Chapter 12

 For all the talking that was going on among the Leaf shinobi, neither Sakura nor Ino spoke a word as they walked down to the arena level. The glares shooting back and forth between them said more than enough.

 Sakura figured Ino was there to show off for Sasuke; to her, that was what their rivalry had always been about. She would have been surprised how differently Ino saw the whole thing. Oh, in the back of her mind, some part of her still figured that Sasuke wasn't attached yet. But Sasuke wasn't so attractive or desirable anymore. Not after his sadistic little display in the Forest of Death. The look in his eyes when he'd broken the Sound-nin's arms had been almost…joyous. If Sakura still wanted to date someone that messed up, well, she could have him.

 She wanted to take the pink-haired girl down for another reason. It was long past time to show Sakura that she wasn't so tough or talented as she always seemed to think. Maybe it was conceited or selfish of her to think so. Ino didn't much care. A girl could only take so many dents to her ego before things had to be stopped.

 If it had to come to this, Ino figured better now than later, when Sakura might actually get better. Heaven forbid the girl would actually try to improve herself (but miracles weren't out of the question). She was tired of seeing Sakura getting all the goods while doing nothing to deserve them.

 The Forest of Death had done more than show Ino how weak she was, in comparison to her Genin class. It had shown her the profound unfairness of life in Konoha. While she had been saddled with lazy Shikamaru and always-eating Choji, Sakura had lucked into teaming with #1 rookie Sasuke and annoying, but tough Naruto.

 Ino's team had had to sneak their way through the Chuunin Exam, almost being taken out single-handedly by Neji before he dismissed them as too weak to fight. Sakura's team had been trashed by Orochimaru, hit just as hard by his three Sound henchmen, and still gotten to the next Stage.

 Who had she made an enemy of? What did she have to do? Okay, she wasn't so hot or talented either, but at least Ino had tried. She had begged, pleaded and (of course) yelled until her throat was raw, to make herself and her team stronger. It hadn't done much good. In the end, she'd done her training alone, pushing herself to limits she'd never even known she had. It was time to show Sakura, and everybody, how strong Yamanaka Ino really was. You think you deserve what you've got? Prove it to me!

 Sakura stared at Ino's blank expression as they faced each other, and wondered what she should do. Let her rival make the first move? Take the initiative instead? Or…there was one other plan.

 "Hey, Ino! Let's get one thing clear right now. Don't think we're going to be fighting over Sasuke-kun. This match is totally serious. I'm not going to go easy on you!"

 Taunting Ino seemed to be a good idea, given what she knew about the blonde's temper. And as Sakura saw the rage explode in Ino's eyes, she figured it was the first step on her path to victory; surely her rival would be overeager, just like Kiba after all of Naruto's chatter.

 She couldn't have been more wrong.

 Oh, Ino was angry. There was no doubting that. Not when her opponent had just said something so profoundly arrogant. Sakura would not hold back? Sakura would be getting serious? Ino began to tremble slightly, equal portions of shame and fury starting to smolder. Shame at the weakness that had made everyone think she was pathetic. But just as strong, and steadily growing, was fury that the other girl would presume she was any better.

 All of your luck's gone to your head, girl. You're soft, arrogant, and stupider than I thought. Guess I should beat some sense into you!

 Ino didn't bother to respond. Sakura could see how angry she'd gotten over it anyway. Instead, she slowly removed her forehead protector from its spot around her waist, raising it to her forehead with a reverence that surprised even Shikamaru and Choji, watching from the balcony. They'd always known Ino was driven to succeed (even if it was only to get Sasuke's attention). But even then, she'd hardly been serious about ninja business, or village tradition.

 Sarutobi Asuma smiled as he observed his pupil's actions. Shikamaru had the brains in Team 8; he outstripped his teammates by far, without a doubt. But even with her childish temper and personality, Ino had something neither of the boys could claim – a savage desire to succeed. Call it hotheaded, a one-track mind, but it was true. If the Chuunin Exam had come down to who wanted it most, the girl would have been a top contender. The words that emerged from her mouth as she tied the forehead protector to her head proved it.

 "Talk, talk, talk. That's all you're good for. Ever since we were kids you never did anything but talk a good game. You wanted to be strong, admired, popular. How long has it been, Sakura? A year? Five? Ten? Where are you now? What have you made of yourself?

 "Where were you in the Forest, when your teammates were fighting their asses off? Sitting there, crying your eyes out. Even when you tried to stand up for yourself, all you got was a beating."

 Ino would have smiled as she saw Sakura redden, humiliation provoking her rival's own temper, but she wasn't done yet.

 "Sasuke went berserk when he saw what they did to you. Naruto nearly got himself killed keeping you safe. If you're so good at talking, Sakura, why don't you tell me how you deserve teammates like that?"

 Shifting her weight onto her back leg, Ino settled into a ready stance.

 "Oh, hell, forget talking. I'm tired of your empty threats. Show me, Sakura. Show me what you've made of yourself."

 Still trying to throw her opponent off balance, Sakura smirked.

 "Careful what you ask for. You might just get it."

 There was no use wasting more time. The girls charged at each other, their battle joined.

 Elsewhere, a confrontation with far greater significance had also begun.

