Chapter 24: No trust, No betrayal

Clarisse strangely felt her heart melt, heavy at the same time, she smiled with teary eyes as she stared at herself in the mirror. She looked so beautiful in the new dress, she didn't even think it would fit her like this nor did she imagine she'd ever end up wearing a new dress, it wasn't oversized, it wasn't dirty nor shabby, it was beautiful, well fitted that she couldn't help but like and admire it.

There was a time she desperately wished for one, a time she thought she'd be a Cinderella that a prince would come for, wishing for a new dress, a shoe for her soar feet but those hopes vanished, those wishes became an unreachable imagination but here they are again, it felt so different this time, so unreal that she doesn't trust anything, not even the moment she put it on.

' What pain would come if I await the inevitable, what heartache would come if I await the inevitable harsh words, there's no betrayal if there's no trust, there's no disappointment if there are no expectations', she said in her mind but at the same time, she's scared, she's scared she'll get swayed, scared she'll love the moment, but she made up her mind, even if it'll end in the usual, I'll appreciate the moment.

She said in her mind rubbing the beautiful dress on her body.


Bree. B knocked gently on the door, she knew Christian would be busy in the study room but she couldn't wait to tell him what she wanted.

" Come in", his deep vibrant voice permitted and she strode in.

She bowed slightly in front of him,

" What's it?",

" I came regarding what I discussed with you sir, about my leave",

" Ho", he sat back, " that's right, when are you leaving?",

" Tomorrow sir",

" And about the new person?",

" He's ready sir", she said and reckoned the new man in. He seems to be in his middle fifties, he also bowed before him while Christian smiled.

" Are you stalking me old man?", he asked and scoffed while Bree. B gave the man a questioning and confused look.

She gave him a ' Do you know each other ' look while the man just smiled.

" I dare not stalk you, sir, it's just a coincidence",

" A coincidence that the man who raised me almost like an uncle is here as my chief maid?",

" It must be fate sir".

Christian eyed him, " you're rejected ",

" Thank you sir", the old man said smiling and bowing while Christian scoffed,

" Why are you thanking me ",

" Because I'm grateful that you accept me",

" What?! I said you're rejected ",

" Thank you, sir",

"Don't provoke me old man", he said but once again the man bowed and thanked him, he kept doing that till he left.

Christian scoffed disbelievingly, "Do you know him before requiting him?", he directed at Bree. B,

" No, no sir, I was likewise surprised that you two know each other, but I believe this will make things easier since he's familiar with you ".

Christian sighed like he had no choice, he couldn't order Bree. B to get a new temporary chief cause she had to go see her daughter that just given birth, and her son was also getting married.

He dismissed her sighing frustratedly, he knows the old man so well and he is always a pain in the neck, Mr. Clinton is like an uncle he grew up with and the one who can tame him.

Bree. B was leaving when she received a credit alert of a huge amount of money, her eyes besting up in tears as she covered her mouth, amused and grateful, she went back to thank him but he wouldn't open the door, knowing Christian very well, she texted him appreciating the kind gesture.

" I should also do something to show my gratitude", she said to herself and dialed Blue's number,

" Hi, Mrs Bree. B",

" Hi Blue, I want you to come to Mr. Christian's mansion, you and Sandra",

" For real? Mrs Bree. B?", she shouted out of excitement,

" I want you two to come work for Mr Christian's wife and make sure you attend to all her needs, will you be able to do that?",

" Yes, for sure, hundred percent",

" Alright then, meet me right away", she said and hung up, she sighed smiling, the money was a lot and she was already thinking of all to buy for her newborn grandchild and gift to her daughter-in-law.


Alice was grinning as she checked through her pages, her followers have increased a lot and since her last TikTok challenge video, she has been getting lots of attention on social media and DMs.

She was unfollowing some account when someone came in, she turned to yell at whom it was but restrained herself when she saw her mother and continued what she was doing,

" Hey Alice, how's my baby doing?", Patricia asked smiling and she approached her,

" Fine", she replied coldly,

" And what are you doing that you're so engrossed in?", she asked as she sat on her bed,

" Something", and once again she replied coldly,

" I have some good news baby",

" What's it?",

" Sharon called me",

" Who's Sharon?",

" Christian's mother".

Alice jumped up tossing the bed to the side,

" She called you?",

" Yes",

" Why? Did something happen? I knew it", she scoffed and flipped her hair backward, " who would be satisfied with that kind of dirty girl, I knew they'd come for me, so soon, they're so impatient", she chuckled.

" I believe so too, they invited us to dinner",

" Dinner?", Alice blushed trying to conceal her joy,

" Yes my baby, so I want you to put in your best dress, apply makeup, and look so breathtaking that they won't be able to turn their head",

" Trust me, mum, you don't have to worry about that, my beauty alone is enough to get them hooked so, relax your mind", she assured Patricia grinning,

" I trust my daughter", Patricia winked causing Alice to blush, " if you need anything, don't hesitate to tell me",

" Yes I need, a new dress, I wouldn't like to wear one of my old clothes to see my husband-to-be",

" But you went shopping yesterday ",

" That's for my tik tok challenge ",

" Ho, no problem then, anything for you ",

" Thanks, Mum. Muah.", she blew her a kiss while Patricia danced happily away,

" I'm going to show that Moraine, and shut her mouth for good ", Patricia said and she closed the door behind her.

Alice sat on her bed with her legs crossed, blushing and chuckling.

" No one takes what belongs to Alice, now let's go get what belongs to me", she said to herself confidently.