Chapter 44: Crisis Lex

[3rd Person POV]

After visiting Central City, Ven was originally going to get back at writing his version of Spider-man. But as he was flying back, he saw something that he could not ignore. A Lex Luthor wearing gold and black armor. He knew which Lex this was. The one from Crisis on Two earths. This was probably when Lex was looking for blue kryptonite to hurt his world's version of Superman, Ultraman. In his world, the Justice League counterparts were called the Crime Syndicate and used all their powers to do crime instead of stopping them. And Ultraman already disposed of all that worlds kryptonite so he would not have a weakness. But Lex created a device to hop on to other earths to look for spare kryptonite. 

'So it turns out, this was one of those worlds he visited.' Ven thought to himself. He then flew down to talk to him.

Lex saw Ven flying down. But he did not recognize him nor his uniform or even symbol. He got ready to fight just in case but he didn't attack first for fear of starting an interdimensional war, or worse, get himself killed which would then condemn his world without any hope left.

"Lex Luthor. You're from another earth aren't you?" -Ven

"How could you possibly know that?" -Lex

"Two things. One, our Lex Luthor hasn't even left Smallville yet. Two, your heart is on the other side of your chest, opposite ours." -Ven

"Huh...fair enough. And who might you be? I don't seem to recall you or any possible counterparts on our earth." -Lex

"Then you can think of me as an exception. An anomaly. After all, my species don't even exist in this multiverse cluster. Anyway, what brings you here?" Ven pretended not to know even though he already guessed why he was there.

"Before I tell you, can I ask which side you are on? Hero or Criminal?" -Lex

"Fair enough. While I don't consider myself to be a hero, I at least side with them in general. Hero Support if you will." -Ven

Lex accepted this for now as he had no choice at the moment and at the very least, the man he was talking to wasn't attacking him and simply talking. So he proceeded to talk about his world and the Crime Syndicate.

"I would like to ask for this world's Justice League if I could get some help on defeating mine. As you can probably tell, I am already very desperate." -Lex

"Unfortunately that would be impossible." -Ven

"Why?!" -Lex

"Simply because the League doesn't exit just yet. This world's timeline is a bit behind yours. You've come even before Superman takes his first flight. Much less the league.

I would suggest going for another world where the League is already formed.

Best I can help with right now is help you obtain Kryptonite for your Ultraman. Of course I would expect something else in return for said help." -Ven

"That is unfortunate. But I suppose there is no other choice. But regarding the Kryptonite, what would I need to give in return?" -Lex

"Nothing big. I just want you to build me a transdimensional device and it's blueprints. Just in case our world would ever need to ask for other world's help as well, I would like a backup of my own." -Ven

At first Lex was hesitant but since he was quite desperate for any help, including the kryptonite, he agreed. 

After Ven flew around Smallville and got his blue kryptonite that works on Ultraman, he and Lex flew to Central City to borrow some equipment from Star Labs. Since it was already very late, no one was there and the security measures weren't fixed yet from their fight with Thawne. They had enough equipment and materials there so it took Lex little time to construct one. He then gave a copy of the blueprints via data transfer and saved it to a portable drive. After they were done, they simply left with no one ever knowing about them.

"That concludes our deal. Sorry I couldn't help more." -Ven

"That's alright, this kryptonite would be plenty to give me a shot at Ultraman. Though I will still need to try other earths for a Justice League to increase my chances. Can't really take the Crime Syndicate on my own." -Lex

And with that, Lex disappeared using his transdimensional device. Ven on the other hand, went back home.

The next few days, Ven spent hours and hours trying to look for Earth Prime. He remembered the plot for Crisis on Two Earths and knew that the destruction of Prime could endanger his world as well. He remembered Batman cutting it way too close for comfort so he decided to have a back up plan just in case.

After finally finding the right earth, Ven visited the Planet and saw that it was out of its orbit just as he had remembered Owlman say about it. He also knew that the moment Lex finds the right world with a Justice League, he would only have a short time to intercept Owlmans plan.

