Chapter 25 Can I Have A Lollipop?

Lucian opened the car door for Eden gentlemanly.

Eden got into the car after she thanked Lucian. 

Lucian turned on the ignition and waited for Victor to get in the car.

Victor looked like he was furious. His voice was loud when he talked to the person on the other end of the line. 

After a while, he ended the call angrily, yanked the door, and got into the car.

His handsome face revealed his slight uneasiness when he suddenly saw Eden. He was a little embarrassed when he shifted his gaze away and sat down beside Eden.  

Lucian said nothing and started to drive.

Eden felt a little tense when Victor sat down beside her.  

It was rumored that Mr. Alwynn disliked women very much.

There were even rumors claimed that Mr. Alwynn might have a different sexual orientation.

It was very likely that he liked men.

Eden often heard the branch office’s employees gossiping about Victor.