Chapter 41: Martian

[Ven POV]

As I sit in my office, I was trying to sort out what script I wanted for my version of Spider-man. First I wanted to figure out the look. Personally, I preferred Andrew Garfield since he looked more like the comic book version. Plus Tobey Maguire looked kinda funny when he shouts. His face was totally meme-able. Except Andrew looked physically at college level not high school. And I wanted to set his timeline in the MCU but earlier. So I was thinking MCU age, actual high school but he becomes a hero before Ironman. That way, his Civil War appearance would be either senior year or 1st year college. I didn't want him to be a full on kid fighting an invasion. 

So I started checking for actors to look for Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield in this world. After a couple of hours searching through british actors listings and agencies, I still can't find them. So I tried my long shot, which was to search through social media which in this world is my DCW. After a while, I do actually find them, except they weren't actors here. Tom was a male ballet dancer and Andrew was a Manager of some bank. I checked their socials and it never seemed like they would be interested in acting at all.

So I decided to use their looks instead. With super speed, it didn't take long for me to reach their locations based on their posts, discreetly bumped into them and had a clone symbiote bond with them in secret just to be able to fully copy their physical appearance then try to combine those looks into a single new identity like I did with my current one.

So I was able to create my own Peter Parker combining them. Of course I had to do some adjusting to make it look younger and in high school level. While playing around with the look, this made me realize that I need to copy the Martian's ability to shape shift to make this a whole lot easier. But then I remembered that shapeshifter in Smallville. Since I completely forgot about her, she's dead by now. I don't really want to analyze her dead body since I won't be able to see it in action anyway. It's easier to analyze cells that are alive so I can see it do their thing in action. 

Anyway, no more shape shifter in Smallville. And John Jones doesn't show up till much later but I know for a fact that he is somewhere within flight reach so he can watch over Clark. So my guess is he's either somewhere near Smallville or in Metropolis pretending to be a detective or something. So I hurriedly looked to the window to use my enhanced vision to scan Metropolis PD. Lo and behold, I see a seemingly ordinary detective but his internal biology looks extremely strange. Not too sure yet since he's too far but I'll be able to take a closer look once I meet him.

But one concern is if he is able to read my mind. Just in case, I need to be thinking of something completely different in order to mask my thoughts. Also better not think of my actual origin. Though I still have doubts if he can read my actual thoughts or the body mimic's only. I am after all, not the human body but the symbiote itself.

Later at night I watch the Martian go to his apartment so I change my appearance to an agent venom look with a cape minus all his bulky armors. *A/N: See new cover image*

This was a look I decided on whenever I want to to any Justice League business. And since I am meeting the Martian while flying, I decide to go as this look instead of Ven which is how I have been interacting with Clark for now.

As the Martian enters his apartment, he opens the fridge to get a beer and sit on the couch. He starts watching TV but keeps mimicking other humans he sees on TV. Probably a practice of some sort on his shape shifting I'm not sure. But I decided to fly to his window and knock.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hello there!"

The Martian was startled as he wasn't expecting someone to see him shape shifting or come from the window. He reverts to his current human identity then looks at me.

"W-who are you?"

"Not a fan of Star Wars I guess. But okay. I'm Venom. But my human identity is Ven Matthews."

I decided to reveal myself since I knew he was gonna be a part of the League later on anyway. Also since he was psychic. Though I don't know if he can read my thoughts yet.

He first looks serious but suddenly looks extremely surprised.

"Let me guess, you tried to peek into my mind?"

"Um yes...I mean.. apologies. I was worried about my identity so I tried to scan your surface thoughts but..."

" couldn't read it?"

"Yes...most...unusual. Fascinating. Can you tell me how you did that?"

"If you can do me a favor sure."

"And what might that be?"

"I was hoping to copy your shape shifting skills. And before we go any further, may I come in? I mean, we don't really want anyone to see me floating outside your window now do we?"

"Yes of course. Come in. Though the door would have been perfectly fine as well."

"Haha, yes but then I wouldn't be able to surprise you as you do your shape shifting."

Then I come inside the apartment via the window. I made myself comfortable in the chair across him then I start talking.

"Now then, first of all, you don't need to worry about your identity since I am also keeping mine a secret from the world. So I will not expose yours."

He was worried for a bit but then he replied.

"So you mentioned something about copying my abilities? How are you going to do that?"

"I have a way to. But I can only show you once you agree. So I was hoping you can let me copy your ability and in turn, I can tell you how you can't read my mind and answer any questions you may have for me."

I said this as I remove the mask so he can see my human Ven face.

"And what would you do with this ability may I ask? I'm sure you understand that in the wrong hands, this can be dangerous. It would be one thing if it was a fellow Martian, but most humans I've seen would probably use this improperly.. to say the least."

"Yes they would. wouldn't they?"

"They? So you are not one of them?"

"No. I'm like you and Clark, a refugee on this planet."

This statement surprised him. 

"You know about Clark?" He asked with suspicion.

"Yes. Don't worry, I mean you or him no harm. In fact, I have come to an understanding with his father Jor-el. Or at least the A.I. version of him. While I surmise you are looking after him from afar, I am doing the same but with minimal interference. There are some situations that I believe he would need a bit of assistance. So...What do you want me to call you?"

"Ah, where are my manners...My name is J'onn J'onzz. And as you have said, I am also a refugee to this planet. I am also called the Martian Manhunter."

"Nice to meet you then J'onn. So, to answer what I will do with it, simply to make my life easier. You see, my human identity is that of a game company owner. I am also affiliated with Wayne Industries in Gotham. I am intending to make a film or movie and some of the characters there, I wish to portray myself. But I cannot use my current human identity. I can copy other's appearances but it will be very...inconvenient for them if I use their appearance for something like a movie. While I can copy others, you can modify your appearance directly which makes it a level better than what I am doing. If I had your ability, I can modify the look myself as I please instead of just copying."