Ven went back to his world, then talked to his team about him being unavailable for the next few days, possibly weeks. He also told his Batman that he will be off-world for a multi-versal threat but told him not to worry since he was on the case. He could have simply ignored to tell Batman but he wanted him on standby in case he needed help in an emergency. Batman wasn't satisfied about this but he had no choice as he didn't have the tech to follow Ven or the knowledge to build one just yet. He also remembers Ven's words about future knowledge and he just assumed this was one of it. So he left Ven to do his thing for now but he had prepared to help out in case Ven came back to get him. 

Ven arrived at Earth Prime. He didn't really need anything to survive since being able to mimic kryptonian physiology. But it was still his habit and enjoyment to eat delicious food so he brought some for the wait. He then just simply waited there. He used his enhanced hearing to hear the whole planet and wait for Owlman to appear. Since that planet was already practically devoid of life, it was very peaceful and silent. Only ruins were left in that world. So Ven simply waited and once he heard any noice, he would assume this was Owlman. 

So he waited alone for any activity on the planet.

After a few days of waiting, he finally heard something. He flew over to the noise. As he came near, he saw Owlman and the device that was intended to destroy an entire planet. 

Ven immediately flew down and used his heat vision as fast as he could to shoot Owlman. It hit him in the forehead with a concentrated beam which then burned a hole through his head. Owlman died in barely a few seconds. Ven then went to the machine to make sure the bomb was not activated yet in the first place. 

He then transferred the device to another earth with no life just to be sure before he went back to wait for Batman. After just some minutes, Batman arrived, surprised that Owlman lay dead on the ground with the QED device missing and a new character standing next to Owlman's dead body.

"Sorry bats, way ahead of you. He was a danger to my universe as well. Already took care of the QED."

"Wait! Who are you?"

"You can call me Venom."

"And how did you get here? And what did you do with the QED?

"The Lex Luthor that went to your world also visited mine a few days ago. But our world doesn't have a Justice League yet. So he had to find another one which eventually led to yours. I figured with dimensional travel, if the bad guys replicated that Luthor's transdimensional device, an attack on Earth Prime could endanger my existence as well. So I simply stayed here for a few days just in case. Anyway the QED is already gone, I sent it to another desolate earth."

Afterwards, Ven was setting his transdimensional device to return home. But Batman tried to get more information.

"Wait, we aren't done here! I have a few more questions!"

"I have a lot to take care of in my world so no can do. Besides, aren't you on borrowed time? Your portal is still open you know."

Then Batman remembered the speedster vibrating so fast to keep his portal open so he had no choice but to run back to the portal after taking one last look at Owlman to make sure he's dead but made sure to drag his body back as well.

"Really annoying, dealing with a super paranoid Batman. Lucky I met mine early on so I'm at least on the somewhat trusted side." He sighed.

And then Ven went back to his own world as well.


After getting back, he told Batman about what actually happened. Now that it was over, he no longer needed to worry about him making his own plans which could potentially ruin his.

"So let me get this straight. In another earth just like ours, my and other heroes have banded together in a league to fight crime and bigger threats we can't stop alone. And that on another earth these counterparts were in fact criminals? So I'm assuming your pitch about certain individuals before were about us who make up the league?"

"Yep pretty much. It's already a bit of a spoiler telling you this. Technically you should be figuring this out on your own. Anyway, threat was taken care of by your counterparts so don't worry. Normally I wouldn't even need to tell you to stop your paranoid brain from overthinking but I'm telling you anyway so you could at least make some plans if need be. After all, I do live in this world as well. Wouldn't want it being destroyed so an additional layer to protect it won't hurt."


Batman's paranoid brain went overdrive thinking about possible threats from other worlds but he did realize that he can't think about this too much since he already had his hands full from this city alone. But he did take some sort of solace knowing Ven was on the side of protecting the world. And that for some reason he was ahead in terms of knowledge so that's an additional layer of advantage in terms of protecting the planet.

Meanwhile, Ven didn't tell the other Batman that the QED device wasn't exactly triggered or activated. After all, Ven decided he would use that thing to destroy Apokolips if Darkseid became overbearing in his universe. So he hid the QED in a desolate planet with no life. Though he eventually went back to make sure to hide it even further instead of out in the open.

At least now he had a transdimensional device in case he wanted to go multiverse hopping and he had a QED to blow up an enemy planet in case of an unavoidable invasion. 


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