Chapter 95: Blood in The Water IV

His legs kept pushing, claws stabbed into the brick to keep the creature in place. He could start to feel conscious slipping away, the only sensations present in his mind being the pain in his chest and the exhaustion in his mind.

A thought passed through him, a realization of how this situation was probably gonna end.

Peter was dying.


The three claws swiped down, cutting a deep gash that went from right below his collarbone down to his side.

Bits of fear began to bubble up in his burning chest, but it wasn't as much as he'd think would be appropriate. There weren't even any of those emotions like peace or regret.

All he felt was general exhaustion, a tiredness that never really went away.

In the back of his mind, there was anger. The anger filling him like it always did in moments like this, giving him energy he didn't want but used anyway.

His legs kept pushing with whatever strength he still had, Peter staring right at those soulless yellow eyes as his mind began to shut down.

It was always there, honestly. Undirected and burning just off to the side of his consciousness, holding on to him wherever he went no matter what.

Most of the time he wasn't even sure what he felt angry about, it normally popped up while he was punching some random mugger or just when he sat on his bed.

Right now? He was pretty sure he knew.

Peter felt angry at how he believed Spider-Man would kill him eventually, someway, somehow. Be it in some alley or on the sewers with a giant lizard.

And wanna know the kicker? There was probably no universe out there in which this didn't happen. Give or take a few years or so, this was probably how he died.

Someday, Spider-Man would kill Peter Parker.

He felt angry at how he was right.

He felt angry and how he was still holding on, one foot in the grave and vision all but gone.

He felt angry at how tired he was to be stuck in this stupid cycle and how his body was still keeping him in it.

He felt angry that dying felt like such a familiar emotion, angry at how the fight slowly leaving his body morbidly felt like coming home.

He felt angry that he was kind of okay with this result, maybe he'd end up buying enough time for Mirko to show up and stop this thing from possibly hurting people.

Because no matter how this life affected him and how many times it's screwed him over, Peter still hopes people are better off because of it.

He hates that Peter Parker isn't really a priority to him.

His head fell a bit, the boy no longer wanting to spend the energy to hold it up anymore. His vision kept darkening, with Peter about to release his fading grip on the tail around his neck before his half-lidded eyes caught something.

On that dirty and ripped up lab coat, there was a nametag. Dirtied by water and grime and blood, but there was a name there nonetheless.

"Dr. Curtis… Connors?" Peter managed to rasp out, the sound more of a question than anything else.

Empty yellow eyes widened, a sudden feeling of humanity flooding into them as their pupils dilated.

Just like that, Peter was dropped to the ground. The demolished bricks weren't pleasant, but that wasn't his main concern right now.

The Lizard's coat belonged to Dr. Curt Connors.

He-He knew about Dr. Connors! The guy was a revolutionary when it came to bioengineering and genetic research! A world renowned herpetologist that wanted to see how the study of lizards could help people regrow limbs !

Hell, he met the guy! Dr. Connors gave the damned tour in Oscorp that ended up getting Peter bit by the spider!

But… that didn't make any sense.

Dr. Connors was missing an arm and quirkless ! He couldn't be the thing that Peter's been fighting!


He was researching lizard DNA to try and find a way to help people with missing limbs… People like himself.

And he also worked at Oscorp! The place that had the spider that bit him! The one that made him go from quirkless to mutate!

As Peter coughed and brought air back into his lungs, he looked at the frozen creature above him, then at both of its arms.

One had five claws, the other four… the one with four kept twitching all the time, and it just looked unnatural compared to the other.

As if it wasn't meant to be there .

Is… Is Dr. Connors a mutate, too?

"Are you… Curt Connors?" Peter asked in English, more to himself than to the Lizard. Its eyes widened in a flurry of emotions, panic and fear and regret and confusion.

Then with a jump, it wasn't on him anymore. It leaped onto the stone pathway between water, dropping to its knees and roaring in too many emotions for Peter to describe.

Between roars, Peter swears it tried and failed to say its own name.

Slowly rising to his feet, Peter willed his numb body together for just a bit longer and tried to speak again, his voice came out hoarse and raspy.

"You are, right? Did you-" Peter tried, descending into coughing before pulling himself back together. "This isn't a quirk, right? Something made you this, right?"

The Lizar- Dr. Connors stopped roaring, simply laying there.

"Did you do this to yourself?" Petr whispered, not being able to speak any louder.

Then, Dr. Connors began to slowly but surely dissolve.

What the fuck?

