Chapter 37: The Fire and The Flames III

As he laid there, looking up at Endeavor holding his side as his scowl grew, Peter could only sigh and stare at the ceiling.

"A-Anyone ever tell you that the fire beard makes you look dumb?" He coughed, feeling his lungs and muscles burn.

He was just so damned tired.


Even so, he wasn't finished.

His lenses looked around his general area, passing over knocked over and destroyed artifacts and paintings, small fires that were slowly growing larger and larger, and the pile of still unconscious villains he had webbed to the ground before he found something.

It looked like a pretty good replica of Captain America's shields simply lying on top of random rubble and debris.

Might be useful.

At least he hopes it will be.

Cause if you hadn't noticed, Peter had run out of options a bit ago.

Quickly, Peter shot a web-line that connected to the red, white, and blue shield, yanking on it and hitting Endeavor in the head with it.

The loud clang echoed across the museum as the man stumbled backward while holding the spot the shield had hit, with Peter simply pulling the shield into his arm.


Hopefully, this stuff was made out of some vibranium.

That stuff would be so useful to have right now.

He threw the shield at a relatively intact wall next to Endeavor, making it bounce off of it before hitting the man in the chest and bouncing back into Peter's hand.

"Enough! I grow tired of your games, boy!" With a snarl, he shot volley after volley of fire pellets at the masked teen, making him raise the shield in a panic.

Given how the metal was starting to heat up more and more, he'd take a wild guess it wasn't vibranium.

Lucky him.

God, did today just suck.

Peter did his best to ignore the heat that came so close to his exposed skin, simply gripping the increasingly hot shield and throwing it at the man.

As if seeing the attack coming, Endeavor grabbed the projectile with both hands before it could hurt him, creating flames in his palms as they both watched the shield melt.


It wasn't vibranium.

God, he wishes he had a water bottle on him right about now.

With a low growl, Endeavor shot forward in a tackle that Peter barely dodged, with a few of the flames on the man's shoulders gracing him.

He shot a web at the man's back, with the hero turning around far quicker than Peter expected him to and grabbing the line, making it catch fire.


"I gotta ask… what's the plan? You're just gonna beat me up more? At this point I feel like you're not even trying to arrest me anymore!"

A few of the flames on his face flickered and crackled in unison to the ones that burned around them in the museum, Endeavor only glared.

"Perhaps it would be best if I took you off the streets entirely, villain."


That confirms it.

He was probably gonna die today, huh?


His spider-sense rang, allowing him to backflip away from another flame booster charge from his opponent, with him almost dodging the attack until his ankle was grabbed.

That wasn't good.

With a boost from a jet of fire coming from his elbow, Endeavor spun Peter around by the ankle until finally slamming him down onto the ground, cracking the floor.


His vision was starting to go blurry, and it was obvious that breathing would only be getting harder and harder to do as this fight went on.

Man, could he even call it a fight?

It has basically been him getting slapped around for… crap, how long has this been going on?

He just wanted to take a nap.

The burns on his skin continued to sting and ache as he lay there, looking up at the hero he had just fought.

It hurt, all things considered.

If anything, a couple of them might be third-degree burns now that he thought about it.

Even then, the burns weren't his only problem.

His muscles had been screaming in agony and pain during this entire time, begging him to just stop fighting and lie down.

And if that wasn't enough for him, his bones were probably in a lot more pain right about now, he guessed he had at least a few fractures right now.

At this point? He wasn't even gonna try to get up.

"Y-You know, I always thought I'd go out saving someone…" Peter began, coughing a bit as his lungs ached and screamed for air. "Not looking at some guy in a midlife crisis…"

If he was gonna go out, he better go out annoying whoever does him in.

Still holding his side with one arm, Endeavor pointed the other one down at the boy with a scowl growing on his face.

Peter saw the guy was about to speak, a part of him told him it would be some sort of drawn-out hammed-up speech about villainy.

Now, were this anyone else he would probably listen to it.

Nah, he'd probably space out.

But right now? He could barely keep his eyes open.

And you could bet that Peter would not use the last bit of his strength listening to that stuff.

Not for Endeavor, at least

Because right now, Peter was just tired.

Not angry at how he'll die young.

Not sad at how he won't be able to help more people.

Not anything like that, no.

He was just tired.

"Dude… If you're gonna start talking about self-righteousness or whatever, just don't and get this over with." Peter said quietly, sweat pouring down his face and sticking his torn mask to his skin. "And do me a favor and ditch the stupid fire beard."

