Chapter 46

Although they had planned to eat out, it had proved impossible when they could not find a restaurant to go to.

Richard kept refusing ewxg restaurant that she searched up based off proximity.

He rejected the first one because it was a hotspot for celebrities so there would be journalists.

He rejected the next entry because they didn't have an European head chef.

He rejected the next entry because they weren't on par with his status.

At this point, Lisa was quite literally done and ready to just eat at home and she told him that.

"Come on love, I'm sure we can find somewhere suitable," he said to her.

Lisa snorted.

"Yeah, right. I keep searching up restaurants and you keep rejecting them. If you want to eat out, then decide on the restaurant by yourself", she told him.

"I'm not just rejecting them. I have good reasons for each rejection," he tried to convince her while Lisa wasn't having it.