Fate of the Jin Family

I made it very clear that I was questioning the system, but it seemed like the system wasn't planning on responding.

It even seemed like the system was playing dead with how silent it was until…

"Partner, congratulations on finishing the sudden mission. The reward has been released."

"Partner, what is this?" I said that the moment that I saw the thing that the system had given me.

"Partner, this is a special reward that has been given for your hard work in completing this sudden mission. Please accept it with gratitude."

"Special reward, huh?" There was a trace of disdain in my voice as I said this.

The system didn't respond to this.

Shaking my head, I gave a sigh before deciding to drop this matter.

Even if I wanted to pursue this, this wasn't the time for that.

Right now, there was someone else that I had to take care of.