Chapter 24

Lisa's heart was racing.

She couldn't tell if it was nerves or if she was just scared but she could hardly breathe and had to look occasionally at Richard's face, the only face that didn't scare her as much.

Sitting in this room with her family felt like she had been transported to just a day ago when her family could literally do anything that they wanted to her and even though she knew that it was no longer the case, Lisa couldn't help but fear that maybe it was all a dream and nothing had actually changed.

As the conversation went on, she had slowly tuned out of it all and was going to stay that way till she could leave the room and breathe properly when she noticed Richard glancing back at her.

She had a feeling that she needed to listen to this part of whatever he was saying so she tried her best to listen to what he had to say, her heart calming down slowly with every word he mentioned.