your home? To turn your back on the people who came to love and trust you?"

Shayera's resolve wavered for a moment, pain flashing across her features. But then her expression hardened once more. "Diana," she replied, her voice tight with conflicting emotions, "while what you say may be true, I... I'm sorry. But my loyalty lies with Thanagar." With renewed determination, she pressed her attack, putting all her strength behind her mace.

The ground beneath Diana's feet cracked and gave way, a small crater forming under the pressure. Diana, maintaining her weakening resistance, fixed Shayera with a steely gaze. "Very well, Shayera of Thanagar," she declared, her voice filled with grim promise. "You may have bested me today, catching me off guard since I never thought I'd need to defend against one I considered a comrade... a friend. But mark my words: the next time we meet, you'll never get such a chance again. I will make you pay a thousandfold for this betrayal!"

At that moment, Kragger and the remaining soldiers joined Shayera's assault. Their combined attack finally broke through Diana's barrier, creating an opening for Shayera to land a decisive blow. With a resounding crack, her mace connected with Diana's temple, and the Amazon Princess crumpled to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

As they stood over Diana's motionless form, the Thanagarians couldn't shake the feeling of unease. They had faced many formidable opponents before, but none quite like this. Seizing the opportunity, Kragger barked out orders to secure their prisoner, instructing them to use Diana's own lasso to bind her.

However, their victory was short-lived. As some of the bolder soldiers attempted to remove Diana's necklace and bangle—enticed by the obvious advanced technology—they triggered an unexpected defense mechanism. The jewels on Diana's accessories flared a brilliant crimson, unleashing a protective pulse of God Ki.

The unfortunate Thanagarians who had touched the devices were instantly vaporized, their blood painting the walls in a gruesome mural. At the center of the carnage lay Diana, her body shielded by a cocoon of divine energy, untouched by the destruction around her. As quickly as it had appeared, the protective aura faded, leaving behind a scene of horror that sent shockwaves of terror through the surviving Thanagarians.

Kragger and Shayera, having narrowly avoided the blast, stared at the scene with a mixture of awe and terror. Kragger's earlier plans of studying their captive were instantly abandoned. "Get that... that monster out of my sight!" he snarled, his voice quavering despite his attempt at authority. "Take her to our most secure prison cell. And for the love of Thanagar, don't touch those devices!"

As the remaining soldiers gingerly dragged Diana's unconscious form away, Rachel watched from the safety of her pocket dimension. Her face was a mask of icy calm since all of this was part of her mother's plan except for the terminal's defensive action, but her eyes blazed with an unprecedented fury. She etched every face into her memory, especially Hawkgirl's.

"You'll pay for this," Rachel whispered, her voice barely audible even in the confines of her dimensional pocket. "All of you will pay! But you, Shayera Hol… I'll ensure you suffer a fate worse than death."

As the Thanagarians transported Diana to the ship's most secure holding cell, Rachel followed, preparing for the next phase of their plan. Once Diana was secured in a cell of absolute darkness, Rachel made her move.

Using her soul form, she slipped into the cell undetected. With practiced ease, she enveloped her mother's physical form in a cocoon of dark magic, transporting it into her pocket dimension. In its place, she left a conjured perfect illusion—a decoy that would fool even the most sophisticated Thanagarian sensors.

With her precious cargo secured, Rachel recalled her soul form, and with a wave of her hand, opened a ripple in space that led directly to the sanctuary of Azarath. As she passed through, the ripple vanished behind them, leaving no trace of their escape.