Chapter 77: Same Friendly Spider III

"Kid, everything I do is cool! It's my job to help people out, so don't sweat it!" She laughed, Peter found himself smiling behind the mask.

It looked like she was about to say something before her ears twitched as she furrowed her brow, with Peter feeling a strong buzzing shoot from the back of his skull through his entire body.


Wait, danger!

A loud boom echoed through the air, Mirko and Peter jumping up just in time to see what looked to be an armored bus rampaging through the streets while crashing into anything that was in its way.

Oh, shit!

"Is that… is that a bus?" Peter asked, already jumping off the roof along with Mirko as they began making their way toward the vehicle.

"Who fucking cares? I'll catch up to it, you minimize collateral damage and get people out of the way! C'mon!" She ordered over her shoulder, Peter found himself nodding and swinging faster.

Get people out of the way? Sounded like a plan! That's just what he did during car chases and stuff!

Maybe it was gonna be a bit different with a rampaging armored bus, but whatever! He's stopped buses before!

They didn't look like something the president would ride on, but still! A bus nonetheless!

Flipping through the air Peter shot a web at a woman about to walk into the road while looking at her phone, pulling her back just before the bus could hit her.

"Remember to look both ways before crossing the road, ma'am!" Peter called as he swung away, his eyes set on the bus barreling down the street.

Okay, it was clear this thing wasn't a normal bus.

Seriously, armor plates that you'd find in a S.W.A.T van? The tires looked reinforced, and the windows were most definitely bulletproof.

The question was… who the hell has a bus like that? It looked straight out of Mad Max!

His eyes landed on Mirko hopping after the bus, staying right behind it with a grin on her face as the vehicle tried swerving as if to throw her off.

A part of him wanted to go and help her chase after it, you know? But he had people to save! Mirko could do the whole kicking people in the face thing, while he did the making sure people didn't get ran over thing!

Honestly, it was a pretty good plan.

Flipping through the air, Peter pulled a few more people away from the road on webs as the bus kept going, he could see the people on the street begin panicking as to what to do.

A few ran away, a lot more than he would've liked stayed, and began recording the whole thing.

Good thing he was there to keep them from, y'know, dying and stuff!

A deafening impact snapped him out of his thoughts, Peter's lenses widened in shock at seeing how the bus had crashed onto a random car and sent it flying into the sidewalk.


Exchanging a quick look with Mirko, Peter nodded as to let her know that he'd take care of it before swinging after the flying car.

Quickly landing on the side of a building, Peter ran along it to pick up speed before using the window he was standing on as a springboard to shoot himself toward the car.

It felt as if the world slowed down, Peter feeling the loud buzzing of his spider-sense as he flew through the air.

Alright, let's do some math!

From the look of it, the car was at the very least 10 feet off of the ground, Peter could try and make a net to catch it with webbing but he didn't want to risk being too slow.

Most cars weighed about 2 tons, so that's the number he'll be working with. He's caught worse, so that wasn't the problem.

And to add to that, not only is gravity affecting the car but it's also being affected by how the bus hit it…

The car flipped through the air, Peter's lenses narrowing as he threw all the mental math he just did out the window.

C'mon, Parker! Don't think, just do it! At most, you have a second before that thing hits the ground, so just catch it!

The boy flew through the air, shooting a line of webbing to reach the car even faster. Once reaching it, he stuck to its good before skittering onto the side that was gonna hit the ground.

Using his hands to stick to it, Peter shot his legs out and braced for impact.

His feet hit the concrete, Peter groaning for a second as his body got adjusted to the weight of the upside-down car on his shoulders.

Nothing he hasn't done before.

Sighing, he opened his eyes to see a kid about his age with long black hair and weird elbows laying under him with wide eyes.

With a small huff, Peter placed the car back down onto the ground, hearing the metal groan at the impact.

"You okay?" He asked the guy, reloading his web-shooters before offering him a hand up. "Cool elbows by the way! Can you shoot lasers out of them?"

The guy paused for a second, quickly sighing in relief at not being crushed before taking Peter's hand and getting to his feet.

"Thanks, man! I would've been crushed right there were it not for you! Oh, and I shoot tape out of them." He grinned, pointing to his elbows.

"Woah, cool! Hey, I gotta go! Stay safe out there, alright?" He patted him on the arm, about to shoot a web before the guy's voice stopped him.

"Wait! You're the spider guy, right? The one at UA?" He asked with a small bit of admiration in his eyes, Peter found himself grinning wide behind the mask.

"The one and only!"

With a twhip, he was back in the air and swinging after the bus. His eyes landed on Mirko crouching on top of the bus as someone inside shot at her through an opening.

Huh, at least she was doing fine.

Ignoring the continuous ringing in his skull, Peter swung through the streets before finally being side by side with the rampaging hunk of metal.

"Hey, you alright?!" Peter called over the chaos around him, Mirko only grinned in return.

