Chapter 13

As they made their way out of the car and into the house, they stopped simultaneously, almost colliding with the men in Black that had surrounded them as soon as hey got out of the car.

Lisa, because she was standing in front of a literal castle and was so awed, she could hardly move.

And Richard, because he was helping Lisa out while she stared at the house, unable to move on her own.

Lisa gasped yet again as she turned around to get a proper view of the house, unsure if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

Her first indication that she had been coming to somewhere really crazy was when she had noticed a sign along the way that said "You're now on Roger property".

At first, she hadn't understood what that meant, until it had slowly made sense.

The sign was saying that they were driving on property or land that belonged to her new family which was crazy because it looked like a regular road.