Chapter 105 Ricky Is Your Son

Victor had a sudden feeling of being out of love. He felt empty inside and it made his whole body feel sick all over.

He took a deep breath and lowered his head. The temperature of the surrounding area seemed to drop. It was more like something inside him was about to burst out of its cocoon and shrank back in frustration.

The streets were crowded with people and cars. Car lights and neon lights brightened the night.

Victor was completely immersed in his own world. Everything around him had nothing to do with him.

That pair of unfathomable eyes was a bit chilling.

His sexy thin lips, which were slightly pursed, revealed a superior indifference and nobleness.

All of a sudden, Victor's cell phone rang. The harsh ringing of the phone saved him from disappointment.

"What's up!" The deep and cold voice was extremely magnetic.

"Victor, good news! You're going to be thrilled..."

"Get to the point!" Victor, who was in a bad mood, roared.