Chapter 34: Field Trip Gone Awry III

Oh, he would kill for Recovery Girl's quirk right about now.

"Alright man, we should get you out of here, alright? Amajiki!" Peter called out to the hooded boy, making him place an elderly-looking man at the entrance and turn to him. 

"Can you help this guy out? I want to help more with the rubble and you'd be gentler when moving him!"


The sound of a fight at the other side of the museum reached his ears, he could distinctly hear what sounded like Nejire's quirk and Aizawa fighting someone but he ignored it.

Fighting wasn't what mattered.

Besides, they probably had it under control.

Nodding, Amajiki wrapped a tentacle around the boy's waist and began to take him to the entrance with Togata in tow.

Alright, that was the last civilian around him.

Wait, where were Aizawa and Nejire?

His spider-sense buzzed, giving just enough time to flip out of the way of a villain crashing onto where he just was.

He webbed the seemingly unconscious woman to the ground, taking a breath and turning to see where she came from.

Aizawa stood there with Nejire hovering beside him, around them were a series of unconscious villains surrounded by dropped museum artifacts.

When did that even happen?

"Uh, you guys good? We got everyone out on this side!" He swung through the air and landed in a crouch next to them.

Nejire did look tired, probably for the extensive use of her quirk when getting people out and helping out Aizawa when fighting but she seemed fine.

"Same here, more heroes should already be on the way to take these guys away, let's wait outside for now," Aizawa said, motioning his head toward the entrance.

Aizawa checked the two teens for any injuries, but they seemed fine outside from a few bruises that Nejire had gotten when helping Aizawa fight.

Quickly, the three of them started their journey towards the entrance at a brisk pace, about to step outside until Peter realized something.

None of them went to the back of the museum, right? His mind wandered back to when he looked around the museum when they first got there.

There still might be people there!

As they stepped foot into the outside, Peter looked back onto the villains that Aizawa and Nejire had fought and started to count.

There were only 14.


"There's still people in there!"

Not wasting a second, Peter shot a web behind him and swung back into the now trashed museum, taking time to web the knocked-out villains to the ground.

Behind him, Aizawa cursed out loud and called out Peter to come back, with the boy not hearing him given how the doors were slammed closed in front of him.

Landing in a column, his lenses narrowed at seeing the last villain holding a girl that looked to be in her early 20s with his fist pointed to her head, looking closer he could see some sort of gauntlet was on his arm.

It was a hostage situation.



This was getting way too messy.

"Hey, can't interest you in letting her go, right?" Peter joked, trying not to show his increasing nervousness.

The man removed his mask, throwing it on the ground to reveal the yellow and brown balaclava he wore underneath.

Wait, why was he wearing two masks?

"Step back, bug! You don't wanna see her getting hurt, now do you?" The man spoke in broken Japanese, even saying some words in English with a heavy southern accent.

"No, I can't say I do! How about we skip the monologuing and- wait is that All Might ?" Peter looked behind the man, making both him and the girl gasp and turn around.

Oh, he forgot how dumb some criminals were.

He shot a web toward the arm pointed at her head, yanking the man to the ground before flipping off the pillar and landing on top of him and knocking the weird locking gauntlet away.

"You alright?" The boy turned to the girl, ignoring the sounds of struggle from the man under him.

Now that he thought about it, he might've been a bit too rough.

Eh, you can't blame him.

"Y-You're that spider guy that got arrested! I thought you were a menace!"


"What? I just saved you, man! How c- you know what? Whatever, you alright?"

With a look of caution, the girl nodded slowly while looking at him as if he'd attack her.

"Alright, there's heroes outside and everyone here is knocked out so you'll be good, and you're welcome by the way."

The girl nodded before starting to run to the entrance.

Ok, all the civilians were out of the museum, and all the villains were incapacitated, which meant he should be able to leave.

But even so, there was still something clawing at the back of his mind

Heists aren't like robbing a store or trashing a city, they're organized, set up by someone smart that can get people to follow a plan.

Now, organized crime was in no way common nowadays, with America being the main country that still has it, but a thing that Peter has learned about fighting it was that the guys who actually did the work weren't too bad to crack.

Might have to copy Knuckleduster real quick and do a bit of interrogation, huh?

Stuff like intimidation wasn't his thing but he would need to figure out who orchestrated this, then tell Aizawa or the police.

Quickly, Peter got off from the guy and grabbed him, throwing him at a wall and webbing him to it by his hands.

Man, this felt mean!

"No offense, but you don't seem to be too much of a master planner, so I'll take a wild guess and say that someone else planned this?" The masked teen walked up to the man, narrowing his lenses in his face.

Seeing as he was speaking in English, the man laughed and narrowed his eyes right back.

"I ain't telling nothin' to some prepubescent brat!"

Prepubescent? He was 15!

Either way, it was clear that while the guy was not that smart, he still wasn't gonna talk.

