Chapter 34: Kim Seojun

Seojun sat at the counter observing the people who were walking in and out of the kitchen. Some came in for food or drinks while others walked through to exit the penthouse; taking notice that the ones who left the apartment more often, ate less than the ones who didn't leave. He was secretly keeping an inventory of the food and drinks that were being taken from the kitchen and had been thinking long and hard about their situation. Watching how the group carelessly took the supplies, he had started considering limiting the food and drinks to a certain amount per person. The detective wasn't sure how the group would take it if he brought it up, he also didn't want to be viewed as a controlling person, since nobody has really taken on the role of a leader.

"Seojun-hyung, are you alright?" Hanwoo asked.

"I was just thinking about something." He responded vaguely.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" He queried as he visibly examined Seojun's face. He must've looked perplexed, because it was evident that whatever he was thinking about was troubling him.

"Well maybe you could help with the issue." He responded as he stood up and gestured for Hanwoo to follow him. He led Hanwoo to their shared room and closed the door. He didn't want someone to overhear the conversation.

"Is it something you don't want taken the wrong way?" Hanwoo questioned.

Seojun gave a silent nod. "We have a limited amount of resources and I've noticed that the people who are less likely to leave the penthouse tend to take the most food and drinks throughout the day. They take it like we have an unlimited amount of supplies, as if they haven't truly come to terms with the fact that our lives have changed and they might never go back to the way they were. Maybe I'm just being too nosey, but I feel that we should start limiting the amount of supplies a person can have per day. What do you think?" He asked.

"Honestly I agree, however I would like to ask Kittichai and Yeongsu for their opinions on this matter as well... even Taehyun, since they contributed the most food when they brought that cargo truck back. Kittichai and Yeongsu have the most influence amongst us, so rightfully they should have the first say on this matter." He explained.

Seojun nodded, Hanwoo made a valid point. "Go find them and bring them here."

Hanwoo nodded as he went to search for the three of them. It didn't take him long to bring the three into the room. Hanwoo shut the door behind them.

"What did you need to talk to us about?" Kittichai was the first to speak.

"Did we do something wrong again?" Taehyun grumbled.

"No you didn't do anything wrong. I need your opinions on something." Seojun stated with a small smile, finding Taehyun's comment slightly amusing.

"Get to the point, I don't like the suspense." Yeongsu said impatiently.

"I'm thinking of limiting the food and drinks to a certain amount per day for each person. I want to know your opinion on this matter." Seojun gave a straight forward response to Yeongsu.

"You want to limit everyone?" Yeongsu questioned. "Shouldn't you discuss this with everyone then?"

"I disagree with that." Kittichai stated to Yeongsu. "If you discuss it with everyone, more people would most likely disagree and start hoarding supplies while they still can. Limiting a food supply isn't something most people will take kindly, however I personally agree that it would be in the best interest of everyone to limit the supplies. They won't last forever and if everyone can take however much they want throughout the day then we will run out of supplies in just a few weeks. Limiting the supplies could last us a month or two at most."

"I agree with what Kitt said, but I think there should be an exception. I think the people who exert more energy throughout the day should get one extra drink, if it's earned of course. Like how Minseok has been working hard to learn parkour so that he can finally have the courage to survive outside when the time comes. I think that is well deserving of an extra drink to assure that he doesn't get dehydrated exerting all that extra energy." Taehyun suggested.

"I think that's a pretty good idea." Seojun stated as he watched Kittichai give Taehyun a pat on the back, the action caused Taehyun to smile widely.

"I also agree. Limiting the supplies may not sit well with the others at first, but it's necessary if they don't want to starve and be forced to go outside sooner rather than later." Yeongsu said.

"Alright, is there anything else you guys have to say on the matter?" Hanwoo questioned from where he resided by the door.

They all shook their heads indicating that they had nothing else to say on the subject.