"Never better! Ain't Hosu exciting!?" She laughed, effortlessly leaning away from a small round of gunfire from inside the bus. "Hey, there's an intersection up ahead! Go make a wall of your webbing to stop cars from crossing!"

Before Peter could even respond, Mirko stood up straight and stomped her foot, quite literally kicking a wide hole into the metal before jumping in.

Peter could still hear the screams of absolute terror from the people inside the bus at the sight of her.

Yikes, must be hard having that effect on people when you're shorter than most middle schoolers.

Either way, she probably had things under control in there.

Turning away from the vehicle, Peter zipped through the air on strands of webbing before landing on a lamppost next to the intersection Mirko talked about.

If his math was right, he probably had about ten or so seconds before the bus got here.

More than enough time.

Flinging himself off of the lamppost, Peter flew across the street before landing on the side of a building and creating a wall of webbing blocking the street.

"Sorry, guys! Rabbit's orders!" He apologized to the people below, quickly flipping away and creating another wall of webbing.

All there was left was a straight path of road, leaving the other cars out of the chaos and safe.

Just as he thought that, his spider-sense rang in his head with the bus quickly speeding by.

His lenses scanned the road ahead, seeing empty streets before reaching a certain point far down the road.

Far down the road ahead, he could see a group of dozens of cars packed together as they honked their horns for the street light to change from red.

His lenses widened in terror at seeing the bus get closer and closer to the cars.

It was a traffic jam.


Panicked, Peter launched himself back into the air as he frantically swung after the bus as it got closer and closer to the traffic jam, groaning at how the people in the cars didn't even notice it.

Of course.

Once he began swinging side by side with the vehicle, he looked through the windows and noticed how Mirko was still very much busy fighting the ten or so people inside.

So that meant he was alone on this one, great.

Alright, Parker! Think! How do you stop an armored bus from crashing into a huge traffic jam?

Web it to the buildings? No, that wouldn't work! The thing was moving way too fast for that, if anything he'd just damage the buildings!

Make a net? Also no. It'd just rip through it.

C'mon, think! How do you slow it down?

At that moment, his eyes landed on the asphalt the bus was driving on and an idea came to mind.

A bad idea.

A horrible idea.

A stupid idea.

But an idea nonetheless.

Taking a deep breath, Peter swung through the air before landing and sticking to the front of the bus.

Alright… What are we talking about here?

Normal city bus, probably about 10 to 15 tons. It's also fully armored with what feels like metal plates, so maybe a bit heavier than that.

About ten people inside? Then it gets even heavier. And to add to that, it's going insane fast.

All in all? This was gonna suck.

Gritting his teeth, Peter's hand dug into the metal plates of the front of the bus. His feet dug into the asphalt below him, Peter groaning as they kicked up more and more of the road as they went.

A second or two passed before the pain finally set in, his legs screaming in pain as he dug his feet deeper into the road.

Okay, just… just don't think about it, Parker! Grit your teeth and hang on! C'mon, that's all you gotta do!

Metal groaned as his fingers dug into it, the buzzing of his spider-sense shooting from the back of his skull down to the rest of his body, drowning his senses as bits of rock hit his lenses.

"C'mon, c'mon!" He groaned out, trying to keep himself from thinking of the pain shooting from his legs all the way up his body.

And speaking of the pain? Holy shit was there a lot.

His legs were screaming, muscles burning as he dug them deeper and deeper into the road to try and slow down the rampaging bus.

Bits of debris hit his body, stinging his already sore muscles. Peter simply gripped the front of the bus tighter as he grit his teeth.

Don't think, Parker! Don't think, just do it!

He let out a scream, feeling the bus slowly began to tip upward as he slowed it down.

The deafening groan of metal rang through the air, Peter seeing the traffic jam get closer and closer as the weight of the bus settled onto his back.

And for a moment, there was silence.

Peter was one foot deep into the road, holding up the bus on his back as he slowed down to a halt.

And then, it became too much.

The sound of the bus hitting the ground was deafening, no matter how softly Peter had tried to set it down.

Honestly? He didn't care, he was so tired right now.

He slid down onto the burrow he had made, throwing his head back and letting out a pained groan just as his spider-sense slowly stopped ringing.

So, so tired.

Just as he settled onto the ground, he heard the sound of a door being kicked off its hinges before Mirko hopped to his side.

"Shit, kid! You just stopped a whole fucking bus!" She laughed with wide eyes, crouching down to his level as he gave her a small smile behind the mask. "You alright, brat? Anything broken?"

There was a small bit of worry in her voice, Peter smiled a bit at seeing she cared.

"Can we call it a day? I-I'm sorry, but I think that's it for me." He asked her, getting a gentler form of her usual grin in return. "Is everyone alright? You beat up the guys inside?"

"Sure did, kid! And yeah, we can call it a day. You did good, brat." She answered, putting a hand on his shoulder as sirens approached.

You know, guess she was right.

Hosu was exciting.


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