Excursion 14: Welcome to the Force

*Arriving at HQ*

Robert Fyky was scouted by Black Hawk. After taking down the Green Gang in his hometown, they flew to an unmarked location, an island just off the European coast. Black Hawk, Doc and Fyky entered the underground facility. It was a large grey chamber lit up by fluorescents. It was odorless with tasteless air, remarkably clean, and every desk was stainless steal. Black Hawk and Doc sauntered in, waving their hands and issuing greetings at everyone they passed by.

King Cat appeared again. He was walking alongside a woman, five foot seven, she gave off an unapproachable atmosphere. He and struck a conversation, "so you think your initiate's ready?"

"Hmm he did win his first fight, maybe he is," said Black Hawk.

"Well in that case, are you ready to start then?" Asked King Cat.

"Yeah, we'll go talk to him now," said Black Hawk.

"Great I'll go with you."

The girl stayed behind. Fyky wanting to know what's going on struck conversation with her, "hey, I'm Stringbean."

"Hi, I'm Cage," she replied with no excitement in her voice.

"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?"

"Oh, they must not have told you, well right now, you're not an agent yet, you don't have the right to go on to the field, even with an accompanying Hunter, so they do this thing called a Selection Game, so decide who gets field rights," she explained.

"So then, are you also going to join in?"

"No, I already passed, you on the other hand will have to participate very soon."


"Well the Selection Games are initiated through unanimous decision, and we'll, this round, Doc and Black Hawk are the only two who've abstained."

"Wait, but what happens to the new initiates, after that period?"

"Well there aren't any, the only people who can add people to the initiate's list are people who've abstained from voting, and now that the decision is unanimous, I guess it's time."

"Hmm, thanks a lot Cage!"

"Are you ready?" Cage asked.

"I don't know if I am to be honest, I might be lacking, I've only just gotten my gifts."

"Well… why don't you try a couple of sparring matches with the other initiates, get a sense of their powers?"

"Hmmm that actually sounds good."

"Alright, let me show you around."

And the two headed off to meet the other initiates.

*Conference Room One*

Black Hawk, Doc and King Cat are sitting across from eachother in a small circular table. The room was different from the main office, it had a distinct lemongrass smell and it's walls had a wood grain texture, it was very welcoming.

"So, why'd you make him an initiate?" King Cat asked.

"Well it wasn't really me who gave him the gifts…" said Black Hawk.

"He lost his hand, I gave him the gifts cause I liked his spunk, and I thought it would save him," said Doc.

"That's a shocker, you taking an interest in people, bah!" Said King Cat.

"Well hey, I thought the kid was interesting after he handled his first fight. He has the makings of a great hunter," said Black Hawk.

"We'll see, my candidate's real interesting too," said King Cat.

"Hmm I've never seen him fight, I think your overblowing him," said Black Hawk.

"Yeah, why not we make a little bet?" Said King Cat.

"Don't do it Hawk, remember last time you pulled this stunt?" Said Doc.

"Don't worry, I think a month's be enough time to whip Stringbean into shape," said Black Hawk.

"Care to back that faith with five months of salary?" Asked King Cat.

"You're on!" Said Black Hawk.

Doc sighed as he signed a form and submitted it.

"Hello new recruits, you're all here with personal recognition from one of our agents. If that's all you thought it took, you're wrong! Welcome to the Selection Games!" A voice said loudly and excitedly over the intercom. It reverberated across the whole HQ. "Train up initiates, the games begin in two months!"

In a corner of a beige room, full of excercise equipment, well-built man, six foot two, was standing in the corner with his arms crossed, wearing a black tank top and grey jogging pants. He had a stop sign strapped across his back. He was talking to another man, wearing a white button-up, long-sleeved shit, with two buttons undone at the top. He was five foot ten, with a silver chain around his neck. The man in white said, "so the games begin eh? Finally!"

The tank-topped man replied, "I can't wait."

In another room, with a pool table and arcade games, a woman with really long hair was sitting on a couch, wearing a knee-length, red skirt and a T-shirt of the band Sharkbait, with torn shoulder sleeves, as another man, with spiky hair, wearing a black leather jacket and jeans, with two piercings on each of his ears, is standing, hunched over a Pac-Man game.

"Hey baby, you heard that? I'd be really impressed if you won." The woman said.

"Nah I'd rather not, it's too much work."

"Oh come on… I'll let you do that thing you like if you get in top five…"

Suddenly he stopped moving his hands, ending the game a few hundred points away from the death screen. He had a fire in his eyes, and he yelled, "let's do this!" As he pumped his fist in the air.

Cage and Fyky make their way to the gym. The same room where the man in the white shirt and the tank-top man were hanging out.

"So this is the gym— oh here are some other initiates, hey boneheads, come here!" The two men yelled "Cage!" And made their way to greet the two.

"This is Stringbean, Stringbean this is Tortoise, and Breadman."

Fyky broke into laughter, "your name's Turtle that's so dumb," he laughed as he pointed at the Tank-top man.

"Hey, stop laughing, just because his name's dumb, you don't know him well enough to do that." Said the man in the white shirt.

The Tank-top man broke out in anger, "oi you punk, don't laugh at it too."

The three continued to laugh and converse. Cage thought to herself, "they're going to need to work together from now on."

… To be continued.