"Alright then I'll bring this to the rest of the group's attention later tonight, I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could discuss this with your friends and try to convince them before tonight. I know Jiwon respects your decision Kitt, so could you discuss it with him? And Yeongsu, you're close with KZ as of lately, right?" Seojun asked.

"I think so." Yeongsu responded.

"Could you talk to her about this?" He questioned.

"Yeah, she's really smart, so she'll most likely understand." Yeongsu stated.

"Alright, you guys can go." Seojun dismissed them while Hanwoo opened the door for them.

"That went better than I was expecting, we both know that those three have rather strong opinions about things." Hanwoo said after they were out of sight.

"They may have strong opinions about some things, but they make rational decisions based on what's best for everyone. In this situation they're bound to agree because this is the best option to guarantee the safety of everyone; especially since there are still a few people who are still too scared to leave the apartment and just aren't ready, this option buys them a little more time to prepare." Seojun explained.

"I suppose that is true." Hanwoo agreed.

"Hopefully there won't be too many objections to this decision." He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"We'll see." Hanwoo said.


A few hours passed by quickly. Seojun wasn't mentally prepared to bring the decision up yet. He sat on the stairs, his leg bouncing nervously.

"Are you alright?" Hanwoo questioned.

He hadn't even noticed the younger detective's presence until he spoke. "Ah, you startled me. I'm not great at talking in front of a crowd that may get angry with me."

"Do you want me to do it?" He asked.

"No, this was my idea, therefore I would like to be the one responsible for this." Seojun expressed.

"Alright, let me know if you change your mind." Hanwoo patted him on the shoulder.

He found it reassuring that Hanwoo supported his decisions. Having someone who understands his way of thinking is a huge relief in the current situation. Gathering his courage, he stood up and made his way to where everyone was gathered.

"So, I hope you all are doing alright. I have been thinking, and have discussed this with a few of you already. We have decided to limit the amount of food and water you can have in a day. Naturally you can have an extra bottle of water if you're doing more activities during the day, but I know that some of you are still not ready to step out into what our world has become. In order to help you remain safe and to help you be better prepared for the outside, we think limiting resources is the only option to keep you from going out there unprepared." Seojun finished his speech.

"I agree with your decision, but let me ask a question in which anyone who is opposed to the idea should know. How much time does limiting the resources spare us versus if we don't limit them?" KZ was the one to ask.

"Based on the amount of food, people, and the amount of times you all eat a day.... I'd say the food would only last a couple of weeks, while limiting it could last about two months at most." Seojun stated. He could see the worried expressions on everyone's face, aside from the people who already knew about the decision.

"I think I speak for everyone here, we would rather have more time to prepare ourselves than to eat more often. I'd much rather have less food in a day than risk my life out there." Minseok spoke from the middle of the group.

"I agree as well, but is there a way we could buy ourselves more time?" Hina asked as she visibly glanced at Minseok. Seojun knew that Hina and Minseok were friends, he also knew Minseok wasn't ready to go outside yet and may never mentally be ready.

"Well..." he glanced around the group. Only a small select few fit the category. "Maybe we could create a small group of two or three people to go on supply runs to nearby buildings. It could buy us a little time." He suggested, he didn't really think it through.

"Who would be crazy enough to go out there?" Yongrae asked.

"I would." Kittichai stated from where he was casually leaning against the wall.

"So would I." Yeongsu waved.

"I'm willing to help where I can." Taehyun also chipped in. He was standing next to Kittichai, he saw Kittichai shake his head at Taehyun as he whispered something to him. He assumed that the youngest didn't think Taehyun was ready to go outside and do supply runs yet. Seojun didn't disagree with him either. Taehyun was mentally prepared, but not physically ready to be able to go outside the penthouse yet.

"Eventually I expect all of you to be able to handle yourselves, I don't want to have to be responsible for all of your lives. You are responsible for your own life, we can help prepare you, but once we are out there you'll need to be able to rely on yourselves to survive. If something were to happen to me or Hanwoo, I'd hope you would all be able to find somewhere safe." Seojun expressed which earned a few nods of agreement from the crowd.