* * *

 "Well, fancy that. You can even copy sealing techniques now."

 Hatake Kakashi looked up slowly, tired from affixing a seal to the curse that afflicted Sasuke. Even now the boy slept, body and soul taxed by the ordeal.

 "I suppose I should congratulate you, Kakashi. That technique isn't something you could have seen performed. You must actually have had to work at it. You've grown."

 He knew the voice before he saw the face. In every word there lurked a certain menace, a sibilant hiss only faintly concealed by human language. This was no shinobi. This was an avatar of Death, hidden in the form of a man.

 "Orochimaru…? What's your game?"

 The master of the Hidden Sound village had chosen to disguise himself as a nondescript Jounin for this encounter. Emerging from the shadows, the faint light of the basement chamber reflected the forehead protector he wore.

 "Fortunately, Kakashi, my plans have nothing to do with you. My only concern is with that boy."

 What could he want with a child, even an Uchiha? Sasuke was improving, but nowhere near mastering his latent skills.

 "What do you need Sasuke for?"

 Orochimaru shook his head, a slight 'tsk' coming from him, as though he were a father scolding his child.

 "Do I really need to spell it out? You have it, though it's imperfect. In fact, I should have congratulated you. You're moving up in the world with your new possession."

 The Sharingan!

 As though recognizing the flash of insight in Kakashi's visible eye, Orochimaru smiled thinly.

 "Yes, the Uchiha ability. I crave it, and I shall have it."

 Kakashi shifted subtly, keeping an eye on Sasuke while slowly gathering his chakra.

 "Don't know why you need it, but you won't be getting it here."

 "I created the Sound Village, and its people heed my orders. Do you understand now?"

 Kakashi scoffed, his eye narrowing into a hard stare.

 "You're playing a fool's game, questing for an impossible dream. That ambition of yours has grown, Orochimaru."

 The Sound shinobi laughed, eerie noises echoing through the room.

 "History is written by the victor, Kakashi. When I triumph, I think you will be the fool and I will be the genius."

 Kakashi said nothing, still gathering his chakra. Against a madman, words were useless. Actions would have to do.

* * *

 Action was precisely what Ino had dreaded. Or too much action, to be exact. The gap between stages had been too short for her to work on actual combat, and it meant she and Sakura were equal in ability.

 Ten minutes had passed with nobody gaining the upper hand, but plenty of damage being done on both sides.

 Sakura knew the score, and guessed Ino was feeling frustrated. For all her talk about weakness, the other girl wasn't good enough to win either. Feeling confidence run through her, Sakura began to smile. Setsuna was right. As long as you've got the will, you can win.

 For someone as smart as Haruno Sakura was supposed to be, making two grave errors in the same battle would have been extraordinary. Today, apparently, was no ordinary day.

 "I thought you were better than me, Ino. Why am I still standing? Guess you used all your time on looking pretty, and none to train!"

 Maybe it was leftover friendly feelings that had made her hold back so long. Ino didn't care. She was through being nice to the arrogant little twit.

 "Should have expected this from you. Can't win a fight, so you stoop to this? Well, I'm through holding back! If you want to disrespect me, you're going to have to earn the right!"

 The crowd watched as Ino drew out a kunai, raising it to her hair.

 Asuma frowned, wondering what was going on. She's losing control. Ino can't afford to get unbalanced; Sakura will only take advantage of that to win!

 Before he or any of Ino's teammates could do anything to stem the tide, it was too late.

 With a short, brutal swipe, Yamanaka Ino hacked off the long ponytail that had been her pride and joy.

 In that instant, every eye in the room turned back to the action. Some had never been interested, seeing the girls' low talent levels. Others had grown bored at the slow pace of the fight. Ino's meltdown was an entirely different story. Her scream shook the room.


 Even Sakura was taken aback at the murderous rage in Ino's voice. The blonde stood there, looking back and forth from the hair in her hand to the pink-haired girl across the room.

 "I've had it with your arrogance, your luck, and your stupidity! But most of all, I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!"

 Sakura smiled thinly as Ino hurled her shorn hair on the floor. It's working! Ino knows I'm stronger, that I've got the stronger will! All she can do now is stuff like this. I've got this in the bag.

 Ino slammed the kunai back into its pouch, lifting both hands in front of her. She hadn't improved her combat skills for this fight, but what she'd learned would be plenty more than enough to win – especially against Sakura.

 "Now nobody's pretty. You can smile now, Sakura, but you won't be smiling after I make you give up!"

 Sakura shrugged, recognizing the seal that was beginning to form in Ino's hands. It didn't scare her in the least.

 "Go ahead and try it, if you think you're any good!"

 "What was that line you tossed out in the beginning? Careful what you ask for, because you're about to get it."

* * *

 Orochimaru looked on as Kakashi settled into a ready position. Even as he watched the Copy Ninja prepare to do something, the expression on the older ninja's face never lost its smug superiority.

 "How amusing. Are you going to show me something else you've picked up over the years?"

 Something like respect crept into Orochimaru's eyes as the air about Kakashi's right hand began to crackle, a steady glow building as chakra gathered. The Leaf Jounin's visible eye burned with a slow fire.

