Chapter 63 They Would Meet Again Tomorrow

The business in the porridge stall was as good as usual.

There were more people at the weekends. Most of them brought their children to eat. It was busier than usual.

Victor took out his mobile phone and unlocked the screen. He scanned the QR code and was ready to order.

He looked at Henrick and asked gently, "Ricky, what do you want to eat? I'll order for you."

Henrick was slightly stunned. He took a look at the mobile phone and said with a smile, "Thank you, uncle. I would like to order takeaway so that I can go back and eat with my mom."

Victor smiled slightly. There was a meaningful hint in his deep eyes. He continued, "Your mother has got your father's company. However, I am alone. Can you accompany me to eat?" He was testing the water.

He wanted to know if Ricky had a father.

Henrick's face suddenly changed and his tone became cold when he heard the word "father". "I'm sorry, uncle. I'd better go home and eat with mom. Thank you. Goodbye!"