The Gift Corpus

This chapter is a compendium for all of the gifts displayed so far in the story, a record of the related techniques displayed, as well as the name of the known users.

The Blood-Starved Blade

This gift is currently in the possession of Jasper Long, a.k.a Mad Jasper, a newer member of the Green Gang. This blade has the unique ability to grow in strength with the consumption of blood, whether that be the user's or an enemy's or even from non-living blood sources.

The blade's phases can be broken down into various forms, first it takes the form of a knife, then it grows into a katana, then it grows into a claymore, but no one knows what happens after you fill it past that point. The blade has intermediary stages, represented by the redness of the blad. This redness represents blood that is excess to the blade's current form. This excess can be manipulated by the user as well, allowing them to create unique and powerful techniques. Here are the techniques created by Jasper Long.

Blood Wave: Jasper packs all of the excess blood into the edge of the blade, and swings it, unleashing an expanding wave of densely packed blood whose force and density discipates proportional to its radial distance from the user.