 "You may be a legend around here, but don't think you can just waltz up and take Sasuke. I am a Jounin of the Hidden Leaf, sworn to protect the village and its people. If I have to sacrifice my life to do my duty, I will."

 Kakashi had expected plenty of potential reactions to his words, but laughter hadn't been one of them. And as much as he wanted to stay in control of the situation, he couldn't help but get angry.

 "What's so funny?"

 When the snake ninja spoke, his voice once again carried that chiding tone.

 "Poor boy. So desperate to exceed everyone else that you rely only on that borrowed eye, ignoring your instincts? Spare the effort. Nothing you say or do will keep the Uchiha boy in this village. He was as good as mine from the moment we met, even before I marked him."

 "You're wrong about Sasuke. He's not like you…"

 "Perhaps." Orochimaru dismissed the Copy Ninja's words with a wave of his hand. "But you and I both know what he truly is. His soul burns with a desire for revenge, mind focused only on finding and destroying his enemy. To achieve his goal, Sasuke-kun will seek any power, even if it is as dark as mine."

 Kakashi could find no words to respond. Even as his heart told him the Uchiha survivor was a true Leaf shinobi, his mind knew better.

 Orochimaru had known it too, from the beginning, and his irritating smirk showed it.

 "So you see, Kakashi, I have no need to take Sasuke-kun from you. I don't even have to take him from the village. He will do it all for me, seeking my power.

 "Still, it's a pity to see so much chakra go to waste. Go ahead and try to kill me. If you dare."

 The Sound shinobi's voice trailed off, as Orochimaru turned to leave.

 Few opponents had ever turned their back on Hatake Kakashi and lived. Why would this snake in the grass be any different? He had the attack charged, ready to strike…but why wouldn't his body move?

* * *

 "You're going to use the Shintenshin on me?"

 Sakura looked at Ino, still standing there with her hands in that seal, and laughed.

 "Shintenshin no Jutsu, a special technique that projects' the user's spiritual energy outwards, and if successful, into the mind of the target. But you know, there are disadvantages too.

 "It's slow as hell, and takes a while to hit the target. If you miss, you're out cold for a few minutes, until the energy returns to your body. You'd just be an easy target to beat on. Not a very dignified way to lose, I think."

 Ino snarled and kept her hands steady, making Sakura suspicious. Why wouldn't the girl listen to reason? Was she that desperate to win? Before she could ask about it, the blonde girl replied.

 "Typical Sakura. You think you're impressive, rattling off all that information? Give me a break! Don't think you'll win before I've done anything!"

 "It's your funeral, Ino. Miss and you're through."

 It looked as if words were useless. Ino was dead set on using the attack to try and pull out a win. Sakura bowed to reality and set her feet to run.

 "Stop, you idiot!"

 Shikamaru would have been better off keeping his mouth shut. The brief look of annoyance that flashed across Ino's face showed she'd heard him, and wasn't happy.

 Ino had to admit things would look grim to everyone but her. Shikamaru was rarely wrong about analyzing a battle, and he'd been right to keep them out of most of the fighting in the Forest of Death. This time, though, he didn't have all the information. And that means you're wrong.

 "Ninpou: Shintenshin no Jutsu!"

* * *

 Move! Strike! Do something! He's on a whole other level. You can't just stand there if you want to take him down.

 Thoughts raced through Kakashi's head at a thousand miles an hour, pulse pounding, nervous sweat beading on his skin. There was still a chance to attack, to retrieve victory from the jaws of defeat. Orochimaru had given him the easiest possible approach, back turned, open to a devastating strike. He had to act!

 Kakashi might as well have tried to fly. No matter how much his heart ached to do something, nothing happened. Why had his body betrayed him?

 Try to kill me…if you dare.

 Orochimaru's last words to him returned, unbidden, gnawing at something buried deep in the Copy Ninja's mind.


 Was it primal fear? Repressed memories? Long-buried friends? Whatever it was, it was working. No longer were his thoughts focused on killing Orochimaru. All Kakashi could see now was death, but the deceased bore his face. Orochimaru's voice mocked him, cutting in and out between each gory end that flashed into Kakashi's mind. Useless. Weak. Dead. That's all you'll be if you dare to face me.

 The feeling didn't last long, but it was long enough. By the time the Leaf Jounin could stop reliving his illusionary deaths, Orochimaru was gone. And with him had gone most of the hope of keeping Sasuke away from the darkness.

 Inwardly, he kicked himself for showing so much desperation. What was I thinking? Sacrifice myself and take him with me? That was no solution. Even if he had somehow killed Orochimaru, Sasuke would simply become someone else's target, lured by the promise of strength. Led astray by the desire for vengeance. He could not let that happen. Not to someone who had seen so much violence so young, who could represent the best about the Leaf Village with the right kind of training.

 Picking up his student, Kakashi turned towards the infirmary, and the Anbu guards he'd stationed there. He might not have been able to attack Orochimaru, but the snake shinobi had made one mistake. He'd given the Copy Ninja time to think of something, some solution, no matter how crazy or stupid. Some way to fight the tides of fate. When you knew as many techniques and skills as Hatake Kakashi did, there was bound to be something that could help.

 There had to be.

