Chapter 90 Is There Anything I Can Do For Aunt Clement?

Eden looked at him quietly and did not speak. She felt that she did not work hard enough as a mother. Ricky suffered so much because he wanted to earn more money to help her ease her burden.

Henrick smiled with his pink lips slightly raised. He gently stroked his mother's forehead and said with a smile, "Mom, believe me, I can handle it. At the same time, I won't delay my studies."

Eden took a deep breath and smiled, her heart ached for Ricky.

She said, "Ricky, since you've promised me, you can sign the contract!"

When Eden finally agreed, Abigail heaved a sigh of relief. Victor did the same too in his heart.

Victor's mouth curled into a charming smile.

Victor was very excited in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He was an experienced businessman who was able to control his facial expression. He was able to control other party's emotions too.

He looked at Abigail and said with a polite smile, "Miss Joye, let's sign the contract then!"