Chapter 16: Kittichai Shinawatra

Kittichai wasn't going to miss the train no matter what, he sprinted towards the window and braced himself. He held the sword in front of his shoulder using it as a shield, he then flung himself into the glass shoulder first with all the force he had. The glass broke easier than he had thought it would as he then plummeted from the second floor and on to the top of the slow moving train.

He landed on the train with a loud crash, he grunted in pain as his back collided with the metal roof. He quickly covered his face as glass shards rained down onto him. He released a sigh of relief, he had made it out of the station safely. Kitt had sighed too soon though, as two monsters fell onto the train a little ways away from his feet. He started to scoot himself backwards, but the closest creature grabbed onto his leg. It snarled as it pulled his foot towards its mouth.

"Aish." Kitt tried to shake it off, but he was unsuccessful. "Get off me!" He shouted as it sank its teeth into his foot leaving terrible bite marks.

Kitt's face twitched in anger as it gnawed on his favorite black boots. As the creature thought it was biting him, it slightly loosened its grip on his leg. He noticed the difference in strength and was quick to yank his foot free by bringing it towards him. With that motion it caused the creature to fall forward and face plant onto the train roof. He narrowed his eyes at the bite marks that were just made on his boots.

"You freak, these were new!" He rolled his leg off to the side and then swung it back up. His foot connected with the side of the creature's head with great force. The force of the impact threw the creature from the top of the train.

Kitt hadn't forgotten about the second monster and went to stand. He felt too vulnerable while laying down on the train. As he stood the second monster grabbed his foot, causing him to trip. With a thud, he fell awkwardly to the roof causing the creature's hands to slip from his leg. He fell a few feet from it and started to slip off the train. As he was sliding he quickly reached his left hand out and grabbed part of the roof and pulled himself back up as quick as he could. He still held onto the roof as he reached the flattest part of it. As soon as he got back up he was tackled. It crawled onto him using his clothes as leverage. It growled as it opened its mouth to try and bite him. Acting out quickly, He grabbed his headphones from around his neck and shoved the speakers onto its ears, but in a manner that caused the headband to enter its mouth. The monster went in to bite him, but had no luck with the headband blocking its way. It was still sitting on top of him when he grabbed onto its right arm and pulled it to his left. He flexibly moved his left foot and situated it under its left armpit. He pulled its arm harder now drawing its chest into his leg. He then used his right leg and kicked its left leg out from under it causing it to collapse onto him. Taking advantage of its unstable position he released his grip on its arm and quickly forced his left leg up from its armpit. With that movement the creature was thrown off from the left side of the train.

He laid down on his back and panted heavily. His air intake was a little rough and shallow due to the slight speed of the train. He looked around, they were nearing the middle of Busan, he needed to get into the train. He rolled onto his stomach carefully, making sure to not move off the flattest part of the roof. He knocked on the metal *tap,tap,tap...tap...tap...tap...tap,tap,tap.* He hoped that Jiwon was in the car under him, as he tapped in Morse code.

He had taught Jiwon Morse code when they were in the eighth grade. It was their way of communicating to each other from across a classroom, in the middle of class, while being quiet. It worked quite effectively actually. They could share answers during a test without being caught for cheating. Mainly it was Kitt sharing answers with Jiwon because almost every subject was too easy for the younger. Jiwon on the other hand, wasn't bad at most subjects, but he wasn't good either. He usually had low B's or C's in most subjects aside from music and health.

So all Kitt could do was hope his best friend was in the train car under him or at least have someone else who knew Morse code. He tapped the same pattern multiple times before someone on the inside tapped back telling him to wait. Kitt replied that he understood. He waited as ten minutes passed, then twenty. About thirty minutes passed before the train came to a stop. It came to a screeching halt at the edge of Busan. When he heard the door to the train open he started to climb down. He grabbed onto the roof once again and lowered one foot at a time before he dropped to the ground and quickly turned to the doorway of the train to find his blonde friend staring at him with wide eyes.