Chapter 33

All eyes were on Lisa as she drove into her school's parking lot.

Not only was she driving a really expensive car, the plate number of the car was blank, a type of plate number that was popular among wealthy people that wanted to maintain their privacy.

Lisa had not anticipated the amount of staring she would get from driving such a car and if she had, she might have taken a taxi instead.

She had driven in less than two minutes ago but from the shadows of her tinted windows, she had already seen four people taking pictures of the car.

She parked and remained seated and unmoving.

No one knew who was driving the car yet and all of that would change as soon as she opened her door and stepped out and Lisa did not want that at all.

She was visibly shaking as a bout of anxiety hit her.

She grabbed her little bag and took out her phone, she held it as she debated calling Richard.