The tail began to decay suddenly, shriveling and rotting before crumbling into nothingness. Then everything began to go, scales and claws and teeth began to crumble and blow away.

Peter was panicking, because what was he supposed to do? Dr. Connors was turning to dust! God, what did he do?

Seeing his body start to slowly fade away, Dr. Connors looked shakily at Peter one last time as his eyes began to shift grossly back into that of a human's, before he got up and began running.

"Wait! What are you-" Peter called out, trying to find his voice before the sound of a brick and stone crumbling reached his ears.

Ignoring how bones creaked and mind begged him to sit down, Peter jumped back onto the stone pathway to see how Dr. Connors rammed himself against one of the brick walls with what was left of his once towering mass.

Was he trying to escape? He had to stay here, Peter could help him! Whatever happened to him, Peter could help!

Running at him with unsteady legs, Peter yelled as loud as his throat allowed for Dr. Connors to wait. He stumbled, catching himself on the ground and getting ready to get up again before a vibration in his skull stopped him.

With one final crack, the wall gave out, sending Dr. Connors plummeting down wherever it led down to. Before he could even gather himself for a second, Peter was back on his feet and jumping into the hole after the man.

It was a giant chasm, a bunch of tunnels leading here to dump all the water and waste into one giant pool that looked as if it was 6 stories down.

God, why did sewers have to be so big?!

Shooting a web, Peter pulled himself to the failing and rapidly decaying man, seeing how beneath the lizard tissue was a regular man, with the only reminder of before being strange scale patterns along his neck and his remaining four-clawed arm.

Yeah, he was gonna need to tank this fall.

"Stay close!" Peter said, grabbing the man and bringing him close before twisting them around midair, facing his back to the water below. "It's gonna be alright, Dr. Connors. Trust me."

His voice sounded too tired and small and weak for Peter to even trust himself.

For a few seconds, they fell. Peter closed his eyes and held the doctor closer as the water approached.

Peter hated being Spider-Man sometimes, but if one of them getting out of this, that was enough for him. Peter was alright with this.

With a deafening splash, his body with the water like concrete, he could feel the fractures popping up all over his skeleton before quickly passing out.

The boy sank down into the water, body limp and unconscious and ready to be left in the depths, before something unexpected happened.

A clawed hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, pulling the boy up and beginning to swim to the stone shore.


Minutes later Peter gasped back into consciousness, rolling onto his side and vomiting out water until it felt like he could breathe again. As he took in air, he rolled onto his back once more.

His hands felt the surface he was laying on, feeling the brick as his ears listened to the deafening sound of running water.

He… Wasn't supposed to be alive right now, right? His body barely felt alive, but Peter could tell he was still there .

Who the hell pulled him out of the-

Then a realization dawned on him, and he looked to his other side.

Dr. Curt Connors sat next to him, body dripping with water while he watched his remaining clawed hand crumble and fall apart, trying to hold on to the appendage as the dead tissue fell through his fingers.

"Oh, no no no no no… I was so close!"

The last of the tissue fell, leaving nothing but a stump.

Soon enough, he began to sob.

"Dr. Connors?" Peter asked, spitting out a bit more water before managing to sit his numb body up. "My, uh, my name's Peter Parker… Are you… alright?"

He wasn't, clearly, but Peter felt like he should ask.

"Who did I hurt?" He asked, quietly sobbing as Peter put a hand on his shoulder.

"Me and Mirko, mostly. You knocked some cars over and… You know we're in Japan, right?"

The doctor nodded, tears still falling before slamming his fist into the ground in a small rage.

"It was supposed to work… God damn it, it was supposed to work!" The curse echoed, Peter didn't know what to do. "T-The formula worked in test trials, Norman gave the okay to move onto human subjects! Oh, I was a fool to do it myself…"

Peter stayed quiet, feeling like should just let Dr. Connors let off some steam for a bit.

"It was supposed to be revolutionary… It was supposed to help people… It was going to change the world!"

Peter and the doctor listened to the declaration echo around them, the sound fizzling out and replaced by Dr. Connors' quiet sobs.

"I just wanted to give my son a proper hug again… Is that so bad?" He sobbed, falling to his knees and curling into himself, Peter placed a hand on his back.

Alright… He thinks he knows what to do.

Pulling out his phone from his pockets and thanking himself for buying a waterproof and impact resistant case, he opened up his contacts and began to scroll down.

His eyes landed on one, one he didn't want to have to call for at least a few more months.

"We're gonna get you some help, Doc…" He said, the doctor continued sobbing. "We're… Everything's gonna be alright."

Peter wondered how much of that was true.


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