What do you think you’re doing?

There were only five pills that had been auctioned to my relief, but the amount that they auctioned for had completely wiped out all my saved points.

By the end of the auction, I only had around a hundred points left…

I had been worried about what would happen if they had spent all my points, but it seemed like I was able to keep a few in the end.

But this was not something that I could forgive that easily!

That prodigal little sister of mine and those disloyal lackeys!

I would get even with them!

After the pills were auctioned off, there was nothing else that was left. Those pills were the climax of the auction, so the host declared the auction over once the pills were sold.

Since the auction was over, there was no need for us to remain here any longer.

When this auction was over, we didn't accomplish the goal that we came here for.