You’re the one seducing my daughter!

I knew that I would just be in the way if I stayed in the city, so I went back to the sect.

But before leaving, I made sure to threaten as many of the people that worked for Lin Li Zi with my special nutcracker.

That included Wang Fu who was following her quite closely.

If anyone wanted to get closer to my little sister, they would have to go through me first!

Only after that did I go back to the sect.

But when I went back to the sect, I learned the real meaning of overprotective…

I thought that I was overprotective of my little sister, but that wasn't the case at all…

When I arrived back at the sect, I found that my courtyard looked like a disaster zone. The building had been completely wiped out and the only thing that was left standing was the area where the Transport Array was.

It seemed that whatever had done this to the building hadn't been able to do anything to the Transport Array.