Chapter 30

In the absence of his notice, Lisa's gaze had gradually strayed from what he was doing to what his body looked like.

Lords, the man's body was practically chiselled to perfection.

Every part of his body was perfectly crafted and Lisa was lost in it.

She was so lost that she didn't notice that he had seen her in the mirror.

It wasn't until he suddenly whirled around that she realized that she had been caught.

Her face heated up and her throat closed up as she panicked.

She tried to look anywhere but at him but that was practically impossible when the mirrors were reflecting him several times over.

"I didn't know you were here," she whispered and ran out, tripping once or twice as she practically hightailed it out of the room and flew downstairs to join the others whilst hoping that the presence of other people would wipe the dirty thoughts that had been plaguing her mind.