Wedding gift

From the street vendors, I actually learned a lot about Mu Bao Bao.

It turned out that all of them knew about her identity, but that wasn't the reason that they approached her.

She hadn't even bothered hiding her identity when she snuck out before and it was impossible for her to hide her identity when there were those guards that followed her.

The reason that they fed her in the first place was because they enjoyed watching her eat their food. The way that she always ate their food with a face filled with joy filled them with joy as well.

They just were happy to see her eating so happily.

They didn't even care about the money that the servants from the palace offered them afterwards since they just wanted her to come back and eat their food more.

When I learned this, I couldn't help looking at Mu Bao Bao with a faint smile on my lips.

She had been eating the entire time while the street food vendors had been telling their story.