Chapter 2

Due to all of the activities from earlier, Lisa had totally forgotten the state of her leg and the fact that she had practically drowned her stomach in pain relief medication.

Her ankle had begun to swell up and she was getting increasingly drowsy.

As if that wasn't enough, she had been left in the middle of the road to find her way back home.

With each step that Lisa struggled to take, her heart bled as she asked herself one question over and over again.

What had she done to deserve this?

Why had she been born into a family that hated every breath she took?

Although, those were the questions she had, Lisa still had some answers as to why her life was as it was.

It had all began when her mother had suffered complications from being pregnant with Lisa.

Lisa had not been positioned properly which had caused her mother a lot of complications as she had to undergo a long, surgery to correct Lisa's position before her birth.

The surgeries had been quite expensive but Lisa's father never gave up on Lisa and he had taken out several loans to be able to pay for everything.

The loans had him working later than usual so he could complete his payments on time.

He was working late one night when he has received the message that his wife had been in labour.

Overjoyed, he had rushed down to the hospital.

However, he had unfortunately been killed by a drunk driver just outside the hospital.

After the long surgery to birth Lisa, her mother had come out of operation room l find out that her husband was dead.

And as if that was not enough, she was now the some debtor of quite a huge debt that her husband had left behind.

And so, from that moment onward, barely hours after she had been born, Lisa had been hated by everyone around her.

She had grown up as a maid amongst her own family, never to be loved or adored.

And now, she was being chased out to marry someone that was supposedly a crippled, old man.

Could life be anymore cruel?

Lisa finally arrived at the house and managed to get in.

On entering the house, she found her mother along with her brother and sister waiting for her in the living room.

Another person might have been happy to find their family standing around but Lisa's heart dropped as soon as she saw them, she knew that tonight would be another hellish night.

"You stole from the store? Are you trying to ostracize the rest of the family?," her older brother, Joseph yelled as soon as he saw her.

He was glaring at her like she was a terrible criminal and like every other time, no one bothered to ask her if any of the accusations had been true.

Esther laughed at her as she flipped on to a chair.

"She's only ostracizing herself. Besides, I'm in a great mood today," she stated as she laughed.

"What's for dinner, Mum?," she asked as she looked towards their mother.

Their mother scoffed.

"The stupid girl didn't make anything yet," she told Esther.

Esther frowned and turned to Lisa.

"What are you standing around for? Is dinner going to prepare itself?," she yelled.

Lisa began to hurriedly limp to the kitchen so she could begin preparations for dinner when Esther spoke again.

"Wait…what dinner? We should probably just get some pizza to eat. Mum, are you forgetting that we didn't get anything from the store?," she asked her mother who had obviously forgotten this piece of crucial information.

As soon as Lisa heard this, she flinched knowing that it would be taken out on her.

And she was right because her mother and her siblings immediately began to hurl words at her.

"Just go to your room and don't think of showing your face around here!," her mother finally yelled.

As soon as she yelled this, Lisa began to hurry up to the attic where her room was.

But, the pain in her leg rendered her unable to move as fast as her family wanted her to actually move.

"Joseph ! It seems she's suddenly deaf. Drag this thing to the basement and lock her up there!," Her mother yelled.

"No, no. I'm sorry, Mother. Please, forgive me mother. Don't send me to the basement, please. I beg you, Mother. Please don't send me there," Lisa begged as her older brother approached her and grabbed her by her hair.

The basement was a disgusting, putrid little place that received no sunlight or humidity.

Being locked there was like getting buried in a coffin and for Lisa who was extremely claustrophobic, the memories of everytime she had been locked up in there already had her completely traumatized by the basement.

And it didn't also help that whenever she was locked up in there, it sometimes took days before she was let out, hungry, delirious and starved of daylight.

However, all of her her pleas fell on deaf ears as her brother, Joseph looked at her with disgust, he grabbed her hair and led her to the basement.

"Let me go! Don't lock me up in there! Please, Joseph, don't do this," She screamed, begging with every last piece of energy that she had in her.

As they neared the basement and Lisa's fear began to kick in, she began to struggle harder when begging her brother simultaneously to not throw her into the basement.

He hit her hard, effectively stopping her from continuing to struggle.

After that, he proceeded to drag her the rest of the way to the basement.

"You don't deserve to live among humans, I wonder why you still try so hard to survive," he told her as he gripped her arm and threw her in, locking the door from outside.

The basement was dark like she remembered but it didn't deter Lisa who immediately jumped on her feet and rushed for the door.

 She stood up and banged on the door loudly, "Please, no! Don't do this to me! Please! Help!" she screamed as loud as she could, crying as she begged to be saved.

 Lisa banged and banged on the door till her hands hurt.

When she realized that no one was coming, she sat on the cold, damp floor and began to cry.

 "What did I ever do to deserve all of these? What crime did I commit? Why does everyone hate me so much?" she croaked.

The pain in her swollen leg and tripled and she was getting feverish but again, there was no one that would come to her aid, no one that she could cry to for help.

Lisa was all alone.


he lay curled up on the ground and cried for a very long time before she finally slept off.