What was that thing Knuckleduster said about interrogating someone? Threatening them?

God, he felt more like Batman than Spider-Man.

"Dude, I feel like it'd be better if you just told me so you can just go about having a dumb accent without getting too hurt." Peter tried to sound intimidating, but it seemed like it wasn't working that well.

Alright, plan B.

Oh, he was gonna feel super bad about this later.

Peter sighed and placed his five fingers on the guy's mask, sticking to it before ripping off the fabric with a strong pull.

The now unmasked man screamed, seeming to get a lot more nervous.

"Christ! The hell is wrong with you, boy?!" He yelled, struggling against the webs that stuck his arms to the wall.

Letting the piece of the mask he ripped off fall from his fingertips to the ground, Peter narrowed his lenses before placing his fingertips on the man's face.

"That doesn't only work with cloth, you know?"

Oh, please let the guy not call his bluff.

He began to sweat as Peter slowly started to pull away, inch by inch before letting out a panicked cry and a curse.

"Alright, I'll talk, I'll talk! Jesus, how the hell are ya' a hero?!" He screamed, Peter inwardly sighing and letting go of his face.

Oh, thank God it worked.

"Alright, who planned this? Who's your boss?" Peter's hand inched up toward the man's face, making him panic even more.

"I-I don't know! None of us know what he looks like! Heard he's some guy from New York that likes running a criminal empire or somethin'!"

Criminal empire? Something told him this wasn't a crime family situation given how he didn't know what his boss looked like.

"He's got a name, doesn't he?" His hand inches up a tiny bit more, making the criminal squirm.

"No one knows, either! He goes by an alias!"

His lenses narrowed as he inched his hand even closer, making the man hurry up.

"He calls himself the big man! That's all I know!"

The big man, huh?

"Alright, thanks." Satisfied, Peter took a step back and webbed up the guy's mouth.

He'd have to tell Aizawa about this… big man of crime, underground work probably faces way more organized crime than daylight heroes.

"You know? I didn't expect you to talk that easily. In all honesty? I'm shocked!" Peter laughed lightly, reloading his web-shooters without taking his eyes off of him.

Okay, everyone was accounted for, criminals and villains alike, and he even figured out who was behind all of this!

All in all, not bad.

He was a bit scared he'd be rusty on all of this.

Well, all there's left to do was go outside a-


His spider-sense screamed in his ears, giving him enough time to rip the criminal off of the wall and grab him before jumping away from a torrent of fire that would have no doubt hit them both.

His lenses widened in surprise at seeing the blue-clad man now standing in the museum, flames coming off of parts of his body.

The number 2 hero, Endeavor.

Great! He could just turn this guy in!

"Oh, hey man! Look, I got him for you s-"

"Not. another. word." The man growled, flames burning brighter. "Now come quietly, villain ."

… what did he call him?

"Uh, you're talking to him, right?" Peter chuckled nervously, pointing at the man he was holding. "Well, I already got him!"

Endeavor's blue eyes narrowed at the boy, a scowl growing on his face.

"I know who you are, Spider-Man . A menace, a vigilante and villain, that is no doubt working with these low lives to steal from the museum."


Villain? Criminal?

He was the good guy here!

Dropping the man and webbing him to the floor, Peter raised his hands in defense, unintentionally making the hero's flames grow brighter.

"What? I'm a UA student! I got caught on a field trip when these guys came in! I'm not working with them!" He defended, a pleading expression behind his mask.

The hero laughed, aiming his hands at the boy.

"A likely story! UA would never accept criminals like you! Now, stop resisting and you shall not be harmed much ."

No way.

This wasn't happening.

"Resisting? I'm trying to tell you what's really going on! Y-You can't seriously believe I'm working with them!"

Please, please believe him!

"Very well then." Flames began to burn in the man's arms, Peter already feeling a bit of the heat. "You do not want to cooperate? So be it! I shall make you."

Oh no.

Why was he just standing there? He had to tell him he got it all wrong!

God, stop standing there!

Say something!

"Oh fuck me."


AN : 

Quick thing, I've decided to change up canon and make it so that quirks first appeared at around the 1940s, but at a level that it made it so barely anyone knew this existed until we get to about when that glowing baby was born, that will be about when quirks start showing up at noticeable levels.

Not only that, but we get to meet Shocker, who is based on the Spectacular Spider-Man, and learn about who will be a major antagonist, later on, none other than the big man of crime himself, Tombstone!

We'll see Peter facing off against him later on, but I promise it'll be before their second year.

A thing I wanted to show instead of fighting was Peter actually saving people since I just love it when shows and movies focus on that aspect of being a hero instead of just punching people.

PS : 

Main thing is that I want Peter's past to bring up conflicts, since the public still doesn't know that Spider-Man is going to UA. Well, I'd call a 15-year-old having to fight the number two hero would be a pretty big conflict.


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