Chapter 1

" Hey Davis!" A man in his middle forties called, and a guy in his early twenties came running towards the man.

" Yes boss" he replied, breathing hard because of how he ran all the way to answer his boss.

" There's an important guest in the VIP section number 15, they need the most expensive lobster and whiskey, go serve them" the man whose name is Mr. Dylan said to Davis, who nodded attentively.

" Make sure there's no problem, if not, you will get fired. Those guests are so influential to me that they could make my restaurant the best in New York City before you know it, so don't mess up if you love your job" Mr. Dylan warned sternly.

" Understood boss" Davis nodded and immediately left to serve the influential guests Mr. Dylan had mentioned.

 In less than five minutes, the cook already prepared the lobster and the whiskey was also ready. Davis took the order to the VIP section number 15, but he stopped on his track when he saw the guests seated on number 15.

" Hey twerp! What are you still doing there? Do you want to starve us to death?" One of the guests, whose name is Kelvin, shouted, which made Davis come out of his trance.

" I am deeply sorry," Davis apologised and set the order on the table in front of the three guests.

" I never knew you work at this restaurant, twerp! You must have earned a lot I guess, since this is a famous restaurant" Kelvin smiled at Davis who said nothing.

" Do you need anything again?" Davis asked, ignoring what Kelvin said.

" How dare you ignore me? Kelvin asked angrily.

" I ignored you because you're passing your boundary. We are not at the University, so please leave my private life out of here" Davis said, which made Kelvin to chuckle.

" Fine! I will leave your personal life out of it but trust me, you will regret talking back at me" Kelvin smiled and pushed Davis purposely, making him fall directly on the lobster which was on the table and all the sauce on the table splashed on Davis' face and his shirt.

" Ha! Ha! Ha!" Kelvin's friends burst into laughter while Davis stayed there for some seconds with his fists folded before standing up.

" Bastard!" Davis muffled under his breath and raised his fisted hand to punch Kelvin but stopped midway.

" Why did you stop? Go on, punch me" Kelvin smirked, but Davis dropped his fisted hand before wiping his face which was stained with sauce.

 All this while that Kelvin and his friends were making fun of Davis, his boss, Mr Dylan already sensed that there was a problem since Davis wasn't back yet and noise was coming from the VIP section, so he came running to see what was happening.

" What happened here?" He asked, seeing Davis stained clothes and the lobster destroyed on the table.

" I was pushed on the table by them" Davis tried to explain, but his boss landed him a slap on his right cheek and as a result of the slap, his lips burst a little.

" How dare you create a scene despite my warning?" Mr. Dylan shouted, his eyes filled with anger towards Davis.

" I also mentioned to you that they are my important guests yet you destroyed everything with your clumsiness, you blockhead!" Mr. Dylan added, while Davis remained silent, his head hung low.

" I am sorry sir" Davis muttered, making Mr. Dylan hissed angrily.

" You shouldn't apologise to me, do that to my guests." Mr. Dylan shouted and Davis moved closer to Kelvin, who was anticipating his apology.

" I am sorry," Davis said and bowed his head, but Kelvin smirked.

" Your apology isn't genuine Davis, I think kneeling would be the best, so kneel and apologise" Kelvin stated, but Davis couldn't believe his ears.

His eyes widened in shock while his fist was folded beside him almost drawing out blood.

Kelvin was known as the biggest bully in Starship University New York, and also a playboy who changes girls like how he does with his underwear.

To Davis, Kelvin has always been his biggest bully whom he couldn't overcome because he was just a poor boy who was lucky to be a student at Starship University through a scholarship.

Davis raised his head to look at his boss, praying that his boss would oppose it, but it was the other way around.

" What are you waiting for? Should I force you to do it?" Mr. Dylan asked.

 Seeing that his boss didn't support him, he had no option other than to kneel and apologise to Kelvin, if he still loved his job and was willing to keep it.

Davis knelt on the ground slowly, his both hands on his laps, as he asked for forgiveness.

" I apologise for destroying your food and also talking back at you" Davis said without looking up and wanted to stand up, but Mr. Dylan pressed his shoulder prompting him to fall back on his knees.

" He hasn't told you to stand up yet, so continue kneeling" Mr. Dylan glared, making Davis bite his lips slowly in anger.

He was shaking inside of him out of anger. All he wished for was to grab Kelvin by his shirt and punch the living hell out of him, but he couldn't do any of that because he would certainly lose his job and end up in the police station.

" I feel like your apology isn't genuine, but I will let you go" Kelvin smiled and stood up before holding Davis by his shoulder.

" Stand up" he said and raised him by the shoulder.

" Be always obedient, you might not be lucky next time" Kelvin tapped Davis' shoulder before walking out of the VIP section with his two friends, Kelly and Kenneth.

 After everyone has left, including his boss, Davis folded his fists angrily, his veins popping from his hand as he moved to the nearest wall and punched it aggressively to help him relieve his anger.

" Kelvin… Kelvin… Kelvin. I will make you pay for what you've done to me, just you wait and watch" Davis said as he looked at his bleeding knuckles with nothing but hatred and anger.

" Bastard? Will you get in here or do you want to get fired?" Mr. Dylan shouted from downstairs, bringing Davis out of his trance.

" Coming" Davis replied and left the VIP section, not without glancing at the seat where Kelvin sat earlier.