Chapter 6: Crashing Waves III

The boy handed her the burger after she made a gimme motion as he took out his own, the two simply eating together, listening to the waves hit the shore, and watching the occasional bits of snow fall down.


"Hey, Hado?" He called mid-bite, Hado turning her head to him.

The girl simply gave a hum, tilting her head, so her long hair fell to the side.

"What were you doing here? I haven't seen anyone actually come by here in a bit." He asked, the blue-haired girl perking up.

"Oh! Well, my quirk takes stamina to use, so I run a daily 10K to train for UA! I started a bit later than usual and then saw you lifting fridges and stuff, you know? So I got curious!"

"You're going to UA?" Peter asked, taking another bite of the burger.

It was amazing how good of a cook May was.

"Yep! It's always been my dream to be a hero, so I gotta get better at my quirk to do that! How about you? Are you going to UA, Parker-Kun?"

A small chuckle escaped him for some reason. "Yeah, I have to so I don't go to jail and all."

Hado raised an eyebrow in confusion, Peter could see the gears turning in her head, so he decided to explain himself before she got the wrong idea.

"I did vigilante work for five months until two months ago, a guy working at UA brought me in, and the principal told me I had to go there, so I didn't get convicted. Cleaning this beach is also part of the deal, but I'm just doing it willingly at this point." He took a bite of the burger, savoring the taste of bacon in his mouth.

The blue-eyed girl widened her eyes, getting excited and shooting off into the air by accident. She did a quick loop before she came back down, bouncing up and down where she sat.

"Oh my gosh!" That's so cool! I can't bel- Wait, you said your quirk was called 'Spider', right?" He nodded, Hado seeming to realize something on the spot. "Oh! I knew I saw that jacket somewhere, you were that spider guy that Eraserhead caught a couple months back!"

She knew scarf man? He hadn't met many people who did.

Also, he couldn't help but be relieved that she hadn't called him a criminal and left or something, that would've killed his mood.

"You know Eraser?" The girl nodded up and down so fast her head nearly blurred.

"Yeah! I love heroes with super cool quirks, so I try to know as many as I can! What was he like?"

Peter thought for a moment, thinking back to all the times he had run into scarf man.

He smiled softly before he responded. "Grumpy, but pretty cool. He's one of my favorite heroes."

They sat in silence and ate for a couple of seconds, you could basically see the amount of curiosity coming off of the girl.

Peter sighed and pulled out his phone. "Wanna hear some stories about the stuff I did?"


Peter showed her the different pictures he had taken while on patrol or swinging around, some ranging to him taking a selfie mid-fight when he could afford it, and others were just him doing different things such as swinging between cars or running away from a hero chasing him. 

The girl looked at a single photo and began to spout question after question about it, trying to figure out what he was doing or where he was.

Oddly enough, Peter enjoyed her company quite a bit, she just had an aura that warmed up a room or something. As they sat there talking about quirks, she pulled out her phone to check the time,

"Woah! It's 5:52 already! Oh jeez, Parker-Kun, I gotta go!" The girl shot up from the hood of the car, Peter doing the same as he figured he might as well get home, so May didn't worry.

As he stretched where he stood, a slip of paper was pushed into his chest. Hado was holding the piece of paper and smiling brightly at him, as he looked down at it, he saw that there were a series of numbers on it.

Where did she get a pencil?

Wait, where did she even get the paper?

"Here! That's my phone number, call me so we can hang out sometime! You're a super interesting friend, and I wanna keep talking to you! Bye, Parker-Kun!" The girl told him, quickly waving and jogging off of the beach, onto the sidewalk, and out of view.

They were friends now?

He guessed he was fine with that.

Wait a minute.

Did a girl just give him her number?


Peter Parker walked the streets of Musutafu, his hazel eyes looking at his phone as his spider-sense guided him through the early morning crowds.

February 26th, the day of the UA entrance exam

He had already texted May that he was on his way to the train station to meet up with Hado, and she wished him good luck in that motherly way she did things.

He wore that same red scarf he wore when meeting Yagi, along with the backpack he had when patrolling and the Aldera middle school uniform.

Oh, he couldn't wait to take that thing off.

Aizawa had already confirmed that the community service was done, even though Peter would still need a few more weeks to finish cleaning the beach.

All that was left was to take the exam.

His hand unconsciously reached up to touch the bags under his eyes, he frowned at seeing them in the reflection of his phone.

May had tried to help him break out of the bad sleeping habits he got from going out at night, but nothing had worked yet, he was thankful he actually got a full night's sleep before today.

That familiar buzzing appeared at the back of his skull, Peter moving out of the way of someone about to bump into him. Weirdly enough, that person had also moved at the same time and crashed into the brunette, all the same, the shorter boy falling on the ground.

"Oh, you alright, man?" Peter outstretched a hand to the green-haired kid on the ground, his wild green hair seemed familiar for some reason.

Had they met before?

The green-haired boy looked up with a frightened expression, quickly stuttering before muttering out an apology and running away while gripping what looked to be a notebook.


Weird guy.

Peter began to walk again, seeing how the crowds began to divert towards what looked to be All Might punching a villain with some sort of panda mutation, wasn't he supposed to be in Tokyo? When did he start hanging in Musutafu? He saw how that green-haired kid ran towards the fight and vanished into the crowd.

The feeling that he's seen him before was still fresh on his mind.

Now that he thought about it, weren't they wearing the same uniform?

He couldn't help but feel some sort of… sadness when looking at him, you know?

Shaking his head, Peter continued walking, soon reaching the train station that would take him to the next big step in his life.

The next big step for Peter Parker.

The next big step for the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

"Oh, Hey! Hey, hey, Parker-Kun! Finally, you're late!" That bubbly and excited voice reached his ears, soon enough Nejire Hado had appeared out of nowhere and was now standing in front of him.

Her hair seemed a bit longer than she remembered, she was also wearing a typical middle school uniform. but from a different school from Aldera.

It took him what must have been 40 seconds to realize that Hado had been talking that entire time and that he had tuned her out, he really needed to stop doing that.

Also, when did they get on the train? He realized he was sitting down in a seat as Hado kept talking while sitting in front of him, had she been talking that entire time?

"And then this guy with like 9 eyes s- you tuned me again, didn't you?" She stopped mid-sentence just as he started to listen and gave him a flat look.

"Uh… no?" He gave a weak chuckle as she rolled her eyes.

"It's fine, Parken-Kun. Hey, you excited about the exam? I bet there'll be so many cool and interesting quirks in there! I just hope we make it in!" Hado was back to bouncing in her seat, rattling off all the interesting things that could happen.

Peter himself felt both nervous and confident, was that weird? He believed he could pass the exam easily but part of him still feared failure, even more so than normal due to the consequences of him not getting into UA.

Snapping him out of his thoughts, Hado had suddenly smiled brightly at him and held out her fist.

"We'll probably be fine, anyways! We both gotta get in, you know? UA buddies!" She said, Peter found himself smiling at the girl as he returned the fistbump.

"Yeah, UA buddies."

Just like that, Peter stared out the window as his worries slowly melted away.


Don't forget to throw some power stones :)


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