Chapter 29 He Was Loyal and He Did Everything He Could While Waiting for Her Return.

Victor looked at Delmont and sneered. "Delmont, it’s my choice to be here. As for the marriage, you should know the person I want to marry is the other daughter of the Clement family. I believe that she will definitely come back."

Haven’s expression suddenly became ghastly upon hearing that. 

How could he say such cruel words?

She had been in love with him for so many years, but he wanted to marry a person who would never come back to him. 

A hint of pain flashed past Delmont’s eyes when he heard Victor’s words.

Eden would have returned a long time ago if she could.

But Delmont did not want to mention anything about his younger sister. He was also aware of Victor's stubbornness.

He looked at Haven and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Haven, let's leave."

Victor rejected Haven in front of so many people. She must be very upset.

Haven did not want to stay any longer. She maintained a gentle smile and smiled softly at Victor. “Victor, I’ll leave now.”