Chapter 23: ?

She knew it, these creatures were smarter. Standing at the corner the group watched the infected attack the couple. Resulting with both dead. What she had witnessed earlier when she was lagging behind had frightened her. The creatures were following them, they appeared to be hunting in groups of two's or three's. Much more intelligent than the ones she had witnessed earlier that day in the lab.

The group sat in silence observing the creatures. They hovered over the couple's lifeless bodies for a few minutes until the woman started to twitch. The infected watched as the woman stood shakily, her transformation was soon followed by the man.

"C-can we go yet?" Jiwon whispered as he tugged her sleeve slightly.

"When they are out of sight. They may see us if we move now." The foreigner stated.

The group remained still until the monsters left their sight. The newly turned creatures followed after the ones who turned them. When she was sure the creatures were gone, she spoke.

"Let me go first." She whispered to the rest. She then quickly and quietly ran across the open alley to the next building. Leaning up against the large structure the girl let out a sigh. "I can do this." She thought, trying to encourage herself. Terrified was one of the only words to describe how she felt. Turning the corner to see if the coast was clear she gestured for each boy to come over individually. She gestured for Jiwon first, then Minseok. She was trying to bring the people who were the scaredest over first. She gestured for Hanwoo next because he would make Minseok a little less antsy. She gestured for the tall red headed boy who she hadn't heard the name of. Then the shorter of the remaining boys, Yeongsu. When it came to Taehyun's turn she waved her hand for him to come over. As he took a step forward, her eyes widened at him. No.. not at him, behind him.

"Run!" She ordered. Disregarding silence, the group took off running. One of the creatures had appeared in front of them further up the alley and was approaching them. "Shit!" she stopped in her tracks. "Shit!" Her sudden stop caused a few of the boys to run into her. She almost fell from the force but Yeongsu caught her by the arm and held her steady. He hadn't been one of the boys who had run into her, but thankfully he still caught her. "Thank you." She thanked him as he gently released her arm.

"They're behind us as well as in front of us, how thoughtful of them.." Yeongsu half joked to himself.

She couldn't help but scoff, "How can someone even make jokes at a time like this?" She wondered as she examined the situation.

The group was completely surrounded now, between two large buildings with infected in front and behind them. Each person readied a weapon as the creatures got closer. Everyone turned their backs to the closest building. Turning around she examined the building hoping for an entryway of any sorts. Just as her eyes turned to a window a little higher up it suddenly flew open and a pretty girl stuck her head out the window.

"Here, this way." She called down to the group. Everyone briefly turned to look at the new voice, relief flooded over their faces before they turned back to the approaching danger.

"Kittichai can you lift Yeongsu up to the window?" The foreigner asked. He nodded, knowing that he appeared to be the strongest of the boys and Yeongsu appeared to be one of the lightest boys. They knew the person in the window most likely wouldn't be able to help lift anyone into the window aside from the foreigner, Jiwon and Yeongsu. The brunette hoisted the fireman up while the girl managed to help him the rest of the way up. Yeongsu then replaced her. He easily helped get the rest of the group in through the window, Seojun came up second to last and replaced Yeongsu. Kittichai had to get a running start and ran a few steps up the side of the building. Seojun caught Kittichai by the hands and pulled him up the rest of the way. The group barely had time to breath as their saviour took off.

"Come on, follow me closely." She ran up the stairs going up to the third floor. "This way." She opened a door that led to a room with clothing designs and posters all over the place. The window was broken making a large opening. She ran to the window and jumped over to the next building's rooftop, which was only about a meter away. "The lurkers are quite intelligent, traveling on higher ground is the safest." The girl said as she jogged across the roof. Everyone followed her without questioning it.

