Chapter 100 Still Worried

Myra quickly furrowed and pouted. After thinking for a moment, she mocked, "Mom, even if it's really her, what can she do? She's just a pug without parents. Alright, Mom, I'll take you home first."

Myra helped Bethany to the roadside to take a taxi.

However, Bethany was a little worried.

She had to get someone to investigate this Eden. She wanted to find out who she was.

On the way back, Victor couldn't help slowing down and deliberately walked with Eden shoulder to shoulder.

He glanced at the pure and adorable Eden. There was a faint smile at the corners of his lips. It was as charming as the cherry blossoms in March.

She seemed to be in a good mood!

What just happened was really cool.

Even he had never seen Bethany in such a panic with a pale face.

Bethany was a strong woman. For the sake of benefits, she could do anything.

As her adopted daughter, Cyan must have suffered a lot.

The three of them chatted casually and soon returned to the company.