* * *


 Shikamaru didn't know why he cared what happened to his teammate. Ino could be loud, annoying and pushy, even on her best days. All that nagging took away valuable time he could have used to sleep, or something less troublesome than training.

 But after the Forest of Death, and their argument the next day, she'd stopped coming around, and stopped nagging her teammates. Normally, if that happened, he would have been bracing for an even bigger shouting match later. Nothing had come. Asking around, he'd learned that Ino hadn't even been to see her many friends around the village.

 Right about then, Shikamaru realized she might really have been serious about getting stronger. Indeed, when he went by the Yamanaka home, the girl was nowhere to be found. She really was off training! Ino, who had always been more about wanting to look good for Sasuke, or to be popular!

 Why would she suddenly want to be stronger? Neji had called them weak, but that happened all the time. Ino had never done anything this drastic after someone pointed out her weakness.

 Something from earlier in the fight nagged at him, and he played the memory back. Where were you in the Forest, when your teammates were fighting their asses off?

 That had to be it. She was angry with him (and Choji, but nobody ever stayed mad at Choji for long). Not angry just because he was weak; angry because he wasn't the kind of teammate that Sasuke or Naruto had shown themselves to be. Not someone who could show his concern in that particular way. Heck, not someone who even measured up to the level of Sasuke and Naruto.

 It made Shikamaru feel a little ashamed. Had he and Choji been the cause of Ino's loss? Were they the reason she was slumped on the ground, out cold from a missed Shintenshin? I knew she was frustrated, but not desperate…

 Before he could continue beating himself up mentally, Shikamaru heard Sakura speak.

 "Too bad, Ino. Don't say I didn't warn you…"

 Shikamaru forced his eyes open, making certain he would remember this moment, and thinking of how he'd have to apologize to Ino. As it turned out, he would have to apologize to Ino for a completely different reason. Underestimating her.

 Sakura tried to advance on her fallen opponent – and went absolutely nowhere.

 "What the- ?"

 Shikamaru's jaw dropped as Ino replied. She didn't use the Shintenshin!

 "Warn me, Sakura? Whatever for?"

 Sakura looked down at her feet, to where a trail of chakra and – was it hair? – encircled her legs, keeping her pinned in place.

 "You were the one who needed the warning, Sakura. Now I've got you right where I want you, all because of some extra hair and my chakra. Can't move, can you?"

 "Go ahead, then! That's all you've got besides the basics, one lousy attack your father gave you!"

 Sakura hadn't expected Ino to snap, but she hadn't anticipated that the other girl would laugh, either.

 "What's with you, Ino?"

 Ino might have been laughing, but the look in her eyes was dead serious.

 "It's funny - I've never seen my father do this."

 Shikamaru watched passively as Ino performed what looked like her usual hand seals – until her hands came together in one that only he had ever used before, and then went back to "normal." The seal for the Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Copy no Jutsu)? It's a Nara family bloodline jutsu! And anyway, she can't do the Shintenshin with the wrong sequence, so why even bother …

 Before he could finish the thought, Ino showed him – and everyone else.

 "Ninpou: Yume Oriko no Jutsu (Dream Weaver no Jutsu)!"

 Expecting to see nothing happen with the wrong seals, Shikamaru's eyes shot open as a tendril of something launched out of the circular seal Ino's hands had formed, heading straight for Sakura's head. When it struck home, the pink-haired girl's eyes glazed over, as though she were in a trance. And where he had expected Ino to slump over, as she always did when transferring into someone's mind, his teammate was still standing. Not only standing…but talking?

 "Time for a reality check, Sakura! You're about to see just how pathetic a shinobi you really are!"

* * *

 Sakura awoke in a long hall, with doors everywhere she looked, and nothing else. It stretched on as far as she could see; dimly lit, eerily silent.

 What is this place? Is this where people go when Ino switches into their minds?

 "No, not really. You're the first one who's ever come to this place other than my father. He was my test subject. You get to be my first target."

 She could hear Ino's voice, but the other girl was nowhere to be found, a dreadful presence in the dark passage.

 "You see, Sakura, I actually trained while we had time off. I was doing something, not sitting around and waiting for Sasuke or Naruto to come up with a new attack to save me in the next fight. It took me the entire break, but I did it. I came up with a technique even my father had never seen before.

 "What about you, Sakura? Why don't we have a look?"

 Sakura watched as one of the doors in the hallway swung open, showing her falling out of bed the morning after returning from the Forest of Death. A creaking noise behind her revealed another open door, this one showing her standing and watching Setsuna destroy the old restaurant building.

 "You want to get stronger, but you can't be bothered with doing anything about it. I suppose it's just who you are – a no-talent Genin, skating along behind your teammates. You've been letting everyone do your fighting for you since we were kids!"

 More memories flooded her consciousness. Ino defending her from the other girls' teasing. Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto fighting Haku and Zabuza, while she stood by. Lee being thrashed by Dosu and Zaku.

 "Stop this, Ino! I'm not just a loser!"

 The other girl's voice responded, Ino's disgust evident.

 "Getting to be on Sasuke's team doesn't count as a victory, Sakura. That was luck. Nothing out of the ordinary for you.

 "Even if you had managed to win once in your life, it wouldn't matter. Not now."

