Excursion 8: Warehouse Siege

They now know where the warehouse is approximately. They've scoped out two other gang members, one is Din who wields the gift Dinner Time, the other is Gar whose gift is unknown. Only the leader knows what it is. So the strategy is divide and conquer.

For the rest of the night, Black Hawk trained Fyky to help him create new methods of fighting with his gifts, teaching him the basics of this unique kind of combat.

"First, you have to understand your gifts, their limits and their abilities. Then you can look for synergies, how can you combine your two gifts in combat, next is preparation, your opponents gift is Dinner Time. The very floor they stand on is shark infested waters. In many cases, the preparation phase isn't as generously timed. You'll have to improvise most of the time," Imparted Black Hawk.

Doc was slated to go after Gar, whose gift was unknown. He wasn't suited to beginner combat. He was responsible for splitting up the bulk of the force. He'd do this using his abilities, allowing them to run past the two guards. That would allow the two guards to battle them respectively, whilst Black Hawk goes straight for the boss.

Suddenly, a knock on the door.

"Hey Black Hawk, Cat here, I'll collect those boys from you!" Said the mysterious man.

"Ahhh King, thanks man, they're in the basement. Oh by the way, let me introduce you to the new recruit, come out Swig!"

"Hi," said Fyky as he popped out from the corner of the kitchen doorway.

"…Hi…" replied Cat, "anyway, I'm going to go now, good luck with their boss. You sure you don't need back up?"

"C'mon, who do you think I am?"

"Alright buddy, see you back at HQ."

"See y'a."

Cat left the house, carrying the three on his shoulders.

"Who was he?" Asked Fyky.

"Well Swigs, he's one of the most powerful hunters around, we call him King Cat," replied Black Hawk.

"Oh yeah, I've had to aid almost every hunter around, but that guy… I don't think I've ever treated him before," added Doc.

"Wow, so he'd beat you in a fight?" Asked Fyky.

"Yeah, easily. Dude's a monster in a man's body."

"So does that make him the strongest?" Asked Fyky.

"Not even close," replied Black Hawk. "In this world, of gifts and power, only three dudes stand at the top. One is Justinian Steele, leader of our group; the second is V-Snyde, the king of the underworld, and the last is a wildcard, flip-flopping between commitments and associations, Terrare. At that level, no one can really compete."

"Will I ever get to meet Steele?" Asked Fyky.

"That day might be closer than you think kid."

An hour passed. It was nine in the evening. Fyky was sent home after developing a few new techniques with Black Hawk and Doc's help. Fyky was sent home to get some rest, and inform his close ones about some changes.

Fyky appears in his apartment on the third floor of Chen's Place Apartments, on Salazar Ave. he unlocked the door to his apartment, and waved a good evening to his roommate, John Lobsky. He went straight to his bedroom where his girlfriend, Alicia Juni was waiting for him on their bed.

She asked him where he's been. He says, "babe, I'm sorry, I've taken on a new career. Right now I can't tell you about it, but I'm going to be gone for days from now on for work. I'm letting you know so you can choose if you remain or not. I won't change my mind about this decision, so what's next is up to you."

"Why'd you pick that job, why? What are you doing?" She asks as tears well up in her eyes.

He says, "I got attacked. An attack I've never experienced before. I tasted the salt of loss, and now I've seen a whole new world of fighting."

She grabs him, then pounds his chest with her hands, "why? Why choose strength over me! Don't you love me?"

"I do, but I've seen a peak I can never reach without this job."

"Then I guess we're through." She says blankly, overwhelmed by the shock.

They sleep together on the same bed for on last night. She was going to pack up all her stuff and leave in the morning.

*** Morning of the next day ***

Fyky makes his way to the house. Standing outside is Doc, in a new white lab coat, three red pens in his coat pocket and a pair of aviators over his eyes, as well as Black Hawk, as he wore a dark blue vest, a strap over his left shoulder, and some rose-tinted sunglasses with military cleats decorating his feet.

"Hey kid!" Greeted Black Hawk, "are you ready for your PE lesson?"

"PE, nah no way, I won't do it!" Replied Fyky.

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice," added Doc.

"Hmmm I think I'm gonna call you Stringbean!" Said Black Hawk, pointing at Fyky.

"… Why…?" Questioned a bewildered Fyky.

"Because, all you do is string."

"But I also have fire Hawk, I ain't as basic as you think."

"Sure Stringbean, I should listen and believe a greenhorn with zero practical experience… I'd rather you just take it."

"C'mon it's embarrassing!"

"Everybody," interjected Doc, "shut up, I've acquired a car—"

"I call shotgun!" Yelled Fyky.

"Shotgun. Hmmmphhfff Bah! What a kid," said Black Hawk as he snickered whilst covering his mouth.

"What's wrong with tha—"

"Anyway, driver is undecided—"

"Ooohh me, me!" Said Black Hawk excitedly.

"Phftt, now who's the kid," replied Fyky.

"I'll be the one driving. Hawk you're shotgun and Stringbean at the back," said Doc.

"Hey, but I wanted shotgun!" He said as he grabbed a hold of Doc's legs and dropped his knees to the ground, "please make me shotgun."

"Sorry. No way. Give up and get in that backseat."


*** That day, 15:45 **

They arrive at the warehouse, face to face with its mouth with barb wired fences.

The three stop just before entering the the warehouse.

"Let's do this boys!" Black Hawk cheered as they prepared to take down the gang.