"Hopefully even if we can handle ourselves and find a safe place to stay, you and Hanwoo will be there to see it with us." Jiwon stated.

"Yeah, me too." He responded with a slight smile. "If nobody has anything left to say you guys can return to whatever you were doing." He paused before glancing around the room, "Kittichai, Taehyun and Yeongsu, come talk with me and Hanwoo." He said before heading towards the balcony. They followed Seojun outside, closing the door behind them.

"What's up?" Yeongsu questioned.

"Were you guys serious about going out there?" He asked, pointing to the city.

"Yes." Both Kittichai and Yeongsu responded.

"Kitt said that I am not ready." Taehyun sulked.

"I agree, I don't think you are physically prepared to go out there just yet; however I do think we could find some way you could be helpful to them." Seojun stated.

"How so?" Taehyun perked up.

"Well you can scout from the rooftop and radio to them if there is danger." He said. "If you seem to have a natural talent for spotting things, then maybe you'd be cut out to use that sniper you guys found."

"That'd be great." Kittichai agreed as he placed his hand gently on the artist's back. The action seemed to earn a warm smile from Taehyun.

"So I'm trusting you guys to plan accordingly and once you guys set up a plan, run it by me and Hanwoo so we can discuss it. Yeongsu and Kittichai, are you guys alright with being the first two to do supply runs on the ground?" Seojun questioned.

"I have already gone out there, going out another time is no big deal. So yes, I'm perfectly okay with doing supply runs." Kittichai responded.

"Me too, I'm fine with it. I wouldn't feel right letting Kitt go by himself." Yeongsu said as he went to the balcony rail and looked down at the street. "I mean just look at it, would you be okay with letting anyone go out there alone?"

Everyone walked to the railing and looked down at the city streets. It wasn't overly crowded with the infected, but at least thirty were wandering around the streets.

"Have you noticed anything about them?" Taehyun asked as he visibly looked at the sky.

"I have." Kittichai responded.

"What did you guys notice?" Hanwoo queried.

"I have realized that when it's cloudy like it is now, more of the lurkers are active than during the sunny days. As well as more are active during the night than during the day. I would say that the best time to do supply runs is around noon on sunny days." Taehyun explained what he had noticed.

"Maybe they're more nocturnal." Seojun said more to himself than the others.

"I agree with Tae that the best time to do supply runs is midday when it is warm and sunny. I wouldn't say they are more nocturnal, I think they might just like the cooler temperatures." Kittichai stated.

"Why do you think they like cooler temperatures?" Hanwoo questioned as he tilted of his head.

Taehyun seemed to understand what Kittichai was saying as he responded to Hanwoo. "Logically speaking, it's safer to assume that they aren't nocturnal because they are still quite active during the daytime. They all seem to function the same way for the most part, so it'd make more sense that they avoid the heat rather than for them to be nocturnal."

"That makes sense." Hanwoo said as he nodded his head in agreement.

Seojun stood quietly for a moment as he watched the lurkers wander, after some contemplation he spoke. "Clearly you all have a more general idea of how those lurkers work than we do, so I'll leave it up to you three to come up with a plan that works for you guys." Seojun stated. "Come find us once you come up with something." He dismissed himself. As he walked away he gave a slight wave of his hand to say, "see you later"

After the discussions, he returned to his room. He felt proud of himself for being able to discuss the group's priorities without too many issues. Though he couldn't help but feel worried about sending Kittichai and Yeongsu outside on supply runs. Anything could go wrong, but he knew that it would have an important role in the group's future survival; which leads to the next step for the detectives, preparing the rest of the group to be able to join the supply runs. Two people can't be expected to carry enough food for ten people. So he wanted everyone to be capable of carrying their own weight eventually, after all it was just a matter of time before they would have to leave the safety of the penthouse.