Chapter 52

"Do you know her?"

Lisa turned around to see who Richard was referring to and saw that it was June.

She was currently staring at them in confusion, probably as confused as Lisa was as to why Richard was glaring at her.

"What about her?," she asked Richard as she turned back around.

But, Richard didn't reply to her.

Instead, he looked up to someone else that Lisa didn't recognize.

He was about Lisa's age and was wearing what had to be the most stylish and trendy type of suit that Lisa had ever seen.

He was handsome in a way that reminded Lisa of the male best friend in the romcoms she liked to watch.

Richard and this stranger seemed to be communicating in a way that Lisa didn't understand and before Lisa could fathom what was going on, the stranger had walked off.

"Richard? You didn't answer me. Why do you want to know about her?," she repeated, more curious than she had been before.