 Ino sounded so smug that she had to have something up her sleeve. Sakura threw herself down the hall, trying to escape, but every door she tried to open was locked, or led to a horrible memory. Failure. Humiliation. Ridicule. Frustration. Why? Why are there nothing but memories of my failures here?

 "Oh, come on, Sakura. You're the smart one. Do I really have to explain it to you?"

 Sakura slumped to the floor, trying to hide herself from the images that rushed at her, the power of Ino's new attack becoming dreadfully clear.

 "You're controlling my memories?"

 "Oh, honestly. You make it sound so boring. When I extended my spiritual energy into you, it was like becoming the director of my own private little movie, with you as the star. Well, more like the damsel in distress.

 "I don't have to control your body to do any damage. All this handy new attack does is give me control over your memories. I can block whatever I want, amplify the rest. With some effort, I can even change them. Fortunately, you've got plenty of material for me to work with already."

 She knew she was not a loser, but that confidence was fading fast. Every second that passed by, every failed attempt to recover happier memories only made things worse. Maybe she was a failure, a drag on her teammates.

 "Stop this, Ino…"

 "Oh, sure, Sakura," Ino's voice echoed in the hallway. "I can stop. Give up, and the memories will stop. You can go back to being the same oblivious girl you've always been. Just give up."

 It was tempting. Sakura had to give her that. Dragging herself to her feet, she stumbled down the hall, trying to empty her mind of all the images Ino had unleashed on her. As she passed one door, she heard a muffled voice from somewhere, much like the way Ino had been talking. Someone must be trying to cheer her on, although Ino had blocked most of it out. Sakura couldn't make out the words, but she would have known that tone anywhere. Naruto.

 Why was it always him? Sasuke never said anything to her besides a few short phrases at a time (if she was lucky). Even Naruto had seemed to lose any interest in her after getting out of the Forest. Sakura had thought it was because she was useless, but why would Naruto still care? Why would Kakashi-sensei praise her, if there were nothing to praise her for? There had to be something Ino had overlooked in her memories that could help her remember. Out of ideas, praying for something to break through her failures, Sakura did the only thing she could – follow the sound of her teammate's voice.

* * *

 [Why'd ya bother saying anything, Naruto? I thought you said you weren't gonna waste your time with that girl anymore.]

 "Beats me. Guess I just wanted to live up to what Ino made Sasuke and me sound like. Make it look like I cared, or something."

 Naruto shrugged as Itachi restlessly paced on his shoulders. He wasn't really sure why he'd tried to snap Sakura out of her funk. He'd basically promised his father he would give up on the pink-haired girl, and the way she treated him had made the decision easier. Still, watching the fight had changed his mind.

 The belief that Sakura had good teammates only made sense if you weren't in Team 7. It did look like he, Sasuke and Sakura got along well, that they watched out for each other out of a sense of teamwork and friendship. Naruto knew better. He and Sasuke could perform well because neither wanted to lose to the other. When defending Sakura, Naruto would fight as well, because he had been infatuated with her. And Sasuke? Well, with that weird thing on his neck, who knew what he was thinking? Naruto didn't care to ask.

 What he did care about was what Ino had said, and the way she'd looked at the time. Most people who talked about teamwork or friendship tended to look corny as all hell when they opened their mouths. Even Kakashi-sensei had had his moments (or would have, if his face hadn't been covered). Ino had been different. Not only had she been talking about teamwork, she'd actually managed to look serious while doing it. That alone told Naruto how important the blonde kunoichi thought teamwork was. It had made him think, and think hard. Anyone who knew Naruto, from Iruka on down, would have been totally shocked, but he was thinking this over. Forget Sakura, and all the problems she presented. Why did he care so much about the way Ino saw him?

 After a while, Naruto knew why. He wasn't somebody who would rally to a teammate's side just because they were a group. He had fought for glory, for pride, and for a childish crush. Not for any team. Maybe he wouldn't have cared if nobody had ever told him who or what he was. Now he knew all of that, and it made him feel equally proud and confused.

 His parents had fought for a cause. His father had become one of the greatest heroes in the history of the Leaf, for sacrificing himself to save the village. For making the hardest decision Naruto could conceive, sacrificing his own son to seal away the Ninetails.

 What had Naruto ever done? Why was it so important to him to become Hokage? Recognition? Glory? Fame? What difference did that make in the end? What could it do to help someone else? The Hokages didn't have their faces carved on the side of a mountain just because they'd been popular or famous. They were there because they'd made the tough choices for the good of their "team." The good of the Leaf. That was what it meant to carry the title of Hokage. Naruto knew he didn't even come close to matching such dedication.

 Now, more than ever, Naruto knew he needed to pass the Chuunin Exam and advance a rank. Not simply to get closer to his dream, but to leave Sasuke and Sakura behind. Apart, they might have gotten along, but they would never truly be able to cooperate as a team. Staying together would do nothing but hold them all back from growing and improving. As much as he hated Sasuke and was tired of Sakura, Naruto knew the Leaf would be better if they got stronger too. After all, wasn't the job of a Hokage to make his village great?

 Of all people, it had been Ino who had shown him the way. The son of the Fourth Hokage looked down at her, still fighting Sakura, and made the blonde girl a silent, grateful promise. I'm not what you think I am, Ino, but someday I will be. I'll make myself worthy of the respect you showed me. Count on it.