"Hmm. Yes I suppose that would be inconvenient for the face you are copying if you use their face and do things they will have no recollection of." He paused for a bit to think then started speaking again.

"Very well. Normally I would be suspicious and wary of you but since you have mentioned an ability of copying, this doesn't make much of a difference. But I would require that you tell me how you are blocking my telepathic abilities. I'm sure you understand that this is very new to me, not being able to read someone, as with my species, such forms of communication is the norm."

"Sure. Pretty simple really. But I want your word that you will not speak of this to anyone unless I give you permission or if it is an emergency of sorts."

"That is acceptable."

"Alright. Well, to be honest I think its because this human body isn't my actual body in the first place. This is sort of a clone. So my actual thoughts aren't inside this one's brain. Also not human remember?"

"If this is not your body, then what or where IS your body then?"

"It's not the human part, it's the clothing. I am the clothing. Or at least, the one disguised as the clothing."

Then I proceed to remove the human Ven and reabsorb its body onto myself and become my symbiote form. This surprises J'onn but not too much since he is not exactly human either.

'What a surprise, to think you were the clothing, instead of the human form. But from the looks it, I still cannot read your thoughts. Though it looks like we can still converse like this.' He told me directly in my mind telepathically. 'And what world are you from by the way?'

"Hmm. Well I can't say for certain yet on why you still can't read my thoughts but I have a few guesses. You see, I can say my species is that of the Klyntar. Though I'm not sure if you can find it in this universe since I know for a fact that this is not my home universe."

"When you say universe...."

"I mean literally that. Tell me, have you heard of the multiverse theory?"

"...That....yes I have... I see.."

"Yeah. Well to be more precise, usually travelling from universes isn't easy in the first place. But normally, if you even find the means to do so, you usually only travel to the adjacent universes. Or to be more specific, universes still quite similar to each other. Though with differences of course. But usually still have some similarities. But the one I came from is one from an entirely different multiverse cluster."

"I require elaboration."

"Well, in most theories of the multiverse, its like another universe with a version of you also living in it. Though they may have certain differences like a different occupation or a different name. For example a human was a new high school graduate but said human was faced with a choice of being a musician or a scientist. In one universe, he picked music. In the next, he picked science. But still within reason. He was still him. Same name and face. These small differences belong to what I consider the same universe cluster. But universes that have too much difference like instead of being a human, he was born in a different planet entirely. Or in your case, instead of being a Martian, you were born on earth. Those universes that are too different are what I consider different clusters."

Although most of that was my speculation, it was the best explanation I can make with DC and Marvel worlds or whatever random fictional world. I am assuming that the group of worlds considered to be Marvel are several universes away from this one. And if I did some universe hopping, if I ever want to go to Marvel, it would take me significant effort to reach those areas in the multiverse.

Just like houses, If my house was considered the DC universe, the neighboring houses are some form of DC universes with minimal changes. Maybe something like the comic book DC universe would be a few houses away. Maybe the house to my right is the Battinson Batman world, or the house across mine is the Batfleck one. Maybe this city or even country is the DC universe. And in that analogy, Marvel would be in a different country altogether. And my old world is probably one of those countries. So Dr. Strange and his sorry excuse of a multiverse of madness was still within his neighborhood of universes, not even a different city yet.

"This is all very fascinating. So you are of a race that is not from this universe cluster as you called it. Yet you are here, so you are saying that you are probably the only one of your kind?"

"Quite possibly."

"So that could be a possible explanation as to why I cannot read your thoughts. Its either I do not understand your species biology yet or your origin universe cluster being too different that my telepathy does not work on you. So how will you do this copying then?"

"Simple. You let me bond with you for a bit. Like how I became the human clone's clothing. Normally I would only require direct skin contact for a few moments to analyze your cells and look for how it is different with other people. But as you are of a different species entirely, I would need some time to analyze your biology and understand your abilities and how they work. In other words, I'm not confident in copying it since you're not human. But don't worry, It won't be permanent."

"Is there anything you would have me do?"

"I will just temporarily bond with you. After initial analysis, I would appreciate it if you can shapeshift on the spot so I can see how your biology does it."

And so, J'onn allowed me to bond with him and I was able to initially analyze his body. 

The Martian's physiology would seem to be composed of a complex molecular chain that resembles polymer bonds but with the ability to be altered at will. This allows Martian Manhunter to change his mass, color, relative shape, imitating even clothing if desired.

After my analysis, I was confident I would be able to alter my clone cells to be able to shapeshift now. But before I left his body, as I was thinking, J'onn phased through his fridge to get another drink. While he probably did not think much of it, It was very good for me since I was able to observe how he did his phasing so I was able to copy that as well.

Once I left his body, I created another human clone with my current Ven look but altered the cells to be able to shape shift. Then I, as usual, became the clothing. And after a few seconds, I was able to shape shift my human body into something from my mind. My initial attempt was a success but it changed me into a face I do not recognize. I looked at the mirror in J'onn's bathroom only to see an asian face. I can only guess that this was my face from my original life. That would explain why I was extremely instinctive of it despite not having seen it for who knows how long. So I was asian, yet lived near CERN super collider. I can't remember everything yet but it doesn't matter. What matters is that I can change my human body at will now.

I went back to J'onn in the living room.

"I appreciate this J'onn. I owe you one. If you would need a favor, just let me know and I'm there."

He nodded then said; "Very well."

I gave him my contact number and told him the address for Wayne Manor and my office in Vgames. I also told him if he wanted any of my products, to let me know and I'll make it happen.

Then after a few more small talk, I thanked him again and flew away from his window.


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