Exursion 16: Bungee Strands

On a mission to Berlin, on the hunt for the head of the Schatten des Todes, an underground firm dedicated to high profile assassinations, a gift collector of the Union called Sioux met a little boy, he was emaciated and concerningy thin, but he was talented in basic assassination skills. Sioux thought he would be a great asset to the Union as a bodyguard for hire. Sioux then smuggled the boy to the US where he was a part of the regular security detail for the Annual Union Conference.

A particular conference one year ago was subject to a mission for the hunter Siegfried, who saw a potential in the boy for major good, a powerful asset to the org.

He took the boy and gave him a new home for three to four months, and when his new training was done, Siegfried brought him to org HQ, where he adopted the monicker Bungee, thanks to his gift, nine months ago.

It was then Siegfried placed his vote to begin the Selection Games, leaving only twenty others to declare their approval.

Bungee met a girl, codenamed Strandly brought in by another agent, Racer. The two hit it off immediately, hanging out in the recreation room together almost everyday.

Today, they were hanging out as usual, Bungee playing Pac-Man and Strandly eating on the couch watching him play. They heard the announcement, realizing their days as initiates were over with the start of the Selection Games.

*In the Training Room*

Cage stood next to two wooden puppets, additionally Strandly and Bungee were in the room as well, standing alongside Fyky, Tortoise and Breadman.

"Now, for our newbie, Stringbean, this dummy is a puppet hand-crafted by Ant, a member of the equipment team. It has been imbued with the combat style of every agent. Today, you guys are going to be fighting the dolls, Strandly, Bungee you'll be fighting this one. I've set up the dummy so that it uses the style of possibly the strongest fighter in the org, King Cat. Strandly, Bungee you'll be doing the same. Your goal for the week, is to land at least ten hits on the puppet in a match, you can use your gifts as well, but the point is earned only if you land a clean body or head shot." Cage explained.

Fyky walked over to Bungee and Strandly, hoping to introduce himself. Tortoise and Breadman were holding back their giggles as he walked over.

"Hello, I'm—"

"Shut it, newbie, I don't talk to beginners," said Bungee.

Tortoise and Breadman began laughing.

"What's so funny cavemen? You lost another fight?"

Tortoise and Breadman stop laughing, Breadman goes so far as to pull up his sleeves, "hey, why don't you win a fight first before you talk to me," Tortoise clapped back.

"What about all those other times we fought?"

"Well that wasn't fair and square—"

"Yeah we'll fighting's not always fair and square, especially in this world. Plus, even if it was fair, no prep work, only an arena and me and you, I'd still win."

"Bring it on pipsqueak! First to land ten hits, ten dollars deal?"

"Make it a thousand and I like that action."

Cage interrupted them, "I anticipated this," getting between the two, "the terms are accepted, one thousand to the winner. Deadline one week, deal? Sign here."

The two signed and they split up into two different rooms.

Fyky asks, "what's so special about King Cat's fighting style?"

Breadman replies, "go ahead and hit it, you'll find out."

Fyky walks up slowly to the dummy, and he throws a hook as fast as he can. The dummy dodged it, leaning backwards, then at the nadir of its motion, it uses both its arms to grab Fyky's arm and drops him into the ground, putting him in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Armlock.

Fyky thought to himself, was I slow? What kind of flexibility is that? He tapped out and the match was over.

"What was that?" Asked Fyky.

Breadman broke out into explanation, "That's the Cat's keen sense, he loves fighting more than anyone here, even his gift reflects that. He can read the opponents better than an academic reads books. Even without gifts, his sense allows him to fight even Black Hawk and Doc on even footing. No one can deny his power."

"He's right man, for two months straight, he had me and Breadman try to hit him, and over that three months, not even using his gifts, we only ever hit him once."

"So, have to have a match with ten hits in? Who can do that feat among us?" Asked Fyky.

"Well, we haven't met him yet, but he's the most powerful initiate here, guaranteed to be first in the Selection Game," said Breadman.

"They call him Decklan, he scored thirty points in one match against the dummy, he's the one you gotta look out for." Tortoise said with fear spread accross his face.

"He must've done you good Tortoise for you to be scared hahaha," said Fyky in a teasing way.

"Oh you should've seen that fight, it was incredible, Decklan only used one of his gifts, and he nearly destroyed Tortoise's arm," said Breadman, "he didn't even use his combat gift, just a bell, and then all of a sudden Tortoise can't skate."

"Wow, there are some monsters over here," said Fyky.

"Yeah, and I'm ready to pummel them all!" Said Tortoise, the fear changed to determination, he was ready to destroy that dummy.

Breadman put his hand in the middle of the trio and loudly declared, "operation Dummy Takedown is a go!"

The two put their hands on top of his and said, loudly, "let's do this!"

* In Training Room 2 *

Bungee begins setting up the field for their first strategy, and Strandly is combing her hair, preparing for battle, attempting to undo any knots that formed, as it would greatly hamper her combat abilities. Suddenly, all around the dummy is a cage of nine bungee cord bars, connecting the floor tile to the ceiling. Then there are four bungee cords connecting to opposite wall tiles together. It seems their strategy is very simple.

* Outside HQ *

A man is pointing a revolver at another man, leaning against the wall. He wore a green, graphic t-shirt with a hangman game printed on it with white lines. The man pointing the revolver seems to actually be a doll upon closer inspection. To the left and right of the man, is a line of ten other men, all pointing revolvers at the leaning man. "Surrender now filth, initiate 26, code name Ludo" said the doll.

"Let's see if I can take you on now," said Ludo.

… To be continued.