 Before then, though, he was still Sakura's teammate. And he had a job to do, no matter how he felt about her now.

 "Come on, Sakura! I know you're not just gonna give in so easily! You can do it!"

* * *

 Sakura still couldn't hear Naruto's words, but they helped her anyway. One of the memory doors tugged at her as she passed, the knob drawing her in. It could have been a trap, but she was beyond caring. Throwing the door open, she watched the memory unfold.

 The Forest of Death surrounded her, as she saw herself rush at Zaku, repeatedly using Kawarimi no Jutsu. Ino laughed as they watched the events happen again.

 "So sorry, Sakura. I guess you'll just have to watch yourself screw up again."

 "Oh, really?" Sakura smiled, looking at herself fight the Sound-nin. "You don't get it, Ino. You're the one who just made the mistake."

 She couldn't really fault Ino. Only Sakura would have known that this moment had been one of the proudest of her life. She had made a decision to show that she was worth something, and had proved it by tricking Zaku. Sure, she had taken a beating, but she'd bought time for Ino and her team to get into place. You don't have to win a big victory to make it count, Ino. Sometimes the tiniest thing can make you feel just as good about yourself.

 "Well, I hope you enjoyed whatever little moment you just had, because now I'm shutting you out!"

 Sakura grinned for the first time in what felt like hours. Ino could try to block off her memories again, but she was too late. Something inside of Sakura, shoved aside by the Ino's Dream Weaver, had finally risen to the occasion.


 Ino watched, stunned, as every door in the hallway burst open at once, shattering into splinters. The Sakura that had stood before her disappeared and a giant version of her opponent emerged from the darkness, eyes blazing with rage. She had felt something huge fighting to get out when she'd begun the Dream Weaver, but Ino had thought it was just the way anyone's mind would react, fighting off her control. Nothing she'd ever known about Sakura would have suggested the girl had a split personality. If anything, she's always had a one-track mind. Just what the hell are you, Sakura?

 It wasn't something she had the time to think about. This "new" Sakura had just broken through every one of her memory blocks, and was now trying to find Ino, looking around with that same angry expression. She could have beaten the wimpy, insecure Sakura, but this one would be a pain in the butt. Forget it. I'm getting out and taking my chances on a normal fight.

 Shikamaru was still scratching his head, trying to figure out what was going on, when he saw Ino's hands move into the release seal for her normal jutsu. As they came together, the band of energy connecting the two girls vanished. Just as he was about to ask Asuma another question, Sakura answered it for him.

 "Nice try, Ino! But if you thought I was just going to roll over and let you mess with my memories, you've got another thing coming!"

 As soon as he heard it, everything clicked into place in Shikamaru's mind. He heard Asuma chuckle behind him, and turned around to see his sensei clap a hand down on his shoulder.

 "So, what have you learned about Ino's new attack? We could all use an explanation."

 "I ain't really sure I get it," Shikamaru muttered, "but I think she took all that stuff we learned at the Academy and made it work for her.

 "When Naruto beat Kiba, the lesson he was going off of was that the hand seals are just a way to help you focus your chakra for the technique you're gonna do. Ino's normal attack takes control of everything in the target's body, so that she can control it from within. My attack lets me control and shape my shadow, so she must have thought the seal helps me with it. If you combine finer control with the Shintenshin, I guess that means you can fine-tune the attack to control specific things. Ino just happened to choose memories, I guess."

 Asuma nodded, looking down at Ino readying herself to fight again.

 "Regardless of how this fight ends up, Ino's set a good example for you and Choji. I expect you to follow it when you get down there."

 Follow Ino's lead? For the first time in a very long while, Shikamaru actually found himself wanting to do just that. After what she'd just done, the least he could do was try and show her he'd gotten the message.

 Ino and Sakura were back to being silent again, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Ino wasn't looking forward to it, staying firmly planted in a defensive stance. Good to get the new technique working, but I haven't practiced it enough yet. It takes too much chakra out of me to control things like this, and that rope trick didn't help. She had enough energy left in her for one good exchange of blows, and that was about it. At this rate, there was no way she could beat Sakura. Which means the only thing I can do is try to go for a draw. It sucked, but damned if she was going to let Sakura get away with another undeserved victory, just because of that split personality.

 "Let's end it, Sakura! One last shot, and it's over either way!"

 "You asked for it, Ino!"

 For all the angry words and bad memories the two had traded during the fight, it would end not with a cry or a scream, but with two punches, each girl connecting with the other's jaw. When the dust settled, neither got up. Hayate watched them both for a while, and then raised his hands.

 "Neither fighter is able to continue. Therefore, the match is a draw and neither advances!"

 Naruto clapped a hand to his forehead and shook his head, half smiling. It looks like we both have a ways to go before we reach our goals, Ino. Hope you don't quit just because you're out of the Exam.

 As for him, there was no need for him to cheer on anyone else now. The next time he and Sasuke met, they might well be opponents, competing for promotion. Naruto's only job now was to train himself, and get stronger. Whether his opponent was that jerk Neji, Sasuke or even that baggy-eyed Sand kid, the Finals would be a tough battle. Plucking Itachi off his shoulders, Naruto game the ferret a searching look.

