Chapter 46 Is It Inconvenient to Tell?

Victor smiled and pursed his lips. He lowered his eyes and watched her stir the porridge in the bowl. He cleared his voice and said, "Miss Bleu does not have questions, but I have. May I ask where Miss Bleu's hometown is?"

Eden gave him a strange look, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Why does Mr. Alwynn want to know this?"

Jasper used his connections to erase her address and surname so that the Gienger family would not be able to find her. 

Victor and the Gienger family knew each other. 

Victor looked at her casually. He stared at her facial expressions closely with his deep and stunning eyes. 

His gaze which seemed to be able to see through everything, made Eden want to escape. 

She glanced out of the window, avoiding Victor's gaze. 

But even so, she could still distinctly sense that Victor's eyes were still fixed on her face. Her face turned hot. 

"Is it inconvenient to tell?" Victor did not intend to let her go when she did not answer.