Chapter 18: Getting on nerves

" please...", She pleaded with tears in her eyes and opened them back to life. Her eyes opened slowly to the bright room, so bright for her eyes that she groaned and stood up.

She tried to adjust her eyes to the light, looked around the room, and wiped her tears off.

" I had a dream", she said to herself, " but now I'm back", she said sadly. She sniffled and got down from the bed, her body felt healthy and strong, she looked at where she just stood, it was so soft, big, and comfortable. She had not slept on such a bed for years and she didn't feel aches or pain in any part of her body like she also feels, except that she was feeling so hungry.

She took a look at herself and saw that her clothes were changed also.

" Did he...take my dress off?", She asked and walked out of the room in a flip-flop. She went out to the hallway where she walked by some maids who bowed at the sight of her and she momentarily and subconsciously bowed back.

She could hear them whispering and gossiping but she was used to being around maid so she wasn't surprised if that happened everywhere but she started getting worried when she saw them looking and pointing at her.

They were definitely gossiping about her, the weird looks they gave her, and the way they looked at her, she hurriedly tried to locate a mirror which she soon found.

She checked herself, checked her face very well but didn't find anything unusual except her messy brown hair which did not look so messy. She smoothened her hair with her palm and sighed,

" why are they all looking at me then, there's nothing on my face".

She walked away from the mirror and began to look around, but there was nobody familiar, no Sharon, no ..., She suddenly paused.

"What is his name?", She asked as it dawned on her that she didn't remember his name. She tried to remember when he was introducing himself, " Charles...yes, it's Charles, but Charles what?", She was still thinking deeply when she bumped into an elder-looking woman who bowed at the sight of her smiling and she quickly bowed back.

" Good morning Mrs. Percy",

" huh..good morning, Clarisse, please just call me Clarisse",

" very well Miss Clarisse ", she replied smiling, " I'm Bree and I'll be attending to your needs till Mr. Charles is back ",

" thank you so much ", she thanked her bowing and Bree bowed back, " I can't find my clothes anywhere, do you perhaps know where they are?",

" worry not ma'am ", Bree said maintaining her smile and clapped her hands twice, within two minutes, some maids pushed the closet iron forward, each of the rings was of a different dress looking so beautiful and expensive, " pick your choice, ma'am ",

" umm, I think you're mistaken ma'am ",

" Call me Bree ma'am ",

" Okay, but these are not my clothes ",

" is there anyone you don't like here, ma'am?",

" no, but, these are not my clothes ".

Bree and the rest of the maids there looked at one another and back at the naive-looking lady who was looking so innocent and confused. How will they convince her to take one of the dresses?


" What are you going to do about the people in the environment? Do you think they'll accept?",

" We think they are going to accept cause...",


The presenter became nervous but he maintained his cool as he tried not to lock eyes with Christian Charles, the man whose presence commands attention. He exudes an air of confidence and charm, his chiseled features rival the gods, his gaze is piercing, and grey, and holds the power to captivate any room he enters.

Christian is clad in impeccably tailored suits that speak volumes of his refined taste and opulent lifestyle, his stature, is tall and imposing, even while sitting he's an epitome of sophistication and success, his composure further accentuates his aura of authority that speaks volumes and leave no doubt that he is a supreme in the realm of business.

" They will accept, the building we're constructing will also be beneficial to them and we're going to leave a discount to the residents of that environment. Also, we're providing some things that the community lacks and also enhancing the security of the community".

" What if they reject the offer?", Another business tycoon in the room said.

" I'm in", Christian said before the presenter could respond to Kyle's question, he flipped through the documents and began signing. The presenter and the director looked so happy but tried to conceal their joy and they watched Christian sign the contracts.

" You seem so sure of this project already like it's yours", Kyle said irritatedly

"It's becoming ours the moment we signed", Christian said and looked up, " and there's no way the community will reject something that'll make their community developed more, power source, relaxation areas for the elders, sports centers, security, and residents benefits, as long as it's not going to affect their farms and markets, there's no way they'll reject", he said and stood up before Kyle could say anything.

He shook hands with the CEO as they sealed the agreement while Kyle sat there boiling and glaring at Christian.

" Congratulations on your marriage", Kyle said as soon as they got out of the room and were alone,

" thank you", he replied without sparing him a glance,

" wasn't expecting you to show up for business when your marriage was just yesterday, ain't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?",

" I didn't know you were so interested in my personal life",

" Not really, there's nothing interesting about it anyways",

" so mind your business", he said as he kept walking towards the exit.

Kyle felt like punching him but he tried to control himself, " Rude as always, I wonder how your wife is going to cope at such a cold husband",he said but Christian ignored him, " is it that she's not beautiful enough for you to stay over for your wedding night?",

" Far beautiful than your fiance ",

" ohh, are you admitting my fiance is beautiful?", He said and laughed, " did you have eyes on her?", He asked but yet again Christian did not replied, " I can understand though, and I pity your wife who must have felt so sad, frustrated and lonely that her husband left the bed to attend to business on their honeymoon, tsk tsk tsk", he shook his head walking away smiling as he noticed his facial expression changed.