 "I've got a lot of training coming up, Itachi, and I know you hate being bored. Wouldn't blame you if you took some time off to go and do whatever a ferret does while I'm busy."

 The ferret snorted, nose wrinkling and whiskers waving.

 [With you around, nothing's ever boring, Naruto. 'Sides, we still gotta meet all the tribal leaders. Wait'll ya meet Lord Yama, the boss ferret! You'll have a great time.]

 "Why? He's strong?"

 Itachi shrugged.

 [Nah, he'll be the easiest summon ya ever got. Anybody who feeds Lord Yama a decent meal can get a favor from him. So I'm thinking if ya buy him a coupla big bowls of something, maybe ramen, he'll do whatever ya want.]

 Naruto frowned.

 "Doesn't that seem a little too easy?"

 [Well, us ferrets are scavengers. We take what we can get. If somebody comes along and gives us a present, it's like we hit the jackpot!]

 "I'll take your word for it," Naruto said, leaning out over the rail and looking down, "but before I meet any more animals, I've got to learn how to summon stuff first. Ain't like there's a whole lot of summoning masters running around the village, you know."

 [Well, who ya gonna learn from, then?]

 Naruto just grinned.

 "Oh, I've got a good idea who might know." A certain perverted, always-late Jounin, that's who.

* * *

 Actually getting to talk to Kakashi was easier said than done, as Naruto discovered. The Copy Ninja had finally returned to the arena after Sakura and Ino's match, but had come back without Sasuke, and was so distracted even Itachi climbing up to his shoulder couldn't get his attention.

 He wanted to be mature about it, but Naruto was a little ticked off by the time the preliminary matches were over. After seeing what Gaara of the Desert had managed to do to Rock Lee, despite the thick-browed Genin's best efforts, Naruto knew he had to learn how to summon things, and fast, if he was going to have any shot of surviving the tournament the Third Hokage had set up. After all, he was up against Neji first. The thought alone was enough to make him nervous, even if he was hell-bent on beating down Hinata's cousin.

 [I don't get it, Naruto. Didn't ya just tell me you wanted out of your team? Why go right back for help?]

 "It's one thing to say it," he shrugged, "but Kakashi-sensei's never done anything to me that would make me think any less of him. It's Sasuke and Sakura I've got problems dealing with. Besides, I think it would kind of disappoint Kakashi-sensei if I just up and left, you know?"

 [Hey, it's your call. But if you're gonna consider taking a step as big as ya make it out ta be, it's usually best to just go ahead and do it, if ya think that's best. Otherwise you're never gonna get anything done.]

 The ferret had a point. If he was really sure that leaving the team was such a good idea, why hadn't he done it yet?

 Five minutes later, the spiky-haired boy received the answer to that very question.

 "What do you mean you can't train me? Is it that you can't, or that you won't?"

 Naruto had just made Leaf Village history by leaving the ever-talkative Hatake Kakashi completely speechless, but he was in no mood to enjoy the moment. The Copy Ninja was the only person in the village he knew who might have had any idea how to summon creatures to battle, except maybe the Third, and Naruto knew the Hokage was way too busy to train him. But as for Kakashi, Naruto had a pretty good idea where his sensei's time would be going, and he wasn't happy.

 Not so much because Kakashi wouldn't teach him how to summon stuff – he wasn't even sure the Copy Ninja knew how, since the Sharingan couldn't copy summoning jutsus. To put it bluntly, Naruto was getting sick and tired of being a second-class citizen compared to Sasuke. Whether it was in popularity, talent, or otherwise, he'd had just about enough of not being good enough for anyone. But before he could say anything, Kakashi spoke.

 "Now, now, Naruto. It's not like you can't train with someone else and do something different. In fact, I've already lined up a teacher for you who's much more reliable than me."

 Naruto felt his hopes rise a bit, hearing his sensei's words.

 "So who is it?"

 Kakashi pointed a finger behind Naruto, who turned – and stopped cold. HIM?!

 Of all the people for Kakashi to call on, the Copy Ninja had picked Ebisu, Konohamaru's so-called "elite tutor." It'd be one thing if he'd called on someone I respect, like Iruka-sensei or even Gai. But this arrogant pervert? I beat him with nothing but a Kage Bunshin and a Sexy no Jutsu. Forget it. I could learn more from Aunt Setsuna.

 Itachi had been right. He should have just come here to say goodbye, not to overthink his decision. If he'd needed proof that leaving was the right thing to do, Kakashi had just given it to him. We all have an agenda to follow. No use getting mad at anyone about it. Just the way we all are, and that's what I have to change about myself.

 Kakashi had expected Naruto to stay mad at him, so he was surprised, to say the least, when his loud, hyperactive student simply bowed.

 "I guess I should say no thanks, and then thanks. No thanks to your substitute, and thanks for helping me make a big decision."

 "And what decision would that be?"

 "I'm leaving. Leaving your command, and leaving the team. No matter how the Chuunin Exam turns out. It's time we all stopped kidding ourselves that we can get along, and go our separate ways. After I see the Hokage, I'm going to go and train myself. If you want to make the most of the time we've got, you might as well take Sasuke and do the same. I'm not wasting a minute of this break; neither should he."

