Chapter 74: Hoppin' Down The Bunny Trail III

Oh, she was talking about his spider-sense! That part was kinda hard to explain sometimes but he always managed.

"That? It's my spider-sense!" Peter answered, watching as Mirko furrowed her brow in confusion. "Uh, it's like a sixth sense? I get a buzzing in my skull when something dangerous is about to happen, most of the time I use it to see if someone is sneaking up on me."


A few seconds passed, his spider-sense tingling just in time for him to duck under Mirko punching him.

"Huh, cool." She chuckled, standing up and stretching. "Whatever, you got your suit?"

Hearing that, Peter stood up and nodded down at her, Mirko only grinned.

"Alright, kid! Meet me down in the lobby in ten minutes, we're going on patrol!" She said, quickly hopping out of the room.

Patrol? Sweet!

Oh, man! This was gonna be his first team-up! So cool!


"Why the fuck do you have a backpack?"

Peter tightened his arm and shin guards before quickly stretching, quickly checking over his web-shooters and belt.

"Oh, it's got important stuff in it! Y'know, more occasional things and a few snacks." Peter shrugged, watching as the woman rolled her eyes.

She walked over to him, looking him in the eye for a moment before going behind and ripping the backpack off, dropping it on the ground.

"What the hell, man?!" Peter cursed, looking at the unimpressed Mirko.

There was important stuff in there, man! Why'd she rip it off?!

"Kid, you don't need extra supplies if you're not a rescue hero. Besides! That shit slows you down, people like us gotta focus on mobility." She waved him off, walking over to the front door while Peter got a few cartridges from the bag and putting them in his belt.

Alright… guess she was kinda right about the mobility thing.

But still, uncool to just rip his bag like that!

Man, what was gonna happen if his goggles or web-shooters broke and he didn't have spares? That was gonna be on her .

Sighing, Peter looked at the bag one last time before walking over to Mirko.

"So, do I just follow you and let you do stuff? How are we doing this?" Peter asked, Mirko already in the process of opening the door.

"Stick by me and do what I do. Basically? Just be a second, less cool me while lending a hand. Not gonna treat you like a sidekick or anything, so don't expect too much teaching from me." She said, both of them walking out onto the street.

Suddenly, she began hopping away while running on buildings and into the city.

Oh, crap! He should follow!

Shooting a web, Peter pulled himself off the ground and into the air, keeping a few feet behind Mirko while taking the liberty to do a few flips just to show off.

"Keep up, kid! This ain't amateur hour anymore! She yelled over her shoulder, jumping from building to building while easily staying ahead of Peter.

Behind the mask, Peter could only grin as he let the feeling of losing gravity wash over him for a second.

"I'll do my best not to steal the spotlight from you!" He yelled back, Mirko chuckling a bit as she jumped onto another building.

Even if being Spider-Man was more of a burden to him… Even if he'd rather not have these powers that spider gave him…

He had to admit one thing…

The boy swung through the streets, listening to the cars drive by under him as people pointed as he passed by them. The sound of wind on his face and the pounding of his heart nearly drowning everything out.

God, he missed going out for a swing.

A few minutes passed, Peter keeping up with the fast pace Mirko had set. Along the way, taking in the sights of the city while keeping an eye on where Mirko was going.

It looked like… New York, but cleaner! Random people walked about below him, everyone having their own lives and ignoring everyone else on their way to who knows where.

There were a few street vendors, some no-name heroes walking about, and even some kids running around in a nearby park.

Talk about a friendly neighborhood, huh? He could appreciate the familiar feeling Hosu had.

The two of them patrolled the city for what felt like an hour, helping stop a few robberies, purse-snatchers, and even an out-of-control car crashing into a building.

All in all? Pretty productive hour!

As he swung, his lenses landed on the sight of Mirko stopping on a random roof. Quickly, he shot another web and pulled himself back before landing next to her.

"Slow day, I guess. There haven't even been any villains to beat up!" She complained, tapping her foot while Peter shrugged.

"Hey, I like slow days! Means people are safe, right? It's always nice when there isn't much crime going on."

Just as she was about to say something, her ears twitched a bit at the same time Peter felt his spider-sense tingle in the back of his head.

A few gunshots rang out in the air, people screaming down below.

Looking over down the street, both of them narrowed their eyes at seeing what looked to be four people running a convenience store with masks and guns in hand.

Classic robbery.

Not even saying a word, the two of them jumped off the roof and began racing down the street. Mirko bounced on cars while Peter swung across lampposts.

"Everybody put your fucking hands up, you hear me!? No sudden moves or i-" One of the masked men ordered, getting cut off by the sound of the window in front of the store breaking.

"I got a doctor's note saying I shouldn't put its hands up during a robbery, is that cool?" Peter joked, crashing through the window and knocking the man to the ground before webbing him down.

Not a second later, Mirko came flying in and kicked a masked woman across the store and onto a shelf, her ears twitching at the sound of someone raising a gun.

On the other side of the store, two men shakily stood by while one of them raised a gun with what was, in Peter's honest opinion, horrible aim.

"Didn't anyone tell you guys that shooting people in the back is rude? They teach you that in school, man!"

Shooting a web at the gun, he pulled the weapon out of the man's hand before flinging it back at him, knocking him out.

About to shoot another web, Peter winced as Mirko landed a powerful roundhouse kick to the remaining robber. He swears he heard a crack!

Maybe Mirko was the one who should practice holding back, huh?

Standing back up, Peter couldn't help but smile at how fast that was.

That took… What, less than thirty seconds? Maybe less? That was crazy!

Now he didn't have to divide his attention between multiple people! Mirko was there to have his back!

Or maybe he was there to have hers?

Walking over to her, the two of them stood over the unconscious criminals. His eyes noticed how Mirko smirked at him before offering a fist bump.

You didn't have to tell him twice to follow suit


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