A low snarl escaped his lips, his hand shaking in anger toward the boy looking up at him.

"Farewell, Spider-Man."

Flames flickered at his palm, just about to shoot out and engulf Peter, with him simply closing his eyes and waiting for the inevitable…

Only for the fire to suddenly go out, making both of them make noises of confusion.

It was as if his quirk was…



If Peter had the energy right now, he'd be laughing.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" The enraged voice of Aizawa echoed through the trashed museum, making everyone near freeze.

There were a few of the red-haired man's sidekicks urging him to come back outside but they too froze when they saw the state Peter was in.

"What is th-" Endeavor began before being cut off by the underground hero was steadily making his way to the battered body of his student.

"You will not say another damned word, I don't care if you're the number ranked 2 hero or not, you will not lay a fucking finger on my student!" He growled, picking up Peter's body into his arms in a gentle manner.

Peter couldn't help the sigh that escaped him, his spider-sense finally ceasing its ringing in his head and letting him hear the world around him.

Endeavor glared at the shorter man, the crackling of flames and camera flashes from outside being the only sound in the silence.

"Excuse me, your student? And who the hell are you ? Protecting this villain from me and interfering in my hero work!" He growled, the flames on his face rising in his anger.

Aizawa growled right back at him, activating his quirk and making the fire on the taller man's face go out.

"I am Shota Aizawa, the underground hero Eraserhead and a teacher at UA. I am the homeroom teacher of this 15-year-old boy who you just nearly killed, a 15-year-old whose charges of vigilantism have been dropped now that he attends my class." He snarled, watching as Endeavor's eyes widened in shock at Peter's age.

Peter coughed in Aizawa's arms, a bit of blood coming out of his mouth and only making Aizawa glare harder.

"His name is Peter Parker, and I can assure you he is no villain. He, along with my three other students that were also caught in the middle of the heist, was crucial in evacuating civilians and apprehending villains, which was what he was in the middle of doing before you showed up."

His statement was only met with silence, the tired-looking man letting his quirk detective as he exhaled through his nose.

"Believe me, Endeavor, what you've done today will not be swept under the rug and thrown aside like all the times you have killed criminals; I promise I will make sure of it."

With that, Aizawa turned around with Peter still in his arms and began to walk to the ambulances waiting outside.

A small smile graced Peter's face, the boy still not opening his eyes.

"Hey, scarf man… how you doing?"

His quiet greeting was met with silence, making Peter give a small frown.

"Way to go mama bear right there, by the way…" He chuckled weakly as he felt the tension in his body start to fade and his consciousness slip away.

"Do not expect to be off the hook, Parker."

"Do you really have to give me a hard time, man? Can't even cut me some slack after Endeavor almost killed me…"

Even as the world slipped away into darkness, he could feel the small smile on Aizawa's face.

If he does wake back up, he'd never let him live it down.

"Hey, can I… take a small nap? Please? I'm like, so tired right now…" He asked.

"Just make sure you wake up, kid," Aizawa said softly, walking down to the stairs of the museum entrance.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, man…" He joked, feeling as his last bits of grip on consciousness fade.

Peter was out before Aizawa got him in the ambulance, with the man riding alongside him.

The vehicle sped away toward the nearest hospital, Endeavor watching it go as reporters all around him took pictures and asked question after question about the fight.

Even if he was unconscious, Peter couldn't help but reflect a bit on all that had happened.

A heist, learning about some criminal empire, and almost getting killed by Endeavor?


What a day.



First things first, I love Endeavor. I think he's one of the coolest and best-written characters in all of MHA.

But as a person? I'm not gonna ignore that he was horrible before the character development. And since we're dealing with that version of Endeavor, I made him out to be a lot more… villainous.

The idea of him having the highest casualty rate when it came to civilians and villains just felt… right, you know? Realistic, I mean since heroes are kinda glorified cops that have superpowers and stuff.

I also want to point out that this version of Peter, while based on a lot of different media, is severely nerfed in terms of power and experience, which was a thing I had to do to make him comparable to other MHA characters and less OP.

Which means that the Peter in this story, while strong, isn't gonna be beating anyone in the top 10 in a 1-1 fight, just wanted to point that out.

Sorry to say but having him be able to move faster than cars, knock out dinosaurs in one punch, and all that other crazy stuff he can do in the comics would just take away all challenge for him to do anything and be incredibly boring

When it came to his attitude during the fight, I wanted to showcase how he was a teen being put against one of the scariest and most powerful Japanese heroes and is understandably freaking out and fearing for his life but adding that jokey front to cover it up..


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