 Surprised and stunned, Kakashi did nothing for a brief moment. Naruto, his decision made, turned and strode for the door. He was halfway out of the hospital entrance before his now-former sensei could say a word.

 "Naruto! Why would you do something like this?"

 The hyperactive ninja kept walking, but turned his head backwards, giving Kakashi one last glimpse of the boy. Naruto smiled a little, and then he was gone, one last message for his sensei barely reaching Kakashi's ears.

 "Because it's for the best. Because it's what my father would have done. You ought to know that better than anyone."

 It was a few seconds before the full impact of Naruto's words hit Kakashi. He knows. Naruto knows everything - that he's the son of the Fourth, and that Arashi was my sensei. I don't know how he found out, but he knows. You can see it in his eyes, the tone of his voice. That explained everything, from Sakura's reports of the boy's new attacks, to the way he had acted in the Preliminaries, and the look in Naruto's eyes as he'd left the hospital. Disappointment, mixed with resignation. Not disappointment that Kakashi would not train him – disappointment that Kakashi had turned against his own sensei's example, putting one student above another. It hurt more than he would have thought.

 As much as he wanted to chase after Naruto, to prove that he hadn't forgotten Arashi's lessons, Kakashi knew it was too late. If Naruto was anything like his father, his mind was made up. About all Kakashi could do now was to make sure he played the part of teacher right for his last two students. If Naruto was going to live up to his father's example, it was Kakashi's duty to do the same for his fallen sensei. Sasuke, you'd better be ready to train. Damned if you'll slack off, and damned if I'll let you out of my sight before I find a way to end Orochimaru's influence on you!

* * *

 [Boy, you really told him off, Naruto.]

 It was hard to tell if Itachi was being sarcastic, but Naruto had been around the ferret long enough to guess right.

 "Look, I may still want to get his help someday with other stuff. Making him angry isn't a good idea. Besides, even if I had verbally ripped his head off, he wouldn't have changed his mind. Sasuke's his pet project."

 [Eh, his loss. So whatcha gonna do now?]

 "I guess I'm going to go back home and train in the Diamond and Invisible Bodies. If I can't summon, I'm just gonna have to stick with what I know, and increase my staying power."

 A laugh behind him stopped Naruto in mid-musing. As he turned around, he caught sight of Ebisu again, smirking in that annoying fashion of his.

 "Honestly, I don't know what you're thinking. Someone with such terrible fundamentals as you have should train those, instead of trying stupid improvised attacks."

 Naruto considered cursing at the Special Jounin, but had a better idea.

 "What about you? One look at a naked chick and you need a blood transfusion! Go out and find a girlfriend or something. Oh, sorry – I forgot you were a pervert. Can't even pay them to hook up, can you?"

 Ebisu's temper, strained from Naruto's earlier snub of his services, blew over. He pointed a shaking finger in the Genin's direction, face going bright red.


 "Wow," Naruto grinned. "I had no idea you stuttered. No wonder you can't get a date. Listen, I've got an idea. Why don't we go and work on your people skills, and see if that doesn't cure your girl problems?"

 Ebisu's only response was an inarticulate scream, as he began to run towards the blonde boy. Naruto leaped out of the way, and the chase was on. Over rooftops, through alleyways, Genin and Jounin bounced through the village, insults and curses flying between them as Naruto continued to evade Ebisu's wild attacks. By the time they reached the bathhouse, Naruto was feeling thoroughly good about life again. Sure, what he was doing wasn't too mature, but after all the angsty stuff with Kakashi, this was a great way to relax.

 "I've got you now, you irritating scamp!"

 "Ha!" Naruto laughed, getting ready to move again. "The only thing you've got is a dead social life!"

 Suddenly, a voice hissed at them from behind, in the direction of the women's bathhouse.

 "Oi! Keep yer damn voices down, ya morons! Can't ya see there's work bein' done here?"

 Naruto and Ebisu turned and caught sight of someone hunkered down at the wall of the women's bathhouse, peering in and scribbling something on a notepad. Whether it was because he was tired of chasing Naruto, or his sense of justice, Ebisu reacted first.

 "What do you think you're doing there?! Come away from that wall at once, you wretch! Don't make me come over there and stop your shameless acts myself."

 "Geez, I haven't heard a speech that lame in years," the man growled, spiky white hair showing up as he raised his head. "And would ya shaddup already? Yer gonna make me get caught!"

 Perhaps figuring an older man would be an easier target, Ebisu rushed at the mysterious peeper. Naruto's jaw dropped as the white-haired man sighed and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. When he emerged, Naruto stared in shock. The peeper was now sitting on top of a…giant toad? This guy's a summoner?

 Before Ebisu could react, the toad clocked him a good shot with a whip of its tongue, knocking the Jounin out cold.

 "Sheesh, what a moron. Can't do anything these days without somebody cracking ya over the head with their morals."

 Naruto simply continued to stare. Could it be that someone might be able to teach him to summon after all, even someone as perverted as the man seemed to be? Oh, heck, if I could live with Kakashi-sensei, this guy won't be any worse. With that thought, he stepped towards toad and summoner. There was training to negotiate for, after all.

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