Chapter 93: Blood in The Water II

Sometimes, this whole Spider-Man thing felt more like a chore than he would like, you know?

It felt like being stuck in a dead-end job you stayed at for reasons out of your control. Not being rewarded enough for the effort you put in, but you still had to do it.


That was another thing Peter began to notice about his life lately.

Grabbing a web-grenade, Peter stuck in on the Lizard's chest before crawling away from the explosion of webbing.

Lately, it's felt that a lot of what's happened to Peter has just been the universe making decisions for him and then forcing him to adapt.

Sure, he's been able to handle what's been thrown at him for the most part, but is he wrong to be just the tiniest bit scared that it's gonna become a usual thing for him?

He's currently going to UA cause he has to if he doesn't want to get arrested, he has to work for S.H.I.E.L.D eventually cause he has to if he wants them to leave him alone, he has to be Spider-Man cause Ben just had to get the idea of power and responsibility into his head.

Most of the things he does these days, he has to do.

Is it bad that sometimes he wants to be more than all that? Sure, he helps a lot of people, at least he likes to think he does.

But something in him wants to be something different than what he is right now, something more stable. Something more.

Something else .

And sure, he's made great friends at UA and he actually likeshelping people and some days he actually loves being Spider-Man, but is it bad that a part of him isn't entirely happy with the life he's got? That he's stuck wearing a stupid mask while doing this stupid job that barely anyone appreciates?

Seriously, he's spent half of middle school taking on the ugly crime that doesn't go on TV in this city, and now he's literally going to a school so he can keep doing that same thing but legally.

He just… it's as if each day he goes deeper and deeper into this life, and one day he won't be able to step back or take off the mask for good.

Because at this point, being Spider-Man isn't really a choice, not really. It was just what he did . Probably cause it got to the point where he wasn't sure if he could be anything else.

Honestly, it was more of a messed up routine that he simply did, to the point where slipping the mask on was more muscle memory than anything else.

And no, he doesn't really have any intention of quitting anytime soon, but Peter doesn't really know what'll happen if he does. He's scared that one day, this will be all he has.

Responsibility and this stupid mask.

The thought of that being all he had down the line terrified him, enough that sometimes his hand hesitated when he reached for his costume.

Is that selfish?

A part of him felt like he shouldn't even think about this stuff, as if Ben would be disappointed if he knew he was.

But it was hard not to, lately.

It wasn't like he could distract himself by punching people in the dead of night and seeing how close he could get to the ground before shooting a web nowadays.

Yeah, actually addressing his problems directly wasn't included in the stuff the spider gave him.

"Looking a bit tied up there, dude." Peter joked, more out of habit than an actual desire to say something. At this point in being Spider-Man, his brain just guesses the time to say stuff, sometimes it even makes what he says actually funny.

Peter crawled closer, looking the creature in the eyes as it struggled against the webbing.

"By the way, you got a name? I feel kinda bad that I keep calling you Lizard in my head. Seriously, a nickname or anything? I'll even take your World of Warcraft name at this point." Peter said, watching as the creature's eyes retracted and dilated on him.

Slowly, it let out a low snarl with its face twisting in what looked to be either confusion or frustration. The sound reverberated across the tunnel, its face kept twisting as if trying to find a word it couldn't quite place.

As the snarl echoed across the sewer, Peter couldn't help but feel it sounded like something starting with 'C'.

"Alright… that's a start, I guess," Peter muttered, the Lizard kept struggling against its binding while holding that frustrated expression, as if still looking for some word on the tip of its tongue.

This entire interaction rules out this thing being some sort of weird quirked animal, the occasional displays of actual intelligence pointed Peter in the direction of this being some guy lost to quirk instincts or something.

Either way, he should probably use the knowledge that this guy could probably understand him to do a bit of an interrogation.

Because this was somehow connected to Oscorp, and Peter needed to dig deeper. When Peter is what he is due to that company, he can't help but feel suspicious at a weird monster being moved in one of their trucks.

"So… how come you were just in the back of an Oscorp truck? I've heard they treat their interns bad b-" Mid-sentence, Peter's spider-sense started to buzz, with its intensity slowly ramping up.

"Os… Corp." The creature growled, the word sounding broken as it dragged it out of its throat and out its teeth. Peter's eyes widened, a small bit of panic rose in him.

It could talk ?

Oh, this got so much more complicated than it should be.

"Uh-" He began, not really knowing how to proceed but he began to notice the Lizard begin to thrash more and more.

It kept roaring in anger, sometimes saying 'Oscorp' between the vocalizations while Peter tried to figure out what to do.

"Hey, relax! I j-" Peter tried, eyes going wide as a clawed hand ripped through the webbing and cut deep into his side. "Shit!"

Peter flipped back onto the ground, holding the cut as blood began to slowly run through his fingers. The creature kept slashing at everything around, soon tearing through the webbing and dropping down onto the pathway Peter stood on.

"Os… Born." It growled out, eyes bloodshot as it let the name hang in the air. Peter didn't really see anything in those eyes, it looked as if it didn't even know what the name was, only attaching vague feelings of anger without an actual understanding of it.

They stood in silence for a bit, Peter still holding his bleeding side as he thought about what to do.

"OSBORN!" It roared in some primal rage, Peter saw those yellow eyes quickly focus on him .


Awfully convenient that Peter is the only one around when he accidentally sends this thing into some big Lizard rage.


Letting out an inhuman roar, it leaped at the boy, Peter flipping back just as it hit the ground. The feeling of something wrapping around his ankle snapped him to attention, quickly feeling how his momentum shifted as he was thrown onto the brick path.

His world spun as his head hit the old stone, eyes a bit blurry from the water but still seeing the Lizard lean in and roar in his face, close enough he could count each individual scale on its face.

Spider-sense buzzing, he caught a clawed hand coming down on by the wrist with both of his, ignoring the feeling of metal lightly digging into his own wrist.

"You can talk, right? Then let's talk ." Peter gritted out, still holding back the massive hand inching toward his chest. "There's a lot of more constructive ways to figure this out, you know? C'mon, work with me here!"

By the look in its eyes, Peter could tell there was not much going on upstairs other than instinct. He might as well keep trying to get something out of him.

The claw kept inching toward his chest, Peter doing his best to hold it back as the creature snarled in his face.

Thinking quickly, Peter used one hand to go for a pouch on his belt, trying to go for another web-grenade before he felt his spider-sense buzz.

Another claw came down, landing right between Peter's belt and his hip. The Lizard snarled, dragging its hand down and cutting the belt.

With a small nudge from its tail, the belt fell into the water, disappearing from view into some underwater pipe.


Almost immediately, he felt its tail wrap around his free hand, pinning it beside his head as the claw above his chest kept lowering.

"Dude, are you serious? That thing was designer!" He grits out, struggling against the creature while he watched in panic as claws dug into the Kevlar of his vest.

They cut through the vest like nothing, going through Kevlar before Peter pushed back against them as best he could.

All in all, Peter wasn't having that good of a time.


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