Chapter 70 The Perfect Goddess in Men\'s Hearts

"Yeah! He turned six this year. He will be studying at primary school soon. Therefore, I want to buy a house nearby."

Victor's body became tense suddenly, and was nervous for no reason.

Victor who was influential in River City, did not expect that he would tremble because of a few simple words.

He looked embarrassed the moment his dream came true.

He would regret for the rest of his life if he missed out the opportunity.

"Where is your husband? Why did you come and look for a house on your own? It's a big deal to buy a house." Although he knew that she didn't have a husband, he still wanted to test the water.

Anson was certain of that.

The smile on Eden's face suddenly froze, and her heart ached for no reason. She didn't know how to answer the question because she did not have a husband.

She was pregnant before marriage. In other people's eyes, she was a woman abandoned by men and a widow with three children.