She led the group through a few buildings and over a couple of rooftops before reaching a large building. She looked down into the alley from the single story rooftop before she jumped down onto a dumpster and onto the ground quietly. Almost everyone hesitated before following her down to the ground. The foreigner examined the alleyway closely before lowering herself down after the others. The alley was blocked off on both sides, one with a fancy metal fence that was now covered on the outer side by a blanket and the back part of the alley was blocked off by a couple dumpsters and trash cans. The woman leading them took a key card from her pocket and swiped it at the side door. The door clicked and she led them into the building, it led to a separate room with the stairs that led to the upper floors. The other door on the opposite side most likely led to the lobby of the building, which that door was blocked off from the inside being held shut by a chair placed under its handle. The woman led the group up to the nineteenth floor before entering into a hallway. The hallway smelled as if it had been sanitized recently. When the woman reached the end of the hall she opened a door. "Come in."

The group entered the apartment, it was pristine except for a couple of papers pinned to the wall. The woman turned to face everyone, "I'm..."

"Hina?" Minseok stepped out from behind the tall red-headed boy.

"Minseok!" Hina rushed forward and brought him in for a tight hug in which he happily accepted.

"When did you return to Korea? You didn't tell me.." He asked her with surprise laced in his voice.

"I came back from Japan last week." She stated. "I was working at the hospital as a nurse. Why are you in Daegu?"

The next ten minutes went by with everyone explaining the situation back in Busan. As everyone explained, the foreigner roamed around the small apartment. It was basically a one room apartment if the bathroom didn't count. The bed, the kitchen and the living room were all in one room. She approached the window and looked down. The view was nice, it looked over a couple convenience stores and out onto a river.

"So you're saying that this started in Busan?" Hina questioned the head detective.

"Yes, my partner got a paper from a lab and it explains a small amount of what is happening." Seojun dug through his left pocket and then his right. She watched as his eyes went wide in realization as he searched both his pockets again. "I may have lost it in the alley, it basically stated that it was for a war experiment." With those words Hanwoo eyed the foreigner and narrowed his eyes at her, marching up to her he shoved her against the wall harshly.

"You were there, I remember now! You're responsible for this aren't you!?" Hanwoo accused her brashly.

All eyes looked at her suspiciously. She scanned over the group of people, even Jiwon eyed her with suspicion. She locked her eyes on Yeongsu, who surprisingly, was looking at Hanwoo in disbelief.

"She's awfully young to be responsible for all this don't you think? She was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time." He tried to reason with Hanwoo.

"She came out of a basement after another person, and as soon as she left, the place exploded. That is quite a coincidence don't you think?" Hanwoo stated the facts as they were. "Did anyone else notice how she avoids saying her name?"

She rolled her eyes, becoming irritated with the man, "I didn't know I was obligated to tell my name to a bunch of strangers in a foreign country." She said in English, which earned a glare from the pink haired man and confused looks from the other group members. "Listen detective, maybe you should try and remember the full story before you accuse me of anything. What a great detective you are.." she whispered to him.

"What are you talking about?" He growled under his breath in Korean.

"If you were watching me well, you'd have realized I ran out of the building and stopped out front, I made sure to get the address so I could tip it off to the police. Tell me, if I was behind this, why would I take the time to write down the address?" She responded loud enough for everyone to hear. "I'm just a simple student studying in Seoul, but I was visiting Busan to sightsee. I passed the guy on the street and I heard him talking on the phone to someone about doing something so big that even the government wouldn't be able to turn away his brilliance. What he said made me so curious that I decided to follow him secretly. I followed him into the lab and hid amongst some boxes by the entrance. Instead of finding something cool and brilliant, it was rather horrifying. He had piles of bodies in cages along with those creatures from before. I sat silently watching him from behind the boxes, I stayed there for over an hour and a half simply observing. Eventually he left his lab and went to go find something. He left the lab unattended while still making something, which I assume was the chemical that caused the explosion." The foreigner attempted to justify herself. "Before I left I even grabbed some stuff from his lab." Hanwoo looked her up and down suspiciously, still not releasing her from where he held her against the wall. She rolled her eyes again, even more irritated. "Would you kindly release me so I can just show you?" She asked and gestured with her head to her backpack that was laying beside her on the floor. It had fallen from her shoulder when Hanwoo had shoved her. With that he stepped back just enough for her to be able to reach her backpack. Even with evidence she knew that the detective would still be suspicious of her. She'd have to prove her innocence to them if she planned to stay with them as a group, and since her best chances of survival were with them, proving herself was imperative...