Excursion 10: Soul Mitosis

Black Hawk discovered an office situated at the back of the warehouse. On first glance nothing seemed off, but he detected a good amount of demonic energy emanating from the room, so he wrapped his hand around the door handle and pulled it.

Suddenly, he heard a clicking sound and a makeshift bomb blew up. The door split into three big pieces and sent Black Hawk colliding with a wall across the hall. As smoke filled the corridor bullets began spraying, piercing the smoke.

For five whole seconds the bullets didn't stop. It was like a whole army was firing on Black Hawk, in fact that was the case.

The smoke dispersed and cleared out, revealing five of the same man standing, each one holding two AK-47s. But all five were shocked, because they saw Black Hawk disappear. From behind Black Hawk slashed them injuring them. But it seemed Weaponsmith knew his pattern as two emerged slashing at him with swords relentlessly.

Five seconds pass, and he moves 10 meters away, right up to the wall of the hall outside the room, but four copies of the Weaponsmith attacked him, shooting at him with uzis.

Black Hawk ran away as fast as he could, getting grazed by several bullets. The cuts caused by the grazing weren't too distracting, but he couldn't just keep running away. Black Hawk transported himself once more nearby the uzi shooters and slashed them all a couple of times. Detonating the cuts, he destroyed the men, causing them to explode into a puddle of mush.

Black Hawk realized that this approach wasn't sustainable. Eventually he'd get riddled with bullets; his energy was running out. He needed either a strategy or a chocolate bar, but there was no convenience store in the warehouse.

So he thought to himself, in the split second after slicing down the uzi men, "what next? What can I do?"

From the right corner, two clones supporting two RPGs fired at him, and from a second story window, grenades began spilling out. Black Hawk rolled towards the window, but the missiles shot by the RPGs were heat sweking, so they adjusted their path. Black Hawk then sliced the missiles in half, and they proceeded to blow up the walls behind him.

He then thought, how could he produce such a big army? He must be incredibly hungry. What's the maximum number of clones he can make? And, is there a limit to his weaponry?

Realizing the severity, Black Hawk decided to pull out all the stops. He wondered, "what the secret is, why his clones are so well coordinated. It must be because a central body can utilize the senses of their clones. But how can he get clones all the way up there, and how can he supply them all with weapons?"

He realized that the real Weaponsmith must be under the floor, because that's the safest place he could be. From his exploration of the second floor, he didn't see any hatches or anything to go underneath the floor, so there must be a network of passageways to above the ground. But how is he producing clones? How are they moving all over the place?

With this fact in mind, he thought it could've been through vision, however if that were the case, how did he make clones from around the corner? There were too many variables for Black Hawk to make a good theory. One thing was for certain, he had to find the real body.

Black Hawk had been running around for three to five minutes, and still unable to find the real body of the Weaponsmith. He had been hurling grenades and missiles at Black Hawk. Three to four men would occasionally run up to him with katanas, ready to slash him apart. He kept dodging, and moving around.

He stopped at another office on the other side of the building. He noticed a much fainter demonic energy signature. It was underneath the floor of the office, so he assumed that there's a secret hatch or something that led under the floor. He tapped the wall once, and all of a sudden, three men with two scimitars begin slashing at him. Then as he's backing away, two men with magnum pistols appear behind him and start shooting.

Black Hawk used the two as meat shields, intercepting the slashing with their bodies, then disappearing behind the swordsman, but before he could slash them, three other men appeared from behind him, grabbing him.

From either side of the restrained Black Hawk, two men suddenly appeared with claws on their hands. They were about to stab him straight through his guts, but five seconds had just passed. And in that instance, Black Hawk froze all of his opponents in place. Moved straight to the wall, and kept knowing on it in different places as fast as he could. He was looking for a hollow knock, and in that split second, he happened to find it.

All things resumed, and the 10 men in the office pursued him, but they were too late. He had slashed the walls.

He sliced apart the clones as well, and he descended into an underground basement system. The demonic energy signature was stronger, but still faint. It seemed that Weaponsmith was deeper underground.

Black Hawk then realized that he was now at a disadvantage, because the basement was comprised of narrow and snaking passageways which were optimal for his armed clones to fight in.

As Black Hawk predicted, three clones appeared from around the corner of the basement, holding lead pipes and three more emerged from either side of Black Hawk pointing glocks to his head. All Black Hawk could do was sigh. He had to do it all over again.

* On the first floor of the warehouse *

Doc and Fyky were talking to eachother as they had just finished off their respective foes. They head to the second floor where Black Hawk headed, but all they saw were dead bodies which all looked like the same person.

Fyky asked "I didn't know there was a gift which made clones." Doc explained, "it's an interesting gift Stringbean, it's a gift which splits your soul into perfectly even pieces, of course each soul fragment gets smaller every time you split it. That's what we know about the gift so far, and if that's what Black Hawk is up against, I guess it's a perfect match up."

… To be continued.